Archive for January, 2024

Islam’s Deceptions, Lies & False Gospel

January 25, 2024

NEW RELEASE! January 25, 2024

Islam’s Deceptions, Lies & False Gospel

Available at Barnes and Noble in paperback (202 pp., 6 x 9) for $11.95

The ideology of Islam is rapidly gaining a foothold in every aspect of American life. While Muslims only represent about 1-2 percent of the population in America, their influence is disproportionately seen and felt in America’s politics, educational institutions, justice systems, churches and synagogues, seminaries, small towns and cities. Unfortunately, the real truth about Islam and its objectives in America and the West has been deliberately or ignorantly portrayed in countless false and deceptive narratives that have misled millions of Americans, and Muslims as well, down a dangerous path that could forever change the landscape and foundation of the United States of America. This short book provides an easy-read overview of some of the critical truths about Islam and its ideology that is being hidden from public view. Muslim clerics preach a false gospel that is the antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has led billions astray and away from the true loving God of the Bible who offers salvation and eternal life to all.

This book is a “primer” to the author’s more in depth versions of Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity for everyone who desires to be fully informed about Islam as it compares to Christianity and how to reach the world’s largest unreached people group with the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For all the author’s books available on Barnes and Noble, click here or on Amazon, click here.

Also, visit the author’s website at:

Will America Survive 2024?

January 16, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

January 16, 2024

Available worldwide on Barnes & Noble at this link or on Kobo here.

“Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH!”

David L. Cobb, Evangelist, Southern Baptist Conference


Author’s Note:  It was my intention to write this post toward the end of 2023.  However, life intervened and I procrastinated.  The truth is, I do not relish writing about negative, grim posts about our nation.  I fervently pray that I am way off base in what you are about to read.

Sometime in the fall of 2009, as I was getting ready to retire for the day, I had a strong impression that I was to read chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation in the Bible.  I thought it somewhat strange, since I had not read that book of the Bible in some years (it is not my favorite due to all the challenging symbolism).  And, I could not remember what chapter 18 was about.  This was not brought on by any dream or vision, just a strong impression to read it and read it, NOW!

As I read each verse—and I know there are many Bible theologians that will dispute this—it was if God was whispering in my ear: “This is about America.”

Over the following three+ years I read and re-read that chapter and related verses of the Bible and I could not get away from my first impression.  Finally, early in 2013, I published, with much trepidation, the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of AmericaWhile I did not predict or emphasize that Revelation 18 was specifically about America, I did write that “Mystery Babylon” of that chapter and other chapters in the Book of Revelation represented an evil empire that totally rejected God and fell into complete moral decay.

As 2020 introduced COVID and wanton government control and corruption, America fell even further into the abyss of moral decline as a people and nation.  To update this view, early in 2021, I published Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).  With that as a backdrop, here’s what America is facing in 2024.


For many years I have said and written that America has long flown past the solutions that any person can humanly provide.  Sorry, Trump supporters, but neither he, nor any other political leader will be the solution to America’s many ills and immoralities.  At the beginning of the Biden presidency I posted what America could expect from President Biden and his cohorts.

This year, in my estimation, will be the most dangerous year for America and the world since the start of World War II in 1942.  That might be the most optimistic view.  It could be the worst ever for our relatively young country.  Briefly, let us take a realistic view of what America, specifically, is facing as we enter this new year.  I hope to address most of them in detail in future posts.

Economic Collapse.  For over 20 years I have closely followed and written about our nation’s financial debacle and decline.  No nation has or can survive the depth of the financial hole we and our leaders have dug.  There is no extension ladder long enough to get us out of this monetary abyss.  How bad is it?  As America entered 2024, our National Debt had just ticked over the $34 trillion mark, up $6 trillion since President Biden took office.  Federal spending (the budget means nothing to bureaucrats) was at $6.34 trillion/yr., but tax revenue was only $4.99 trillion/yr.  That means the government is (conservatively) running an annual deficit of $1.74 trillion/yr.   To avoid insolvency, the Feds must pay an estimated $724 billion on existing debt.

Suppose we lop off eight digits of these billions and trillions and bring the numbers down to our level of understanding.  For example, let’s say your family had a debt of $340,000 ($34 trillion less 8 digits).  Every year, just to pay interest on that debt, you had to come up with $7,240.  Your income is only $45,980, but your annual expenses are $63,400.  Under such income/expenses each year you are falling further into debt at the rate of $17,420/yr.  At what point do you declare bankruptcy and admit you are hopelessly in a debt spiral that you cannot manage or get out of?

However, for America as a nation, this highly focused on National Debt is only the tip of the monetary iceberg.  America’s Total Debt (Household, Business, State and Local Governments, Financial Institutions and Federal Government) is a whopping $97 trillion, up almost $15 trillion under the Biden administration.  The financial hole gets even deeper when we consider “Unfunded Liabilities.”  Think of those as government promises after taking your hard-earned money, but unlikely to reap the promised benefits because of the Fed’s gross mismanagement of your funds.  The Fed’s promissory note to American citizens is now north of $211 trillion, or $52 trillion more than when Biden took office three years ago.

As I was checking the latest financial figures for the nation, something curious cropped up that I do not remember seeing in the last 20+ years.  While Unfunded Liabilities are now at $212 trillion and skyrocketing, the nation’s “Assets” are at $189 trillion and plummeting.  Perhaps this has happened before, but I have never seen it before.

IRS Definition of Insolvency: When total liabilities exceed total assets.

Yes, I know the Feds can print money with abandon, but that too is about to come to a screeching halt.  Think “digital” money.  More details in a future post.

Nation’s Economy is in Shambles.  Do not believe a word of “Bidenomics.”  It is a complete fabrication and fable and we are about to find out how duped we have been.  You cannot believe one word on the economy that this administration has put forth.  Real inflation—the prices where real people shop—are more than double the government spin.  The Biden administration has created no “new” jobs, but only the re-employment of those who lost jobs during COVID.  Real unemployment is almost double the “official” government position.  People living in poverty continues to escalate and is over 43 million.  The number of homeless people has exceeded 610,000, a number not seen since 2012.  The economic forecast for this year is dismal, with many major corporations, as well as small businesses, planning major layoffs and/or permanent downsizing of their workforce.

Many financial and real estate professionals foresee a bursting of the real estate bubble that will make the economic implosion of 2008 seem like a cakewalk.

Illegal Immigration Implosion.  One can argue and present tons of evidence as to the motivation behind the Biden administration and the Democrats for espousing “open borders” for the world’s asylum seekers, despots, criminals, sex and drug traffickers, gang members, terrorists and a host of other malcontents and their evil intentions and plots against Americans.  The damage has been done and cannot be reversed and the nation and its citizens will pay a very high price on many levels for decades to come and it will completely change the face and image of the United States of America.

Societal Collapse.  During the latter part of the 20th century, Americans and American society made great strides forward for civil rights and the constitutional rights of individuals to pursue an equal opportunity to achieve personal goals and success without discrimination.  Racial integration of America’s schools, workplaces, restaurants and much of society was a hard-won battle in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in America’s southern states.  As the 20th century ended, America, while not perfect, could proudly recognize the righting of many wrongs.  Then came the Barack Obama years as president.  As a black man, people of color had high hopes of him continuing to work toward equality and racial justice.  Instead, he became the great divider-in-chief.  Obama continually pitted, not only the races against each other, but also the rich against the middle class and poor; the old against the young; the employer against the employee; Christians against non-Christians; Muslims against Jews, and the list could go on.

Enter Joe Biden, Obama’s proxy, and the societal division was put on perverted steroids, dividing Americans along sexual preferences and the life and death of the unborn.  America is now in full collapse as a hedonistic, sexually perverted, violent society of baby killers who fear neither God nor justice.

Moral Failure.  If one was an astute attorney, a case could easily be made that America is the most morally bankrupt nation in the history of the world.  Consider this: America is the only “civilized” nation in the history of the world to deliberately, and without remorse, killed over 65 million of its unborn children. Not content to kill its own, America’s promoters of such a diabolical act, exported the idea to the rest of the world.  This has resulted in the needless deaths of 1.68 billion unborn children meeting an untimely and often gruesome death in the womb or out of the womb.  Americans with demented minds are perverting the minds of our youth relentlessly, convincing the young they are not a boy, but a girl or the reverse, or that they are neither male nor female, but “its.” Public education has become a cesspool of ungodly thought and indoctrination, overriding parental authority and God-inspired morals and dignity.

Once again, not content with perverting the minds and bodies of America’s youth, those that foment such atrocities are exporting their “ideals” abroad, including via U.S. Embassies in other countries, or the dollars offered by USAID to foreign entities that are often tied to their perverted agenda. 

Wars and Rumors of Wars.  In April 2023, I posted a piece on Biden creating a very dangerous world.  How dangerous? I did not fully perceive the dire position we as a nation and the world are now facing.  It would appear that it is all due to the feckless, mindless, weak and ill-advised leadership of the Biden administration which is routinely mocked, laughed at and disregarded by the world’s despots and dictators.  It perhaps started with the debauched Afghanistan withdrawal that showcased to the world how weak and disorganized the new Trumpless administration would be.  After 20 years of fighting and securing that nation from the Taliban, in one fell swoop, Biden handed it back to them in August 2021, along with billions in American military equipment and munitions abandoned for their use.

Several months later, in February 2022, Vladamir Putin, saw his opportunity to attack Ukraine in an effort to make it part of Russian territory once again.  Now, Putin is threatening to attack NATO countries to expand the war.  Germany, Sweden and other NATO countries are now preparing for a World War III type battle with Russia.  If that happens, would China, North Korea and Iran jump into the mix?

China has also been flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea and around the world.  They have not been shy about their intent of world domination and have been constantly threatening Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines in word and military bravado.  Will they attack Taiwan before America’s election and precipitate World War III?

Then there is the lunatic in North Korea who is constantly threatening South Korea and Japan with a nuclear holocaust; and since Trump left office, threatening the United States with the capacity to shoot nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at America’s mainland. 

Then there is the current war that not many saw coming: the invasion of Israel by the Hamas Islamic terrorists on October 7 of last year.  Unfortunately, this terror attack and Israel’s justifiable response has the potential of a much expanded war in the Middle East and another World War III candidate.  Already Hamas terrorists, their sympathizers and Muslim terrorists worldwide are calling for the total annihilation of Israel and the United States.

So, if we put it all together, the United States, under the tutelage of Joe Biden and his associates has positioned America and its depleted, unprepared, understaffed and underfunded military in the direct path of such formidable, if not maniacal enemies as Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Islamic terrorists and who knows who else is licking their chops, thinking this is their time to do America in and share the spoils.

At no other time has America been facing such a host of adversaries, all seeking its destruction.  At a time when our military is depleted and woefully unprepared under an unclear, yet weak foreign policy agenda.  One might argue that in the run-up to World War II America was unprepared.  However, the stark difference between then and now, is the strong promulgated division among America’s citizens.  The nation is not only being overwhelmed by foreigners who have no allegiance to the country, but millions of the nation’s citizens have been turned against the national interest and security and are willingly trying to tear America apart and drive an unpatriotic wedge between family, friends, neighbors, church members and anyplace they are able.  America’s cohesiveness and love of country is fractured.  Not since the Civil War has the nation been so splintered.  Wolves of oppression are salivating over the weakness of the sheep.

Rejection of God.  While I am deeply grieved over the majority of people in America rejecting God, God is even more grieved over the nation of people He so richly blessed that has forgotten Him.  As I wrote at the beginning, we have travelled too far down the slippery slope of debauchery and willful sinfulness to pull ourselves out of this moral dilemma.  Only God can save us, but He will not intervene where He is no longer welcomed.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

President Abraham Lincoln

Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day

March 30, 1863

Finally, I wish I could write that the condition of America has improved since the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of America. However, the unavoidable truth is that everything has become worse, much worse than I could have imagined.

My appeal to the Church in America and its leaders is this: Just like President Lincoln so long ago, call your congregations to prayer and fasting before Almighty God, repent and plead for His intervention.


Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

Israel and the Middle East: Will there ever be peace?

The Origin of Palestine and the Palestinians

January 4, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

January 4, 2024

An excerpt from my latest book, Israel and the Middle East: Will There Ever Be Peace?


Prior to 1920, an Arab people known as the “Palestinians” living in “Palestine” did not exist (Pipes). No one from the Arab community in the Middle East referred to the region as Palestine. To do so would imply a Jewish and Christian possession. The concept of Arab nation-states did not occur until Iraq gained its independence in 1936 after the British Mandate of 1920 ended. In 1932, Saudi Arabia became an independent country, followed by Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria in 1946. Smaller Arab nation-states eventually followed, with Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, and United Arab Emirates in 1961, 1967, 1970 and 1971, respectively.

Origin  of  the  Name  “Palestine.” Prior to 1948, when the term “Palestinians” was used, it referred to the Jews in the Holy Land, not the Arabs. “Arabs never referred to themselves as ‘Palestinians’” noted Joseph Farah, founder and editor-in- chief of WorldNetDaily (Farah). It was not until a few years after Israel’s “Six Day War” with the Arabs in 1967 that the Egyptian, Yasser Arafat, who founded the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964, in an attempt to legitimize the PLO movement, decided to identify the Arabs living in the Holy Land as “Palestinians”.

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

Zuheir Mohsen, Executive Committee Member of the PLO, March 31, 1977


“Palestine has never existed—before or since—as an autonomous entity,” Farah, an Arab-American, proclaimed.   “It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

“There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

“Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.”

Though the definite origins of the word Palestine have been debated for years and are still not known for sure, the name is believed to be derived from the Egyptian and Hebrew word peleshet. Roughly translated to mean rolling or migratory, the term was used to describe the inhabitants of the land to the northeast of Egypt—the Philistines. The Philistines were an Aegean people—more closely related to the Greeks and with no connection ethnically, linguisticly [sic] or historically with Arabia—who conquered in the 12th Century BCE the Mediterranean coastal plain that is now Israel and Gaza.

A derivative of the name Palestine first appears in Greek literature in the 5th Century BCE when the historian Herodotus called the area Palaistin? (Greek – Παλαιστ?νη). In the 2nd century CE, the Romans crushed the revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba (132 CE), during which Jerusalem and Judea were regained and the area of Judea was renamed Palaestina in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.

Under the Ottoman Empire (1517-1917), the term Palestine was used as a general term to describe the land south of Syria; it was not an official designation. In fact, many Ottomans and Arabs who lived in Palestine during this time period referred to the area as Southern Syria and not as Palestine.

After World War I, the name Palestine was applied to the territory that was placed under British Mandate; this area included not only present-day Israel but also present-day Jordan.

Leading up to Israel’s independence in 1948, it was common for the international press to label Jews, not Arabs, living in the mandate as Palestinians. It was not until years after  Israeli independence that the Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were called Palestinians.

The word Palestine or Filastin does not appear in the Koran. The term peleshet appears  in the Jewish Tanakh [Hebrew Bible or OT] no fewer than 250 times (Israel: Origins of the Name “Palestine.” Jewish Virtual Library).

Before the Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration) when the Ottoman rule ended (1517-1917), Palestine’s political borders as we know them today did not exist, and there was nothing called a Palestinian people with a political identity as we know today, since Palestine’s lines of administrative division stretched from east to west and included Jordan and southern Lebanon, and like all peoples of the region [the Palestinians] were liberated from the Turkish rule and immediately moved to colonial rule, without forming a Palestinian people’s political identity.

Abd Al-Ghani Salameh, Arab historian

 Official PA TV, Nov. 1, 2017


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From Amazon: During our review process, we found that your book(s) violate our content guidelines. As a result, we are not offering your book(s) for sale on Amazon.

NOW! You can read for yourself what was so objectionable to Amazon.  This book is a bombshell of disclosure on the truth about Israel and its interaction with its Muslim neighbors.  What does the Bible say and prophesy about Israel?  Who does the region of Palestine belong to?  What does the Qur’an have to say about Israel and Palestine?  Why do Palestinians and Arab Muslims hate the Jews (and Christians)? Can there ever be peace between Israel and its Muslim neighbors?  Find the answers in Dr. Gauss’ riveting revelations in his newest book, Israel and the Middle East: Will There Ever Be Peace?

Available as an eBook here: Israel and the Middle East eBook by James Gauss – EPUB Book | Rakuten Kobo United States for only $3.99. 

Also available on Barnes and Noble in paperback for $9.72 or eBook for $3.99.

Get it today!  Share the link and the contents of this email on all your social media accounts.

With all that is happening in Israel and the Middle East you will want to be well informed on what the Bible has to say.