Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

America’s Unrepentant Rebellion Against God

March 24, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

March 24, 2024

If I announce that a certain nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed,but then that nation renounces its evil ways, I will not destroy it as I had planned. And if I announce that I will plant and build up a certain nation or kingdom, but then that nation turns to evil and refuses to obey me, I will not bless it as I said I would (Jeremiah 18:7-10; NLT). 

Books by Gauss | Author-Direct Books

What is America’s past, what is it experiencing now and where is it headed?  We all need to reflect on those scenarios.  Most Americans are oblivious to all three templates for our nation. Yet, millions still clamor for more of the same—the same morality, leadership and spiritual darkness that has led us into our current abyss.

Many, including millions of Christians, believe the next election will dramatically change the nation for the better, or worse, depending on one’s political perspective. However, let me present another perspective.  God’s point of view.

America will never, I mean NEVER, redeem its former glory, no matter who is in leadership, unless one very important, but ever more unlikely scenario occurs.  God cannot and will not continue to bless America—or protect her—until we as a nation (and the Church) REPENT.  Repent of what?  As a pastor retorted to me not long ago: We don’t need to repent, we’ve been forgiven. Apparently, he had forgotten Jesus’ call for repentance of five of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation, or how Christians are called to live a “life of repentance.”

Available on Amazon in print or Barnes & Noble or Kobo as an eBook.

Christians, as a whole, and the Church in America, in particular, are laden with sin, unrepentant sin.  I point that out in the early chapters of the book above.  Even though all sin is an afront to God, I believe one sin is especially a stench in the nostrils of the Almighty. He, like many of us, has witnessed with great pain, the horrific assault on His human creation—the unborn and the very young.  Following is a short excerpt from the Revelation 18 book that highlights (rather lowlights) our nation’s most heinous crime against God and all humanity—the murder of our progeny, God’s gracious gift to us.

The following is an excerpt from the above book:

Abortion is a form of child sacrifice, and as such, is detestable to the Living God. Child sacrifice is a type of witchcraft and idol worship which God cannot and will not tolerate. America started the worldwide acceptance of abortion with the acceptance of the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973 that legalized abortion. America is the world leader in this heinous crime against life and since 1973 an estimated 62-plus million American babies have prematurely lost their lives (as  of this writing). Worldwide, thanks to this initiative introduced by the  United States, over 1.6 billion babies throughout the world have been  aborted since 1980 and over 3.7 million in the first month of 2021.

The Word of God clearly states that “children are a heritage  from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate” (Psalm 127:3-5; author’s emphasis). . . .

In the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers penned, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life . . .” Note that the Declaration uses certain undeniably clear words: self-evident; created; endowed; unalienable. Self-evident means that what was to follow was so obvious that anyone with any intelligence could understand it. When the Founders declared that all men are created equal they understood that this equality started at creation in the womb, not after birth. Otherwise they would have said that all men were born equal.

They understood that it was God, not man; not government that endowed mankind with certain unalienable (non-transferrable; not to be terminated or sold) rights; among the first of those was life. No one has the right to terminate the life of another.

In the Old Testament, God forbid the Israelites to sacrifice their children to Molech (or Moloch), the god of the neighboring Ammonites. The Ammonites routinely sacrificed their children to Molech in an attempt to ward off evil. However, God condemned the  practice and told the Israelites that “. . . you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 18:21). But Israel rejected God’s warning.


Today, just a little over three years after the above statistical publication, we have permitted this murderous crime to snuff out over three million more innocence lives.  The overturning of Roe v. Wade almost two years ago has done little to slow the slaughter of our unborn.  Every life snuffed out had a purpose designed by God. Future great theologians, evangelists, scientists, doctors, inventors, leaders, men and women who could have had the cures for deadly diseases, hunger, and a host of issues that plague mankind.  But, we will never know, because we chose to sacrifice God’s gift on the altar of Baal and Molech, the gods of self-indulgence.

No, God will not bless America again.  Not unless we as a nation and the Church fully, and in heartfelt remorse, repent of this and other grievous crimes against our children.  Yet, the Church, which must lead in this repentance, is mostly silent and unmoved, and in many instances, is supportive.

When ancient Israel refused to obey God and continued to sacrifice their children, God, their God, allowed them to be invaded, overrun and defeated by their enemies.  As the year 2024 rolls along, most Americans are concerned about the economy and how it affects them, or who will win the elections in November.  Far less seem to be concerned about the millions of illegal immigrants being allowed into our nation, which includes thousands of drug smugglers, sex and child traffickers, killer gang members, terrorists from all over the world, along with thousands of malcontents who seek to cause havoc for the American citizen.  In addition, we have the nuclear-capable nations of China, Iran (soon), North Korea and Russia threatening to destroy the United States, along with NATO members and Southeast Asian countries.  Despite all this turmoil and geopolitical uncertainty, we have grossly inept and unprepared leadership at all levels, including our military, which is poorly trained and focused, and ill-equipped to handle an all-out war, let alone on multiple fronts.

One would think that the churches in America would be packed every day with the masses repenting and begging God’s mercy and forgiveness.  Instead, thousands of churches across America are closing due to lack of attendance or leadership. 

America’s War of Independence was started in 1776 over British tyranny and excess taxation without representation.  Today America faces a much greater enemy—our own government and the despotic and evil-minded representatives that are leading the nation into the pits of hell with no remorse whatsoever.  Nevertheless, the majority of the populace is unmoved.

U.S. Abortion Statistics (as of March 23, 2024)

  • Since 1973 an estimated 65,673,536 babies have  succumbed to the horrors of abortion.
  • About 208,774 abortions in 2024 YTD (almost 3 months).
  • Approximately 19,702,062 Black babies aborted in the U.S. since 1973, or 30% of the total.
  • 1.729 + billion innocent lives aborted worldwide since America introduced abortion to the world.

Explore all books by the author here.

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Will America Survive 2024?

January 16, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

January 16, 2024

Available worldwide on Barnes & Noble at this link or on Kobo here.

“Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH!”

David L. Cobb, Evangelist, Southern Baptist Conference


Author’s Note:  It was my intention to write this post toward the end of 2023.  However, life intervened and I procrastinated.  The truth is, I do not relish writing about negative, grim posts about our nation.  I fervently pray that I am way off base in what you are about to read.

Sometime in the fall of 2009, as I was getting ready to retire for the day, I had a strong impression that I was to read chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation in the Bible.  I thought it somewhat strange, since I had not read that book of the Bible in some years (it is not my favorite due to all the challenging symbolism).  And, I could not remember what chapter 18 was about.  This was not brought on by any dream or vision, just a strong impression to read it and read it, NOW!

As I read each verse—and I know there are many Bible theologians that will dispute this—it was if God was whispering in my ear: “This is about America.”

Over the following three+ years I read and re-read that chapter and related verses of the Bible and I could not get away from my first impression.  Finally, early in 2013, I published, with much trepidation, the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of AmericaWhile I did not predict or emphasize that Revelation 18 was specifically about America, I did write that “Mystery Babylon” of that chapter and other chapters in the Book of Revelation represented an evil empire that totally rejected God and fell into complete moral decay.

As 2020 introduced COVID and wanton government control and corruption, America fell even further into the abyss of moral decline as a people and nation.  To update this view, early in 2021, I published Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).  With that as a backdrop, here’s what America is facing in 2024.


For many years I have said and written that America has long flown past the solutions that any person can humanly provide.  Sorry, Trump supporters, but neither he, nor any other political leader will be the solution to America’s many ills and immoralities.  At the beginning of the Biden presidency I posted what America could expect from President Biden and his cohorts.

This year, in my estimation, will be the most dangerous year for America and the world since the start of World War II in 1942.  That might be the most optimistic view.  It could be the worst ever for our relatively young country.  Briefly, let us take a realistic view of what America, specifically, is facing as we enter this new year.  I hope to address most of them in detail in future posts.

Economic Collapse.  For over 20 years I have closely followed and written about our nation’s financial debacle and decline.  No nation has or can survive the depth of the financial hole we and our leaders have dug.  There is no extension ladder long enough to get us out of this monetary abyss.  How bad is it?  As America entered 2024, our National Debt had just ticked over the $34 trillion mark, up $6 trillion since President Biden took office.  Federal spending (the budget means nothing to bureaucrats) was at $6.34 trillion/yr., but tax revenue was only $4.99 trillion/yr.  That means the government is (conservatively) running an annual deficit of $1.74 trillion/yr.   To avoid insolvency, the Feds must pay an estimated $724 billion on existing debt.

Suppose we lop off eight digits of these billions and trillions and bring the numbers down to our level of understanding.  For example, let’s say your family had a debt of $340,000 ($34 trillion less 8 digits).  Every year, just to pay interest on that debt, you had to come up with $7,240.  Your income is only $45,980, but your annual expenses are $63,400.  Under such income/expenses each year you are falling further into debt at the rate of $17,420/yr.  At what point do you declare bankruptcy and admit you are hopelessly in a debt spiral that you cannot manage or get out of?

However, for America as a nation, this highly focused on National Debt is only the tip of the monetary iceberg.  America’s Total Debt (Household, Business, State and Local Governments, Financial Institutions and Federal Government) is a whopping $97 trillion, up almost $15 trillion under the Biden administration.  The financial hole gets even deeper when we consider “Unfunded Liabilities.”  Think of those as government promises after taking your hard-earned money, but unlikely to reap the promised benefits because of the Fed’s gross mismanagement of your funds.  The Fed’s promissory note to American citizens is now north of $211 trillion, or $52 trillion more than when Biden took office three years ago.

As I was checking the latest financial figures for the nation, something curious cropped up that I do not remember seeing in the last 20+ years.  While Unfunded Liabilities are now at $212 trillion and skyrocketing, the nation’s “Assets” are at $189 trillion and plummeting.  Perhaps this has happened before, but I have never seen it before.

IRS Definition of Insolvency: When total liabilities exceed total assets.

Yes, I know the Feds can print money with abandon, but that too is about to come to a screeching halt.  Think “digital” money.  More details in a future post.

Nation’s Economy is in Shambles.  Do not believe a word of “Bidenomics.”  It is a complete fabrication and fable and we are about to find out how duped we have been.  You cannot believe one word on the economy that this administration has put forth.  Real inflation—the prices where real people shop—are more than double the government spin.  The Biden administration has created no “new” jobs, but only the re-employment of those who lost jobs during COVID.  Real unemployment is almost double the “official” government position.  People living in poverty continues to escalate and is over 43 million.  The number of homeless people has exceeded 610,000, a number not seen since 2012.  The economic forecast for this year is dismal, with many major corporations, as well as small businesses, planning major layoffs and/or permanent downsizing of their workforce.

Many financial and real estate professionals foresee a bursting of the real estate bubble that will make the economic implosion of 2008 seem like a cakewalk.

Illegal Immigration Implosion.  One can argue and present tons of evidence as to the motivation behind the Biden administration and the Democrats for espousing “open borders” for the world’s asylum seekers, despots, criminals, sex and drug traffickers, gang members, terrorists and a host of other malcontents and their evil intentions and plots against Americans.  The damage has been done and cannot be reversed and the nation and its citizens will pay a very high price on many levels for decades to come and it will completely change the face and image of the United States of America.

Societal Collapse.  During the latter part of the 20th century, Americans and American society made great strides forward for civil rights and the constitutional rights of individuals to pursue an equal opportunity to achieve personal goals and success without discrimination.  Racial integration of America’s schools, workplaces, restaurants and much of society was a hard-won battle in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in America’s southern states.  As the 20th century ended, America, while not perfect, could proudly recognize the righting of many wrongs.  Then came the Barack Obama years as president.  As a black man, people of color had high hopes of him continuing to work toward equality and racial justice.  Instead, he became the great divider-in-chief.  Obama continually pitted, not only the races against each other, but also the rich against the middle class and poor; the old against the young; the employer against the employee; Christians against non-Christians; Muslims against Jews, and the list could go on.

Enter Joe Biden, Obama’s proxy, and the societal division was put on perverted steroids, dividing Americans along sexual preferences and the life and death of the unborn.  America is now in full collapse as a hedonistic, sexually perverted, violent society of baby killers who fear neither God nor justice.

Moral Failure.  If one was an astute attorney, a case could easily be made that America is the most morally bankrupt nation in the history of the world.  Consider this: America is the only “civilized” nation in the history of the world to deliberately, and without remorse, killed over 65 million of its unborn children. Not content to kill its own, America’s promoters of such a diabolical act, exported the idea to the rest of the world.  This has resulted in the needless deaths of 1.68 billion unborn children meeting an untimely and often gruesome death in the womb or out of the womb.  Americans with demented minds are perverting the minds of our youth relentlessly, convincing the young they are not a boy, but a girl or the reverse, or that they are neither male nor female, but “its.” Public education has become a cesspool of ungodly thought and indoctrination, overriding parental authority and God-inspired morals and dignity.

Once again, not content with perverting the minds and bodies of America’s youth, those that foment such atrocities are exporting their “ideals” abroad, including via U.S. Embassies in other countries, or the dollars offered by USAID to foreign entities that are often tied to their perverted agenda. 

Wars and Rumors of Wars.  In April 2023, I posted a piece on Biden creating a very dangerous world.  How dangerous? I did not fully perceive the dire position we as a nation and the world are now facing.  It would appear that it is all due to the feckless, mindless, weak and ill-advised leadership of the Biden administration which is routinely mocked, laughed at and disregarded by the world’s despots and dictators.  It perhaps started with the debauched Afghanistan withdrawal that showcased to the world how weak and disorganized the new Trumpless administration would be.  After 20 years of fighting and securing that nation from the Taliban, in one fell swoop, Biden handed it back to them in August 2021, along with billions in American military equipment and munitions abandoned for their use.

Several months later, in February 2022, Vladamir Putin, saw his opportunity to attack Ukraine in an effort to make it part of Russian territory once again.  Now, Putin is threatening to attack NATO countries to expand the war.  Germany, Sweden and other NATO countries are now preparing for a World War III type battle with Russia.  If that happens, would China, North Korea and Iran jump into the mix?

China has also been flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea and around the world.  They have not been shy about their intent of world domination and have been constantly threatening Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines in word and military bravado.  Will they attack Taiwan before America’s election and precipitate World War III?

Then there is the lunatic in North Korea who is constantly threatening South Korea and Japan with a nuclear holocaust; and since Trump left office, threatening the United States with the capacity to shoot nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at America’s mainland. 

Then there is the current war that not many saw coming: the invasion of Israel by the Hamas Islamic terrorists on October 7 of last year.  Unfortunately, this terror attack and Israel’s justifiable response has the potential of a much expanded war in the Middle East and another World War III candidate.  Already Hamas terrorists, their sympathizers and Muslim terrorists worldwide are calling for the total annihilation of Israel and the United States.

So, if we put it all together, the United States, under the tutelage of Joe Biden and his associates has positioned America and its depleted, unprepared, understaffed and underfunded military in the direct path of such formidable, if not maniacal enemies as Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Islamic terrorists and who knows who else is licking their chops, thinking this is their time to do America in and share the spoils.

At no other time has America been facing such a host of adversaries, all seeking its destruction.  At a time when our military is depleted and woefully unprepared under an unclear, yet weak foreign policy agenda.  One might argue that in the run-up to World War II America was unprepared.  However, the stark difference between then and now, is the strong promulgated division among America’s citizens.  The nation is not only being overwhelmed by foreigners who have no allegiance to the country, but millions of the nation’s citizens have been turned against the national interest and security and are willingly trying to tear America apart and drive an unpatriotic wedge between family, friends, neighbors, church members and anyplace they are able.  America’s cohesiveness and love of country is fractured.  Not since the Civil War has the nation been so splintered.  Wolves of oppression are salivating over the weakness of the sheep.

Rejection of God.  While I am deeply grieved over the majority of people in America rejecting God, God is even more grieved over the nation of people He so richly blessed that has forgotten Him.  As I wrote at the beginning, we have travelled too far down the slippery slope of debauchery and willful sinfulness to pull ourselves out of this moral dilemma.  Only God can save us, but He will not intervene where He is no longer welcomed.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

President Abraham Lincoln

Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day

March 30, 1863

Finally, I wish I could write that the condition of America has improved since the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of America. However, the unavoidable truth is that everything has become worse, much worse than I could have imagined.

My appeal to the Church in America and its leaders is this: Just like President Lincoln so long ago, call your congregations to prayer and fasting before Almighty God, repent and plead for His intervention.


Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

Israel and the Middle East: Will there ever be peace?

Will the Sacrifice of Our Children Cease?

July 1, 2022

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

July 1, 2022

An aborted fetus at 8 weeks after conception, the baby looks even more human. You can see hands, feet, eyes, and ribs.

There has never been a nation in recorded history that has survived the sacrifice of its children, the destruction of the family unit and the dissolution of its borders.  Will America be the first to survive?

The following is, in part, excerpted from my book, Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).  For a special “author-direct” discounted offer, see the end of this post.

Abortion is the most heinous and barbarous practice Americans and the Church in America have ever allowed to enter the country and has persisted for almost 50 years with barely a whimper of protest from the nation’s population. If America disappears from the world’s landscape, it will be largely due to this murderous practice that has been condoned by a significant portion of the Body of Christ.  The human race, regrettably, has had a long history (since Cain killed his brother Abel) of having, at times, a strong disregard for human life—especially for those judged to be less valuable or less than human.

When the first colonists arrived in the “New World” that was to be dubbed “America” they had a vision for a new life of peace and freedom. However, it did not take long for some among them, including clergy, to ascertain that the resident peoples were unlike them and therefore “savages” and proclaimed them to be somehow less than human and therefore worthy of the superior invaders wrath and adverse sentence, including murder.

Right behind the oppression of the Native American came that  of those of dark skin color, the Africans who were imported against their will through the commercial slave trade of Muslims in Africa and also Europeans. Such human cargo and property, were also treated like savages and sub-humans, even by members of the Christian church. Many were tortured or murdered for no other reason than they were the wrong skin color and considered to be less than human.

In the first half of the twentieth century, a demonic man, Adolph Hitler, arose who deemed that Jews, Christians and the disabled were fair game for his prejudices and wanton persecution and slaughter. Before Germany fell and surrendered on May 7, 1945, over six million Jews (two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population), 275,000 disabled persons, and millions of non-Jews, including Christians who resisted Hitler’s murderous rage or tried to shelter Jews, were put to death by Hitler and his henchmen.

In the second half of the 20th century, in America, another large group of human beings were adjudged to be non-human, although fully alive in their mother’s womb. The prejudice against them had nothing to do with skin color, race, ethnicity, heritage, economic status or any other human factor.

The innocent blood of these victims was shed simply because they were conceived by one or more uncaring, unloving people who considered the miracle within the womb as just a lump of tissue.

Since the dreadful Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in early 1973, over an estimated 64 million innocent infants have been aborted by some of the most gruesome methods concocted by man.

Abortion is a form of child sacrifice, and as such, is detestable to the Living God. Child sacrifice is a type of witchcraft and idol worship which God cannot and will not tolerate.

While the Supreme Court’s recent courageous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as erroneous and misguided jurisprudence, it will not stop the practice of abortion in the United States.  After the Court’s June 24 decision release, only 13 states (Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming) were prepared to ban abortion and another 5 (Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Ohio and South Carolina) have laws pending on banning or restricting abortion.

Even if the entire U.S. banned abortion immediately, America would still have the blood of an estimated 73 million abortions per year on its hands.  That is 2.78 billion babies slaughtered around the globe since 1973.  Although Russia was the first country to fully legalize abortion in 1920, it was not until America sanctioned the heinous act that murdering children in the womb spread worldwide and became commonplace.

The Word of God clearly states that “children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate” (Psalm 127:3-5; author’s emphasis).

King David, in Psalm 139 acknowledged to God that “You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.   I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them” (Psalm 139:13-16; author’s emphasis). According to the biblical incite of David, God considers His creation within the mother’s womb to be fully human from the moment of conception. A baby in the womb is no less human than anyone walking around outside the womb. In fact, in Jeremiah 1:5, God tells Jeremiah that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you . . .” God also spoke similar words to the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 49:1, 5).

King Solomon, despite the faithfulness of his father David, worshipped the gods of the heathens around him and even built a temple on the Mount of Olives for Molech and the god of the Moabites, Chemosh (1 Kings 11:5-8).

Almost 250 years after the end of Solomon’s reign, Manasseh became king of Judah after his righteous father, Hezekiah, had eliminated pagan worship and child sacrifice. Manasseh turned his back on God and again led the Jews into child sacrifice, even offering up his own son to the pagan god (2 Kings 21:6). Thus, the descent of the Jews continued as they did what was an abomination in the eyes of their God and their end was assured. God promised when He laid down His law, that those who sacrificed their children to alien gods would be cut off from Him. Not only those who practiced such a heinous act, but also those who accepted it (Leviticus 20:1-5). . . .

Pro-lifers should not be shocked that those who sanction violence and death of the unborn also use violent rhetoric and death threats against SCOTUS members and those who support God’s view of life in the womb.  Those who lust after the flesh of the unborn will also do the same for those who oppose them.  Satan knows no bounds.

Outraged by the Supreme Court decision, the Biden Administration and the Democrats want to destroy the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade, making it the law of the land.  There was a time—long, long ago—when the Executive and Legislative branches of our government respected the decisions of the members of the Supreme Court.  Today, those that oppose their decisions, threaten death and mayhem.  We have become the barbaric people that we claimed to have been against long ago.  We are clearly two Americas warring against each other.  God is not pleased.

Special OfferYou may buy Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) on Amazon or at other online booksellers for $19.95, OR take advantage of the author’s limited overstock through a direct purchase of $15 (S/H is FREE).  E-mail your order inquiry to for remittance address and your shipping address.

NOTE: The hard cover version is currently only available on Amazon for $26.95.

America’s Inflation & Food Insecurity

June 6, 2022

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

June 6, 2022

The next inflation indicator or CPI (Consumer Price Index) is due to be released this Friday.  Whatever it is, it will be misleading and false.  On May 11 we were told that the 12-month CPI in April was 8.3%.  However, if you look at the items within the index that affect most hardworking Americans, a different story emerges.  According to the index, “food at home” cost rose 10.8%. Most observant food shoppers would vehemently dispute that figure.  I know I would. 

Last October we bought several nice New York Strip steaks at $4.99/pound.  Yes, they were on sale, no, they were not spoiled, but freshly cut.  Normal price then was $7.99.  Today that cut goes for $12.99 or close to $15/pound in some stores.  One could buy a loaf of bread a few months ago for under $4, but now that same loaf is over $5.  At the end of last year a pound of ground chuck (the greasy, “80% lean” meat) went for $3.99.  Now it is mostly near $6/pound.  A dozen eggs, once as low as $1.29 are now more than twice that much.  So, the “food at home” CPI increase does not truly reflect what consumers are experiencing.

Within May’s CPI was an overall energy cost increase of 30.3%.  This included the very painful rise of gasoline by 43.6% (higher in certain “Blue” states).  Energy services were up 13.7%, but propane used by many rural homeowners and restaurants, was up 38.9%.  If you were in the market for a vehicle you experienced sticker shock of 13.2% increase for new ones and 22.7% for used vehicles.  So, the CPI, whatever it is, does not reflect what most Americans are experiencing in day-to-day price increases.  And, it is going to get worse, much worse.

Some observers, myself included, believe America is headed for food and fuel supply and insecurity that the nation has not realized since the Great Depression.  This will not be a “temporary” issue as the Biden Administration would like everyone to believe.  Much of it is self-inflicted wounds by ill-advised decisions, whether intentional or just politically stupid.  Just about every decision the current administration has made has either created or exacerbated an already troubling situation for the U.S. economy.  No, Putin and the Russia-Ukraine war did not create the problem.  President Biden and the whole political cabal did.

However, it is just not the disastrous political moves that has brought this upon the U.S. populous.  Catastrophic trade decisions over the decades that have moved a lot of our nation’s food and fuel supply abroad, much of it to countries that are hostile to the United States.  Historic mega droughts in the western half of the U.S. that put much of the nation’s food production at risk. Serious wheat production issues in Canada and the Upper Midwest which supply much of the U.S. winter wheat for bread and other grains for livestock and human consumption.

Growing up in northern New Jersey during the 1940s and 1950s I remember stories of and seeing  dozens and dozens of World War II-era ships anchored in the Hudson River that were repositories for the nation’s grain reserves in case of an emergency.  According to the USDA report of March 31, 2022, Durum wheat reserves (think bread) were 37% lower than the 12 months.  According to some estimates, the nation’s grain reserves will last less than a month, if needed. Yes, the war in Ukraine will complicate the world’s food needs.  Unfortunately, there are food production shortages and failures happening all over the globe.

Multiple boats in the water in an unknown location, possibly in the Hudson River, 1947. (Photo: New York State Archive).

In the United States, our food chain will be seriously impacted by delivery, as well as the cost of production and processing.  Already thousands of truck drivers are idling their rigs because they cannot afford the fuel.  Hundreds of small truck operators are suspending their fleets or going out of business.  America’s food and consumer product delivery systems are being dismantled.  While Biden and team seem unmoved as they trumpet the utopian value of “green” energy—an unmitigated disaster is facing the nation.

Further Complications.  Five years ago Saudi Arabia took complete control of Aramco in Port Arthur, TX, America’s largest petroleum refinery.  SA is not America’s friend despite the media and Biden Administration hoopla.  In addition to America’s hyper-fuel inflation, petroleum byproducts, such as plastics (think just about everything you use at home and work), medications, clothing, cosmetics, and hundreds of other products, will see dramatic price increases.

Also, in the past several months, nearly two dozen food production or food processing facilities have exploded or burned down.  Suspicious?  Maybe.  Whatever the causes, the impact will be the same.  Less food production and processing capacity at a critical time for the country.

Climate change is another issue.  I will not dispute its occurrence.  It has been happening since God’s creation of the planet.  What I will dispute is man’s ability to stop it.  While man may be able to have a local micro-impact by planting more trees or reducing carbon output, overall the earth will not be significantly changed.  We cannot alter the rotation or tilt of the planet, which some scientists believe is occurring.  Nor can we greatly change weather patterns, some of which historically have lasted for decades (think of the “dust bowl” years in the U.S.).

Thousands of U.S. farmers are faced with production problems.  In addition to weather complications, huge price increases for seed, feed, fertilizer, pesticides, and fuel are forcing many to cut back on their cropping and livestock production plans.  Livestock herds and flocks are being culled and sold off prematurely because farmers cannot afford the feed and upkeep.  For many, this year could financially break them and put them out of production.

Over the years we have allowed foreign entities and nations, including China, to buy up significant food production acreage of facilities in the U.S.  As of the beginning of 2022, foreigners own over 35 million acres of our nation’s land, much of it agricultural or mineral.  China controls our nation’s pork production through its acquisition of Smithfield Foods in 2013.  China now owns an estimated $2 billion (192,000 acres) of America’s farmland.  Brazilian company JBS controls much of the U.S. beef market.  Much of America’s food that we once produced is now imported as we chop down orchards and plow under once productive fields for urban sprawl.

Then there is non-agriculturist Bill Gates and his investment group that has become America’s largest private farmland owner at 242,000 acres.  Why? Gates is not saying.

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, in a Fox News Op/Ed today believes we are headed for a food crisis in the United States and have already entered it.

The potential for civil unrest, i.e., riots in the U.S. and elsewhere, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars will further aggravate the U.S. and world problems of food and fuel supply.

Although the 2022 election may put a few good people in office, it will not readily change what has already been cast in stone by the Biden Administration.

What I really believe is that America is experiencing the outcome of its rejection of God and its rampant embracing of sin, the godless murder of 63 million innocent children and the sexual perversion of the youth that survive and dozens of other middle fingers up God’s nose in defiance of His commandments.  We are now paying the price.  No man will redeem us.  Only God.

If you really want to know what is happening and why, read my book, Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).  There is a way back if we have the fortitude to take it and the Church in America is willing to lead the way.

When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,  if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:13-14).

God is allowing all of this to happen to get our attention. Nothing will change until those who truly know Him (My people . . . called by My name) will fast (humble themselves), pray and repent (turn from their wicked ways) . . . THEN God will hear us, forgive our sin, and heal our land.

UPDATE (June 10, 2022):  The BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) released their May CPI stats today.  The overall CPI/Inflation index ticked up to 8.6% for May (year-over-year) from 8.3% in April.  This is the highest CPI in over 40 years.  However, I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg on price increases.  Although the “food at home” index ebbed from 10.8% in April to 10.1% in May, other important indices rose significantly.  The crucial energy sector continues to be painfully high.  Total energy costs rose to 34.6% from 30.3% in April, with gasoline up 48.7% in May, up from 43.6% the previous month.  No data was presented on diesel fuel increases, although they generally follow gas increases.  These mammoth rises will eventually show up in the cost of all goods and services, including groceries and anything relying on transportation to get to the consumer.  In addition, energy services rose significantly from 13.7% to 16.2% (or an 18% one-month increase).  Natural gas saw a hefty increase also, from 20.9% to 30.2% in one month, and fuel oil was up an astounding 106.7%, and we are not even close to the heating season.  Buckle up!  All indicators say it will only get worse from here.

The Call of the Watchman

April 22, 2022

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

April 23, 2022

For [America’s] sake I will not hold My peace,
and for
[the Church’s] sake I will not rest,
until her righteousness goes forth as brightness,
and her salvation as a lamp that burns.

Isaiah 62:1

God’s watchmen, throughout Biblical and modern history, have been standing in the gap; watching/warning of danger or sin in the camp; in God’s house or in the nation.  They are ignored at one’s own peril or that of the nation.  They are often misunderstood; deemed to be doom and gloom messengers.  Often, they and their warnings are cast aside.  It is a thankless role which is rarely appreciated and mostly disregarded. 

The role of the watchman is like that of the prophet.  While the prophet foretells what the future holds, the watchman’s job is to warn of impending disaster or trouble that is on the horizon. Frequently, God’s prophets and watchmen are nobodies—people of little stature, recognition or community standing.  God looks for none of those features, but looks for a humble, willing, and obedient spirit, no matter the opposition or consequences.  The prophet and watchman must be resolute and committed to God’s word and warning.  Isaiah complained to God that he was “a man of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5), but God used him.  Jeremiah complained that he was too young (he was 17) and did not know how to speak (Jeremiah 1:6), but God used him.  Daniel was a young Hebrew boy, a captive of the Babylonian king, but God used him mightily.

The prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel also served as God’s watchmen.  In Jeremiah 6:10, speaking on God’s behalf, Jeremiah laments: To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Indeed their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot give heed. Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; they have no delight in it.

Repeatedly, God’s word of warning through the prophet or watchman was and is rejected by those whom He is trying to warn, and both God’s word and the messenger become a rebuke to those who refuse to hear it.

Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, listen to the sound of the trumpet!’

But they said, ‘We will not listen’ (Jeremiah 6:17).

In the same chapter of Jeremiah, God presents His reason on why the people will not listen to His messengers.  “Because from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even to the priest, everyone deals falsely.   They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed;
nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down,” says the Lord
(Jeremiah 6:13-15).

In the Book of Ezekiel, God provides a more complete description of the watchman’s call and responsibility.

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

“Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless, if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul” (Ezekiel 3:17-21).

The watchman’s call and responsibility are clear.  When God reveals His warning and His call for either the unrighteous or righteous to return to Him, the watchman is held accountable—not for the result, but for transmitting God’s warning, no matter what the risk or consequences for the watchman.  To not sound God’s alarm would be for the watchman to disobey and reject God’s call upon his or her life.

In Ezekiel 33, God once again laid heavy upon Ezekiel the serious role of the watchman.

“Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head.  He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life.  But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’

“So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.  When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.  Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

“Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine away in them, how can we then live?” ’ Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’ (Ezekiel 33:2-11).

The watchman has one grave responsibility: To sound the alarm of pending disaster that God has revealed to him or her.  The response to the alarm or trumpet sound of warning is not the watchman’s responsibility, only the sounding of the alarm—the warning of pending catastrophe.  Even the righteous who profess to follow God, if they do not heed His warning, will not be spared unless they turn from their sin and repent.

“Therefore you, O son of man, say to the children of your people: ‘The righteousness of the righteous man shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression; as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall because of it in the day that he turns from his wickedness; nor shall the righteous be able to live because of his righteousness in the day that he sins.’ When I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, but he trusts in his own righteousness and commits iniquity, none of his righteous works shall be remembered; but because of the iniquity that he has committed, he shall die. Again, when I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right, if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has stolen, and walks in the statutes of life without committing iniquity, he shall surely live; he shall not die. None of his sins which he has committed shall be remembered against him; he has done what is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

“Yet the children of your people say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ But it is their way which is not fair! When the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, he shall die because of it. But when the wicked turns from his wickedness and does what is lawful and right, he shall live because of it. Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not [fair.’ O house of Israel, I will judge every one of you according to his own ways” (Ezekiel 33:12-20).

In the course of history, God has commissioned many prophets and watchmen to warn Israel or other nations.  In early colonial America, God had His “fire and brimstone” preachers, such as Jonathan Edwards, John Winthrop, Samuel Cooper, Timothy Dwight, John Witherspoon and many more, who kept the word of God before the people, warning them not to transgress.

Toward the close of World War II, Dr. Peter Marshall, an immigrant Scottish preacher, in a fiery sermon called, Trial by Fire, called America to chose between the worship of Baal or the worship of God.  His appeal went largely unheeded.  Over 50 years later, in 1998, Pentecostal evangelist and preacher, David Wilkerson, released his book, America’s Last Call.  In it he warned that America had crossed the line and was headed toward God’s judgment.

“I have never claimed to be a prophet,” he wrote.  “But there comes a time when the word of God becomes such a fire in my bones, I have to speak out what I see and hear.  Call it a watchman’s message, or whatever you will—but I have to tell you what God has put on my heart concerning this nation.

“. . . The fact is, God’s ways are absolutely unchangeable when it comes to his dealings with sinful nations. . . . In short, he will deal with our generation in the same way he has dealt with every other generation that sinned as we are sinning.”

A chapter later, Wilkerson penned, “There is one thing that’s as certain as night and day: When stately nations, populous societies or booming cities shed the blood of the just and the innocent, God turns them into ruinous heaps!”

Rev. Wilkerson continued his warning to America until his tragic death in 2011.  America has not only not heeded his warning but has continued its spiral into the abyss of perversion,  hedonism, and the murder of millions of innocent babies.

God’s warning to Israel through Jeremiah is also a word for America today. “Your own wickedness will correct you, and your backslidings will rebuke you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken the Lord your God, and the fear of Me is not in you,” says the Lord God of hosts” (Jeremiah 2:19).

Hear, O earth!
Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people—
The fruit of their thoughts,
Because they have not heeded My words
Nor My law, but rejected it.

Jeremiah 6:19

Check out Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) here.  Now available in both paperback and hard cover with a 2022 update.

New and Updated Book Offerings

April 18, 2022

By James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

April 18, 2022

Two new re-released books in both paperback and hard cover.

Be Pruned: To Bear Fruit that will Last was first published in 2010 in black & white interior, is now available in full color in both paperback and hard cover.

Pruning-masterful pruning-is the most important practice in developing a good or sound tree (vine, shrub, or other plant). Spiritual pruning, the subject of this book, is the most important development process for the growing Christian who desires to be more Christ-like each day. God, the Master Gardener of us all, uses spiritual pruning to bring forth the greatest purpose for which our life was created. As you prune your plants with care to avoid injury, and thus encourage and stimulate maximum growth, function, beauty, and production, so it is God’s intention in our pruning process. This masterful pruning procedure by the Master Gardener (while it may seem painful at times) does not inflict harm or injury upon those He desires to see mature to their fullest potential.

This devotional/Bible study book is excellent for small groups or personal reflection and spiritual growth.  The hard cover version is especially designed for a graduation or birthday gift, or just for that special someone.

Both versions are available on Amazon.

Paperback on Amazon is $15.95; hard cover is $26.95.

Bulk Purchases: For retail outlets, homeschool groups, churches or other bulk purchases of 5 or more copies to the same address, contact for full information and bulk discounts up to 55%.

The newly re-release of the author’s 2021 Edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of America is an imperative read for every American.  It is updated through the first quarter of 2022.  It also is available in both paperback and hard cover.

Will America survive?  That is the question that is becoming more frequent in the minds and on the tongues of Americans at home and abroad and also non-American observers worldwide.  Can the United States of America survive the unyielding assaults on its constitution, morals, economy, justice system and religious foundation—not only from without, but also from within its own borders?  Can America survive and regain its traditional strength and leadership when its own leaders are becoming more radical and anti-American? 

            Does America or the concept of it occur in the Bible?  Does any prophecy in the Bible speak of America?  Is America the new “Babylon the great”?

            In Revelation 18 and the Fate of America, Dr. James F. Gauss explores in detail, where America has been, where it is now, and where it is headed based on past and current events, and how the nation is on course to fulfill this End Times prophecy.

            America’s survival and re-establishment of its God-ordained greatness will depend on the response of the people of America in general and the Christian church in particular—not ten years from now; not in five years; not even one year from now, but NOW!

            This book is a reality check and warning to the Church in America and U.S. citizens about the self-destructive path America is on and what to do about it.  A “must read” for every Christian and person concerned about the future survival of the United States of America.

            In this updated 2021 Edition, which includes the consequences of the 2020 election, the COVID pandemic, rampant inflation, dollar devaluation and the Russia-Ukraine war, Dr. Gauss provides sobering evidence of how close America is to self-annihilation and what the Church and nation must do immediately to avoid disaster.

Both versions are available on Amazon.

Paperback on Amazon is $19.95; hard cover is $26.95.

Bulk Purchases: For retail outlets, homeschool groups, churches or other bulk purchases of 5 or more copies to the same address, contact for full information and bulk discounts up to 55%.

Will America and the Church Become a “Byword”?

February 8, 2022

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

February 8, 2022

. . . we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained . . .

President George Washington

First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789

Oregon and Montana were the hardest hit by the grasshopper swarms, particularly in the arid eastern flank of both states. Photograph: AP

Throughout the COVID pandemic, as well as before it, the most often quoted Biblical scripture by Christian pastors, evangelists and even some politicians, was 2 Chronicles 7:14.

if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Too often, the repentance part of the verse, “turn from their wicked ways,” is sloughed over or omitted.  Repentance, according to God’s Biblical admonitions, and as proclaimed by Jesus Christ (see Matthew 4:17 and Luke 5:32) is essential for God to hear and respond to one’s prayer.  Without repentance, there can be no forgiveness or redemption from God.  Without His forgiveness—which He freely gives after repentance—there will not be an answer forthcoming to one’s plea and intercession.  This is as true for an individual as it is for the Church or a country, such as America, that was founded on God’s principles and commandments.

Immediately preceding verse 14 is 2 Chronicles 7:13 (which is the first part of the two phrase sentence), where God tells King Solomon, “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,” 

In 2020-2021, the United States experienced all three of these judgments in varying degrees.  Throughout much of 2021, much of the food producing areas in the Midwest, Southwest and Northwest of the United States experienced moderate to severe drought conditions that greatly affected food supply, as reported here in July 22, 2021.  Also in July, as a result of the drought in the Western U.S., particularly in Oregon, Washington and Montana, a plague of grasshoppers devoured what was left of crops.

Then, there has been the COVID pandemic, or “pestilence”, that has been ravaging the world, but the United Stated, in particular, since early in 2020.

During the same period, our borders have been breached by swarms of illegal immigrants, including known terrorists, drug and sex traffickers and assorted criminals.  Our economy is in shambles with rising inflation, food shortages, rising fuel and utility prices, labor shortages and ridiculous COVID mandates that are suppressing businesses and commerce.

Crime and violence throughout America is out of control.  Murder of law enforcement officers is at all-time highs in many cities and war looms in the Ukraine, Taiwan and the Middle East.  Our public education and universities have been compromised by Socialistic/Marxist ideologies and sexual perversion.  All this could be the “beginning of sorrows” of which Jesus spoke (Matthew 24:7-8).

However, this may be just the beginning of what the United States will experience, unless the Church and Americans repent and turn fully back to God.  This is essential and mandatory according to God.

Following the often quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14, is verse 15: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.”

Now?  What does God require before we get His attention, before His eyes and ears are open to our prayerful plea?  In verse 14, God states clearly what He expects before He will answer: humbleness before Him; prayer that seeks Him; a repentant heart that turns from its wicked ways and seeks the ways of God.  America and the Church in America are a long ways from fulfilling God’s requirements before He says He will listen to our plea, no less answer it.

We are not waiting on God to act.  He is waiting on His people to act.  One might ask: “Why do we, especially those in the Church, need to repent?  What have we done wrong?”

Oh, let me count the ways.  However, that would take another book.  I am a post-World War II child of the 1940s.  It is hard for me to comprehend the moral precipitous slide America has experienced since my early youth.  After graduation from high school in 1960, America’s schools started to be assaulted with illegal drug trafficking.  Prayer and the Bible were taken out of public schools.  However, the worst offense against God was yet to come—the murder of America’s innocents.

In the early 1970s, abortion was only legalized in four states: Alaska, Hawaii, New York and Washington.  Then, on that fateful day in January, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court made abortion the “law” of the land and the flood gates of death were swung open.

Since that time, the Church in America and the American people have allowed almost 64 million innocent babies to be sacrificed to the gods of Baal and Moloch, the gods of fertility and child sacrifice in the Bible.  Even worse, due to America’s lead and the Church’s silence, over 1.64 billion babies worldwide have died through the gruesome practice of abortion.  Can God ever forgive us in America for allowing such an evil atrocity while turning the other way and pretend we can do nothing, “it’s the law.”

Through the prophet Jeremiah, when Israel turned to Baal worship and sacrificed their children, God promised the Israelites that He would bring catastrophe upon them because of the shed blood of the innocents (Jeremiah 19:3-5). 

If God would bring His judgment against His “chosen people”, why would He not do the same against a diabolical, child killing America?  Do not say, “because of the Church.”  The Church in America, generally speaking, has been corrupted and culturally compromised by an anti-Christ spirit.  It no longer represents the salvation truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

America’s Watershed Year.  America and the Church have been standing at the crossroads for quite some time, debating which way to go: follow God, or follow the sinful world.  This year is America’s “watershed” year—the year America must firmly choose: Will we follow God or continue to follow the evil gods of pagan culture?  More importantly, it is the watershed year for the Church in America.  Will it turn back to God and the preaching of the true Gospel in power and might; of forgiveness and redemption, or will it continue to adopt and bless the sinful ways of the world? 

It was God’s Church that first planted a flag on American soil and claimed it for Him and His Gospel.  The Founding Fathers and America’s first president, George Washington, affirmed that commitment to Almighty God.  In the Old Testament, as long as the Israelites obeyed God’s statutes and followed Him, God blessed them.  When they strayed, rebelled and refused to turn back to Him, God let their sinful ways become their judgment and He allowed plagues, disasters and their enemies to overtake them.

Today, we live in a world full of evil and evildoers.  During the days of ancient Israel, when leaders became corrupt and evil, everyone paid a price, both the good and the evil.  It has, unfortunately been true throughout history.  Today, hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide suffer greatly at the hands of their persecutors or as a result of the decisions of evil leaders.

In 2 Chronicles 7:16-18, God promised King Solomon, as He had promised his father, King David, that if he would continue to follow the statutes, commandments and judgments, God would establish Solomon’s kingdom.  “But,” God warned, “if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them from My land which I have given them; and this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight, and will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples (2 Chronicles 7:19-20; author’s emphasis).

God’s word to Solomon holds true for America and the Church today.  The Church helped to establish the United States on Biblical precepts, but has failed to keep the country following after God.  Instead, the Church has adopted worldly ways and its message of Gospel truth has gotten weaker and less vociferous.

Jesus reiterated His Father’s frequent directive: “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).  Jesus died for the sins of all.  However, in America, we have made a mockery of His sacrifice and have rebelled against Him.  Instead of the Church being the “light of the world” and a “city that is set on a hill” (Matthew 5:14), it has allowed the wanton culture around it to dictate its message.  Where the Church is supposed to be the conscience and beacon of society, the culture has become the conscience and example for the Church.

Polls by Barna and Pew Research illustrate that Christianity and the Church in America are in steep decline.  Even those that claim to hold Christian beliefs have a distorted view of Biblical scripture and the basic principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Is America and the Church in America destined to become a “byword”—an object of reproach, derision and scorn?  This year will tell us a lot about where we are headed: redemption or judgment?

In June of this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will release its decision on overturning Roe v. Wade and return the abortion debate back to the states.  No matter what decision they render, all “hell” is likely to break loose in America.  If the jurists overturn Roe v. Wade, those on the political left, i.e. most Democrats and Marxist radicals, will explode with rage.  If the decision upholds Roe v. Wade, God’s judgment, I believe, will be swift and fierce.

Again, God warned King Solomon and the Israelites.  “And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and this house?’ Then they will answer, ‘Because they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and embraced other gods, and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this calamity on them’” (2 Chronicles 7:21-22).

America was once exalted as a God-fearing nation, a nation that established a constitution of laws that set the standard for the world.  Where is that America today?  More importantly, where is God’s holy church today?  We are at a turning point.  If we turn to God before it is too late, there is redemption.  If we continue to turn away from Him, there will be consequences from which America may never recover.

God has given the Church and America many warnings.  Has He given the last one?  Have we already passed by the point of no return? Is judgment about to come?  Why isn’t the Church leading the way on repentance and turning back to God?

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

1 Peter 4:17

Read: Revelation 18 and the Fate of America, 2021 Edition, available here and here at a discount.

God Cannot Live in the Presence of Sin

December 30, 2021

James F. Gauss

December 30, 2021

The following is an excerpt from the author’s book, Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).

Available worldwide as an eBook on Barnes & Noble at this link or on Kobo here. ONLY $5.95.


God, the God of the Bible, cannot and will not co-habit with sin.  We cannot come before God without repentance and a contrite heart.  No one can call upon God and plead for His mercy without first repenting of his or her wrong-doing. As America’s sins have piled high with a growing repudiation of her sinfulness, God, as He did with His chosen people (the Jewish nation) will have no choice but to turn her over to the consequences of her sins.

Despite the millions of practicing Jews and Christians in America, the United States as a whole has become a nation of idol worshippers who have turned away from the God of the Founding Fathers.  Just like the rapid collapse of Israel and Judah, present and future generations will be astonished at the rapid decline of so great a nation that had so much potential under God’s guidance.   However, like the Jews, America “forsook the Lord their God” and “embraced other gods, and worshipped them and served them” (see 1 Kings 9:8-9).

“Oh, that you had heeded My commandments!” Isaiah warned the Jews on behalf of God.  “Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18).   Many of America’s leaders, both secular and religious, have been boastful and egotistical for some time, refusing to consult God for the right path.  They have not only fully rejected God’s ways but they have embraced the sinfulness of the world around them.  And, in many cases they have created that very sinfulness with wicked hearts.

Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

John Adams, letter to John Taylor, April 15, 1814

The leaders and people of America would do well to heed the warnings of the prophet Isaiah to the Jews over 2,700 years ago. 

Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune, which they have prescribed to rob the needy of justice,  and  to  take  what  is  right  from  the  poor of My  people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless. What will you do in the day of punishment, and in the desolation which will come from afar?  To whom will you flee for help?  And where will you leave your glory?” (Isaiah 10:1-3) 

Isaiah warned that Israel’s sins had caused a great separation between them and God and they were guilty of shedding innocent blood, and God would be forced to turn His face away from them and not hear their pleas (Isaiah 59:1-3, 6-9).  The Jews were so full of sin, Isaiah said, they no longer knew the way of truth and righteousness.  Therefore true peace and justice escaped them.  Although they sought the light of understanding to guide them, they were surrounded by nothing but darkness.

From a secular viewpoint, James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution” and fourth president of the United States, understood, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny”  (Federalist  No. 48,  February  1,  1788).    Madison recognized that if the United States ever drifted away from the separation of powers wisely set up in the U.S. Constitution by the Founding Fathers, and became one monolithic governing body without any “checks and balances”, America would descend into tyranny.  Unfortunately, that is where America finds itself under past and current political leadership.

Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become wolves.

Thomas Jefferson

Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787

Once again, Isaiah lamented what he saw was in Israel’s future if they did not repent.  If they did not turn from their wicked ways and seek God’s salvation, then God would turn away from them (Isaiah  64:5-7). “But  we  are  all  like  an  unclean  thing,”  Isaiah proclaimed, “and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (verse 6).  Because no one called on God in repentance and appealed to Him for help, Isaiah was constrained to ask God, “Will You restrain Yourself because of these things, O Lord?  Will You hold Your peace, and afflict us very severely?” (Isaiah 64:12).

As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths.

Isaiah 3:12

Biden’s “Winter of Death”

December 22, 2021

James F. Gauss

December 22, 2021

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Step Up!

On December 16, President Biden sent a chilling message to the American people.  He was widely quoted in the media across the United States and abroad.

“I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we’ve taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done,” he noted.

“But it’s here now, and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase,” Biden continued. “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.

“But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death,” he added.

Such a careless and totally unwarranted and unproven proclamation put a curse on America and its residents.  Words idly spoken are dangerous and have consequences.  On the surface, Biden’s pronouncements are unscientific, unproven and fallacious.  In the reality of the spiritual realm, Mr. Biden put a curse of “severe illness and death” upon America’s citizens.  To make matters even worse, he prophesied this grim future for a very specific group of people—most of whom hold strong Christian beliefs—the “unvaccinated.”  He not only condemned them, but also their families.  That is what hate mongers do to those they detest and are in opposition to their beliefs.

In an effort to reaffirm this wicked curse, the Biden administration, on the same day, sent forth the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Jeffrey Zients, to reiterate the Biden curse. 

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm,” Zients declared.

On Tuesday, December 21, pseudo scientist, Bill Gates, claimed the United States “could be entering the worst part of the pandemic.”

I have stated this before: fear is a powerful motivator.  If you can instill fear in someone or a society, you will have complete control over them if they believe you have the answer to their safety and security.  If you tell people lies often enough and back them up with false “science” and data, the undiscerning ears will believe most anything.  One just has to look at the history of socialism, Marxism, communism and the horrendous deception and lies the Jews and others swallowed at the beginning and during the purge of the Third Reich in Germany.  It has been said, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.  Well, here we are, and we are in the throes of repeating it on steroids.

However, for those who cling to faith in Christ, we know, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).  Believers need to do their homework on this “pandemic” and discern the truth and trust in God.  Deceptions, lies and condemnation of fellow Americans have been running rampant in the last two years and most of it from a government that is charged with protecting and doing what is right for the populace.

The truth?

For the past two years I have written extensively on this blog about the repeated lies and deceptions put forth by Dr. Fauci, WHO, the FDA, CDC, President Biden and a host of other scientists and pseudo scientists on the pandemic and the COVID-19 infection.

First, the unvaccinated AND the vaccinated are coming down with COVID-19, the Delta and the Omicron variant.  In South Africa, where the Omicron variant was first detected, the latest study revealed that those infected are 80 percent less likely to be hospitalized than with COVID-19.

Second, the coronavirus PCR test most used to detect the viruses is practically worthless.  The inventor of the test has stated that it will produce too many false positives to be relied on for COVID-19 and other virus diagnoses.  Dr. Fauci, early into the pandemic, clearly proclaimed that the PCR test also detects “dead nucleotides.”  That means if you had a cold or the flu ten years or thirty years ago, you are likely to have a positive COVID test.

Third, the three vaccines, along with booster shots have resulted in serious and sometimes deadly side effects and results.  According to the CDC’s VAERS report through December 10, there have been almost 966,000 adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines and 20,000+ deaths.  Adverse reactions included 22,952 life threatening events, 106,000+ hospitalizations and 33,675 permanent disabilities.  As shocking as those numbers are, it is most likely they are grossly under reported by medical centers and the CDC. 

Fourth, despite all the hype by Presidents Trump and Biden, the NIH (National Institutes of Health), FDA, CDC, Dr. Fauci, the vaccine makers and many others, the vaccines have mostly resulted in only partially and brief protection from the virus and even the “fully” vaccinated will need to get “booster” shots and/or take a variety of “new” oral or injected “cures.”

Fifth, while masking continues to be mandatory in many states and cities, numerous studies and scientific data have proven that the majority of masks being used by the public are worthless for virus protection or spreading.

Sixth, while they say that the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly, the medical science has reported that the symptoms are much less severe than COVID-19 or the Delta variant.  Severe health issues and related deaths are far lower than the pandemic versions.  To date, the data for Omicron does not warrant masking, lockdowns, isolation, school and business closings and a host of other health and societal damaging measures.

Calling ALL Prayer Warriors.

Fortunately, those of strong Christian faith know where they stand; Who stands with them and how to combat such word curses.  The faithful in Christ must rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ and forbid them to perform or have any effect on one’s family and the people of the United States.  We must stand in the gap. 

“So I sought for a man [or woman] among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land,” God said, “that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).  Let not the faithful be found wanting, but instead be bold and courageous and persevering in prayer.

“Have I not commanded you?” God reminded Joshua. “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  Joshua’s reminder is every believer’s reminder.

After all, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’)” (Galatians 3:13).  God, through the wise King Solomon said, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest’ (Proverbs 26:2).

When King Balak asked the prophet Balaam to curse Israel, God gave Balaam these words for the king.  “How can I curse those whom God has not cursed?  How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?” (Numbers 23:8).  The same words apply to every follower of Jesus Christ.  God has not cursed those who call upon the name of Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of their lives.  As Apostle Paul proclaimed, Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross has redeemed us from the curse of the law and any such proclamation by government officials or others—who do so knowingly or unknowingly—is of no effect.

As believers, we need to confess and proclaim, “‘No weapon formed against [me/us] shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against [me/us] in judgment [I/we] shall condemn.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17).

Remember, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).  “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear,” Paul asserted, “but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father’” (Romans 8:15).

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them [the evil antichrist spirits], because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Our responsibility as believers in dealing with curses does not end with these beliefs and proclamations.  We are to pray for those who curse us.  “Let them curse, but You bless; when they arise, let them be ashamed, but let Your servant rejoice” (Psalm 109:28).  Jesus also told His followers, “bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28).

No matter what we endure or outcome, we must proclaim loud and clear, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,” (Psalm 107:1-2).

As a reminder, put on the whole armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-18).

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

(Italian proverb)

A Final Note.  Biden and his ilk are devoid of real solutions and encouragement, and high on scare tactics to enhance the fear among the populace—clear signs of weak, yet debased leadership.  If they really believed in following the science, they would follow the science of centuries on abortion, on gender (male & Female, that’s it), LGBTQ+ (the only sex is between a male and female in a God-ordained union), and, dare I say, climate change.  Following the science for the political left is not following the science at all.  It is just a scam among many to gain control over the people and their freedom of thought and action.

Get the author’s book, Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) on Amazon or save $3.45 by ordering direct from the author here.


A Prayer for Repentance in the Church

November 4, 2021

James F. Gauss

This prayer was originally written on January 27, 2012 and I posted it on February 9, 2012 under the title, “A Prayer for Revolution.” The “Revolution” I identified was one of a spiritual nature. A lot has happened since that time, both in the Church in America and the country. Unfortunately, much of what has transpired in these years has further dragged the Church and country downward into the cesspool of sin and godlessness that has further separated us, as a Christian body and nation from the God of our founding and foundation.

Once again, I submit this prayer, with some additions, but under the title of “A Prayer for Repentance.” Please feel free to share it far and wide. America and the Church in America desperately need a change of heart and a full return to Almighty God, or both will suffer greatly in the years ahead.

A Prayer for Repentance

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Heavenly Father, in the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of all who will accept His sacrificial work on the Cross of Calvary, I fervently pray that you send a spiritual revolution upon America.

I pray that You raise up, at this time, bold and godly men and women of righteousness in Your Church across America that will lead Your people in a heart-wrenching repentance; a repentance:

  • For remaining silent and unmoved by the murder of millions of innocent children through grisly abortion;
  • For remaining silent when prayer and the Bible were taken out of our schools;
  • For remaining silent when the practice of homosexuality and other perversions were sweeping the land;
  • For remaining silent as corruption and injustice were running rampant throughout the country;
  • For remaining silent as church leaders perverted Your Gospel;
  • For remaining silent as politicians led America into bankruptcy, stealing the financial future away from current and future citizens;
  • For remaining silent while You were banned from the halls of government, education, our places of work and our communities;
  • For remaining silent as the country’s defenses and military are gutted and weakened;
  • For remaining silent as subversive forces are allowed to infiltrate the land under the guise of freedom of speech and multi-culturalism;
  • For remaining silent as anti-American politicians and other leaders pass laws or make judgments that subvert the sovereignty and freedom of the land;
  • For “embracing the culture” of the land and bringing it into the Church instead of becoming a “light in darkness” and a “city on a hill” and “salt” among the lost;
  • For watering down the Gospel of Truth and Light so that it no longer guides lost souls out of the depths of sin and hopelessness;
  • For adopting materialism and prosperity as our gospel and god;
  • For seeking mere mortal men and women to save us from the consequences of our sin and falling away from You, Almighty God;
  • For proudly promoting our perversions worldwide for financial gain and pleasure;
  • For allowing your God-ordained family of a man, woman and children to be torn apart and destroyed by a godless society;
  • For allowing godless indoctrination of our children into the public schools and universities that extoll the virtues of sex and perversion; socialism, Marxism and communism or anti-Christ ideology;
  • For allowing America’s history, in all its imperfections, to be torn asunder, revised and perverted;
  • and numerous other failings that have separated us from You.

Father God, have mercy on me/us and forgive me/us, I humbly pray, for my/our many sins against you and for falling away from the truth of your Word and not standing firm against the evil in the Church and in the land. Help me/us, Father, to be strong and courageous in standing for Your truth and righteousness.

Father, may You raise up godly men and women in the tradition of those bold men and women who spoke out against oppression and tyranny during the Revolution that spurred the founding of this great country, the United States of America, and may the spirit of repentance flood the land with seeds of revival like never before.

So, that You, Father, will be lifted up as the One and only Sovereign Lord of the Church and America.

So, that You, Father, will be our One and only Trusted and Faithful Leader.

A revival, Father, that will return the heart of the Church and America’s people to You; to a foundation of faith in Your saving grace and redemption.

A revival, Father, that will return the Church in America back to the foundations of God-inspired truth, justice and personal freedom so that we may once again be a “light” on a hill; “salt” on the earth.

A revival Father that will bring godly wisdom and knowledge to our thinking, understanding, decision-making and voting decisions.

Thank You Father for so richly blessing America in the past; for revealing Yourself to those who set the godly and just foundations of this country so many years ago.

Thank You for Your mercy and grace.

In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Amen!

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

1 Peter 4:17