Posts Tagged ‘Immigration’

Will America Survive 2024?

January 16, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

January 16, 2024

Available worldwide on Barnes & Noble at this link or on Kobo here.

“Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH!”

David L. Cobb, Evangelist, Southern Baptist Conference


Author’s Note:  It was my intention to write this post toward the end of 2023.  However, life intervened and I procrastinated.  The truth is, I do not relish writing about negative, grim posts about our nation.  I fervently pray that I am way off base in what you are about to read.

Sometime in the fall of 2009, as I was getting ready to retire for the day, I had a strong impression that I was to read chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation in the Bible.  I thought it somewhat strange, since I had not read that book of the Bible in some years (it is not my favorite due to all the challenging symbolism).  And, I could not remember what chapter 18 was about.  This was not brought on by any dream or vision, just a strong impression to read it and read it, NOW!

As I read each verse—and I know there are many Bible theologians that will dispute this—it was if God was whispering in my ear: “This is about America.”

Over the following three+ years I read and re-read that chapter and related verses of the Bible and I could not get away from my first impression.  Finally, early in 2013, I published, with much trepidation, the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of AmericaWhile I did not predict or emphasize that Revelation 18 was specifically about America, I did write that “Mystery Babylon” of that chapter and other chapters in the Book of Revelation represented an evil empire that totally rejected God and fell into complete moral decay.

As 2020 introduced COVID and wanton government control and corruption, America fell even further into the abyss of moral decline as a people and nation.  To update this view, early in 2021, I published Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition).  With that as a backdrop, here’s what America is facing in 2024.


For many years I have said and written that America has long flown past the solutions that any person can humanly provide.  Sorry, Trump supporters, but neither he, nor any other political leader will be the solution to America’s many ills and immoralities.  At the beginning of the Biden presidency I posted what America could expect from President Biden and his cohorts.

This year, in my estimation, will be the most dangerous year for America and the world since the start of World War II in 1942.  That might be the most optimistic view.  It could be the worst ever for our relatively young country.  Briefly, let us take a realistic view of what America, specifically, is facing as we enter this new year.  I hope to address most of them in detail in future posts.

Economic Collapse.  For over 20 years I have closely followed and written about our nation’s financial debacle and decline.  No nation has or can survive the depth of the financial hole we and our leaders have dug.  There is no extension ladder long enough to get us out of this monetary abyss.  How bad is it?  As America entered 2024, our National Debt had just ticked over the $34 trillion mark, up $6 trillion since President Biden took office.  Federal spending (the budget means nothing to bureaucrats) was at $6.34 trillion/yr., but tax revenue was only $4.99 trillion/yr.  That means the government is (conservatively) running an annual deficit of $1.74 trillion/yr.   To avoid insolvency, the Feds must pay an estimated $724 billion on existing debt.

Suppose we lop off eight digits of these billions and trillions and bring the numbers down to our level of understanding.  For example, let’s say your family had a debt of $340,000 ($34 trillion less 8 digits).  Every year, just to pay interest on that debt, you had to come up with $7,240.  Your income is only $45,980, but your annual expenses are $63,400.  Under such income/expenses each year you are falling further into debt at the rate of $17,420/yr.  At what point do you declare bankruptcy and admit you are hopelessly in a debt spiral that you cannot manage or get out of?

However, for America as a nation, this highly focused on National Debt is only the tip of the monetary iceberg.  America’s Total Debt (Household, Business, State and Local Governments, Financial Institutions and Federal Government) is a whopping $97 trillion, up almost $15 trillion under the Biden administration.  The financial hole gets even deeper when we consider “Unfunded Liabilities.”  Think of those as government promises after taking your hard-earned money, but unlikely to reap the promised benefits because of the Fed’s gross mismanagement of your funds.  The Fed’s promissory note to American citizens is now north of $211 trillion, or $52 trillion more than when Biden took office three years ago.

As I was checking the latest financial figures for the nation, something curious cropped up that I do not remember seeing in the last 20+ years.  While Unfunded Liabilities are now at $212 trillion and skyrocketing, the nation’s “Assets” are at $189 trillion and plummeting.  Perhaps this has happened before, but I have never seen it before.

IRS Definition of Insolvency: When total liabilities exceed total assets.

Yes, I know the Feds can print money with abandon, but that too is about to come to a screeching halt.  Think “digital” money.  More details in a future post.

Nation’s Economy is in Shambles.  Do not believe a word of “Bidenomics.”  It is a complete fabrication and fable and we are about to find out how duped we have been.  You cannot believe one word on the economy that this administration has put forth.  Real inflation—the prices where real people shop—are more than double the government spin.  The Biden administration has created no “new” jobs, but only the re-employment of those who lost jobs during COVID.  Real unemployment is almost double the “official” government position.  People living in poverty continues to escalate and is over 43 million.  The number of homeless people has exceeded 610,000, a number not seen since 2012.  The economic forecast for this year is dismal, with many major corporations, as well as small businesses, planning major layoffs and/or permanent downsizing of their workforce.

Many financial and real estate professionals foresee a bursting of the real estate bubble that will make the economic implosion of 2008 seem like a cakewalk.

Illegal Immigration Implosion.  One can argue and present tons of evidence as to the motivation behind the Biden administration and the Democrats for espousing “open borders” for the world’s asylum seekers, despots, criminals, sex and drug traffickers, gang members, terrorists and a host of other malcontents and their evil intentions and plots against Americans.  The damage has been done and cannot be reversed and the nation and its citizens will pay a very high price on many levels for decades to come and it will completely change the face and image of the United States of America.

Societal Collapse.  During the latter part of the 20th century, Americans and American society made great strides forward for civil rights and the constitutional rights of individuals to pursue an equal opportunity to achieve personal goals and success without discrimination.  Racial integration of America’s schools, workplaces, restaurants and much of society was a hard-won battle in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in America’s southern states.  As the 20th century ended, America, while not perfect, could proudly recognize the righting of many wrongs.  Then came the Barack Obama years as president.  As a black man, people of color had high hopes of him continuing to work toward equality and racial justice.  Instead, he became the great divider-in-chief.  Obama continually pitted, not only the races against each other, but also the rich against the middle class and poor; the old against the young; the employer against the employee; Christians against non-Christians; Muslims against Jews, and the list could go on.

Enter Joe Biden, Obama’s proxy, and the societal division was put on perverted steroids, dividing Americans along sexual preferences and the life and death of the unborn.  America is now in full collapse as a hedonistic, sexually perverted, violent society of baby killers who fear neither God nor justice.

Moral Failure.  If one was an astute attorney, a case could easily be made that America is the most morally bankrupt nation in the history of the world.  Consider this: America is the only “civilized” nation in the history of the world to deliberately, and without remorse, killed over 65 million of its unborn children. Not content to kill its own, America’s promoters of such a diabolical act, exported the idea to the rest of the world.  This has resulted in the needless deaths of 1.68 billion unborn children meeting an untimely and often gruesome death in the womb or out of the womb.  Americans with demented minds are perverting the minds of our youth relentlessly, convincing the young they are not a boy, but a girl or the reverse, or that they are neither male nor female, but “its.” Public education has become a cesspool of ungodly thought and indoctrination, overriding parental authority and God-inspired morals and dignity.

Once again, not content with perverting the minds and bodies of America’s youth, those that foment such atrocities are exporting their “ideals” abroad, including via U.S. Embassies in other countries, or the dollars offered by USAID to foreign entities that are often tied to their perverted agenda. 

Wars and Rumors of Wars.  In April 2023, I posted a piece on Biden creating a very dangerous world.  How dangerous? I did not fully perceive the dire position we as a nation and the world are now facing.  It would appear that it is all due to the feckless, mindless, weak and ill-advised leadership of the Biden administration which is routinely mocked, laughed at and disregarded by the world’s despots and dictators.  It perhaps started with the debauched Afghanistan withdrawal that showcased to the world how weak and disorganized the new Trumpless administration would be.  After 20 years of fighting and securing that nation from the Taliban, in one fell swoop, Biden handed it back to them in August 2021, along with billions in American military equipment and munitions abandoned for their use.

Several months later, in February 2022, Vladamir Putin, saw his opportunity to attack Ukraine in an effort to make it part of Russian territory once again.  Now, Putin is threatening to attack NATO countries to expand the war.  Germany, Sweden and other NATO countries are now preparing for a World War III type battle with Russia.  If that happens, would China, North Korea and Iran jump into the mix?

China has also been flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea and around the world.  They have not been shy about their intent of world domination and have been constantly threatening Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines in word and military bravado.  Will they attack Taiwan before America’s election and precipitate World War III?

Then there is the lunatic in North Korea who is constantly threatening South Korea and Japan with a nuclear holocaust; and since Trump left office, threatening the United States with the capacity to shoot nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at America’s mainland. 

Then there is the current war that not many saw coming: the invasion of Israel by the Hamas Islamic terrorists on October 7 of last year.  Unfortunately, this terror attack and Israel’s justifiable response has the potential of a much expanded war in the Middle East and another World War III candidate.  Already Hamas terrorists, their sympathizers and Muslim terrorists worldwide are calling for the total annihilation of Israel and the United States.

So, if we put it all together, the United States, under the tutelage of Joe Biden and his associates has positioned America and its depleted, unprepared, understaffed and underfunded military in the direct path of such formidable, if not maniacal enemies as Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Islamic terrorists and who knows who else is licking their chops, thinking this is their time to do America in and share the spoils.

At no other time has America been facing such a host of adversaries, all seeking its destruction.  At a time when our military is depleted and woefully unprepared under an unclear, yet weak foreign policy agenda.  One might argue that in the run-up to World War II America was unprepared.  However, the stark difference between then and now, is the strong promulgated division among America’s citizens.  The nation is not only being overwhelmed by foreigners who have no allegiance to the country, but millions of the nation’s citizens have been turned against the national interest and security and are willingly trying to tear America apart and drive an unpatriotic wedge between family, friends, neighbors, church members and anyplace they are able.  America’s cohesiveness and love of country is fractured.  Not since the Civil War has the nation been so splintered.  Wolves of oppression are salivating over the weakness of the sheep.

Rejection of God.  While I am deeply grieved over the majority of people in America rejecting God, God is even more grieved over the nation of people He so richly blessed that has forgotten Him.  As I wrote at the beginning, we have travelled too far down the slippery slope of debauchery and willful sinfulness to pull ourselves out of this moral dilemma.  Only God can save us, but He will not intervene where He is no longer welcomed.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

President Abraham Lincoln

Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day

March 30, 1863

Finally, I wish I could write that the condition of America has improved since the first edition of Revelation 18 and the Fate of America. However, the unavoidable truth is that everything has become worse, much worse than I could have imagined.

My appeal to the Church in America and its leaders is this: Just like President Lincoln so long ago, call your congregations to prayer and fasting before Almighty God, repent and plead for His intervention.


Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

Israel and the Middle East: Will there ever be peace?

Reaping the Whirlwind. Part 2

March 7, 2023

Homogenous to Heterogeneous to Helter-Skelter

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

March 7, 2023

From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind,

and cold from the scattering winds of the north.

Job 37:9

We lived for a time in Ecuador, the small South American country where 93.5% of the population is Ecuadorian or native born.  Essentially the only language written or spoken is Castilian Spanish.  Yes, there are some native dialects, bilinguals and English speaking Ecuadorians as swell as thousands of Canadian and American residents.  For the most part, it is a pretty homogenous society.  The language of society, the country and the government is Spanish.  You either know it or you do not.  There are typically no bilingual government forms, signs or translators.  If you do not read or speak Spanish, it is your responsibility to get a translator. 

In the United States it is quite different.  Our beloved federal and state governments bend over backwards to provide translators and multi-language documents and forms for those who do not speak or understand English, our supposed “native” language.  One insurance company I know provides translations in 18 different languages.  According to various sources the cost of providing a translation can range from 8-25 cents per word.  Most of that cost burden eventually wiggles its way to the American taxpayer.  By providing so much assistance it disincentivizes the non-English speaker from learning the language of all our government documents, road signs, laws, text books and everything else American.

While Ecuador has one official language, it has been stated that America has “no official language,” even though 245 million of its residents speak English.  To complicate matters, there are over 350 languages spoken in the United States.  There are over 41 million Spanish speakers, followed by 3.4 million Chinese.  AND, we wonder why our nation no longer has an identity and appears to be falling apart.

Net migration statistics provide a peek into America’s growing problem.  On May 28, 2021, the Independent Sentinel reported that illegal immigrants crossing our nation’s southern border were coming from 160 countries.  We are no longer being invaded by a few thousand Mexicans, but by the entire world.  There are only 195 recognized countries in the world and the United States is being overwhelmed by members of 82 percent of them.  No nation can sustain or survive such an ongoing assault on its sovereignty.  The Biden administration knows that.  If they do not, they have no right to be leading this country.  If they do know that, but do not care, they should be removed for malfeasance (at the very least).

With this unrelenting surge of illegal immigration, the United States has one of the worst “net migration” statistics in the world.  For 2023 it is estimated that America’s net immigration will be 3.01/1000 people, or an estimated one million more people entering the country than leaving or emigrating elsewhere.  That, however, seems to be woefully underestimated under the current influx of alien intruders. Nations to our south, however, and not surprisingly, have net negative emigration, meaning more people leaving the country than entering—and we know where they are going.  In ascending order of emigration: Mexico (-0.77/1000), Honduras (-1.32), Guatemala (-1.63), Columbia (-1.85), Nicaragua (-2.04) and El Salvador (-7.01).

From where are America’s illegals emigrating? Not all illegals are coming from Mexico or Central America.  A growing number, over 33,000 in May 2021 (for example) were coming from countries of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India, South East Asia—virtually everywhere on the globe.  A growing number that are caught have been on our nation’s terrorist “watch list.”  Known criminals, sex and drug traffickers and multiple deportees are showing up by the thousands.  Not all illegal crossings are innocent families seeking asylum like the political left would like us to believe.  Thousands known and unknown have criminal intent and will result in chaos for much of our nation.

For the migrant, making the trek an illegal crossing can be treacherous and deadly.  In FY2022, an estimated 782 attempts proved deadly.  Death often comes from starvation, murders, drownings, snake bites, at the hands of illegal traffickers or gangs or suffocation in a semi-trailer.

It is an immense problem of our own creation, or more accurately, of our corrupt D.C. cabal.  The impact, as mentioned in the previous blog will have negative repercussions for decades to come, and will affect everything from quality of life to employment to education to crime to drug addiction and much more.

Thank you Mr. President and those who voted you into office—dead or alive.


Reaping the Whirlwind. Part 1

If you want to know where America could be headed, READ Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

“Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH!

“As an evangelist, I am most pleased that Dr. Gauss continually encourages the laity to go out daily verbally witnessing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (We have forgotten why we are here-to win the lost)! There is hope for America-and His Name is Jesus!”

David L. Cobb, Evangelist, Southern Baptist Conference

. . . the new version [of Revelation 18 and the Fate of America] is truly a magnum opus on what is happening to the USA and the world and so I did a review that is below.

This is a second and vastly updated version of the original published in 2014 [paperback, 2013]. Since the book is principally the same but much more has been added, I will start by presenting my review of the 2014 edition:

Revelation 18 draws a parallel between the fall of ancient Babylon described in the chapter cited and the current fall of the United States of America.

I read this book reluctantly because I have never really been able to understand the book of Revelation in either the King James Version or any of the newer ones. It has always seemed to me to have been written in an ancient code legible only to ancient peoples who lived around the time it was written.

Dr. James F. Gauss has taken this one chapter of Revelation and made it clear by contrasting its content with what has been and is going on in the USA today.

“As America’s wealth and power grew, so did its worldwide influence. However, what it gained in influence it relinquished to pride, moral collapse and perversion. The once great nation that was founded on Christ-centered ideals and life style slipped ever so slowly at first…then swiftly into hedonism and godlessness.”

The similarities pointed out verse-by-verse between the fall of Babylon and the ongoing moral collapses of the USA are indeed startling and tragic.

As John Darby’s commentary describes it: “(The powerful) mourn over her; so do those that have sought profit and ease and commerce in the earth. The royal and commercial system is shattered to pieces by the upset of the system. What characterizes her, that for which she is judged, is idolatry, corruption, worldliness, and persecution. She is judged destroyed, and the prosperity of the world is smitten by her fall…”

Dr. Gauss has shown how this chapter describes, not only the fall of Babylon, but also the fall of any country that loses its moral compass. This has been true of many countries over the centuries and is most clearly true today as regards the United States of America.

The 2021 edition contains all mentioned above and much, much more. It has been updated with much news and official reports, analysis and references pertinent to and consistent with, the original edition.

In addition to the news events pertinent to the themes of the 2014 edition, Dr. Gauss has researched in great depth almost every possible topic and action that bear influence upon the theme of the book and especially reinforce the comparison between Revelation 18 and current affairs affecting the USA since the first edition was published. The result is a truly massive quantity of data and information that make the new edition much more pertinent as a written photograph of the rapidly increasing advance of the very despicable public and private affairs that are bringing the USA to its end today.

Jim Wesberry, Jr., CPA

Former Georgia State Senator

Consultant at Pursuit of Accountability by Fighting Corruption

Visit Books by Gauss and Self-Publishing Services

Reaping the Whirlwind. Part 1

March 5, 2023

The Assault

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

March 5, 2023

They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no bud; it shall never produce meal.

If it should produce, aliens would swallow it up.

Hosea 8:7

The Invasion & Assault on Sovereignty.  The Biden administration’s rules for foreign nationals entering the United States by train, plane, boat or automobile are clear.  If you have been vaccinated for COVID and have a negative COVID test, you are free to enter.  However, if you try to sneak in by walking, crawling, swimming or floating, you are welcome without any proof of being disease-free, a criminal, sex offender or trafficker, drug trafficker, murderer, notorious gang member, terrorist, or other malcontent. You are free to go, or catch me if you can.

On August 29, 2022, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, told reporters that illegal immigrants were not simply walking across the southern border.  “That’s not how it works,” she exclaimed in her administrative-laced lie.  However, the nation’s border patrol members have consistently said, that is exactly how it works.

Despite that reality, Jean-Pierre was adamant, “But that’s not…it’s not like somebody ‘walks over.’”  Yes. it is!

Hearing about her comment, one border patrol agent remarked, “There’s only two reasons she said that, and that is either she is extremely dumb or she is flat-out lying and hopes America is so stupid we would believe her.”

During the four years (2017-2020) of the Trump administration, the U.S. Border Patrol logged 1,979,210 illegal immigrant “apprehensions”, or an average of 494,802 per year.  In the first two years of the Biden White House, “apprehensions” have averaged 1,938,409 per year or almost four times higher than the Trump years.  These numbers do not include the hundreds of thousands of “gotaways” that were not apprehended.  In the first three months of the federal government’s fiscal year (October through December 2022), there have been over one million (1,008,217) illegals caught and an estimated 350,000 gotaways.  And the peak season for the immigrant surge has yet to begin.  The majority of those crossing the border are not families seeking freedom and security and a new life.  The overwhelming number, 87.8 percent, are young adults, mostly men of unknown background and intent.

On August 16, 2022, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reported that 4.9 million foreigners had crossed the southern border in the first 18 months of the Biden administration, including 900,000 gotaways that disappeared into American society.  In the U.S. government’s fiscal year 2022, Fox News reported that there were an estimated 599,000 gotaways, or about 1,500 per day.

One thing is abundantly clear about the Democratic leadership in Washington, DC.  They could care less about the health and safety of the American people and sovereignty of the nation’s borders.  Nor do they care—despite their repeated posturing on caring for the poor and downtrodden—about the immigrants who are truly seeking asylum from abuse and crime in their home countries.

With the deceptions and lies of the current White House administration, U.S. citizens may never know the true number of illegal immigrants entering our country or the true extent of the cost and negative impact on our nation’s residents.

However, World Population Review estimated that illegal immigration in one year has cost the states across America a collective $83.2 billion.  This does not include the costs to the federal government.  California is bearing about one-quarter of the cost, or $21.76 billion.  Next in line is New York ($9.48B), Texas ($8.88B), Florida ($5.46B) and Illinois ($4.59B).

Way back in 2010, FAIR published a 98-page report claiming that illegal immigration was costing American taxpayers about $113 billion per year ($29B federal; $84B state & local).  At the beginning of 2021, before the Biden-induced illegal immigrant surge results were realized, the Washington Examiner reported that the estimated 14.45 million illegal immigrants in the United States were costing Americans $133.7 billion per year.

Whatever the real numbers are, it is a huge chunk of change that Americans will bear for many years.

In his testimony before the U.S. congressional Committee on Homeland Security on February 28, 2023, Sheriff Mark Lamb, Pinal County, AZ, stated,  “When we ask people why they came here, they said, ‘Because Joe Biden said we could.’ And this is the reality of what we deal with every day.”

“So clearly, the policies that have been — whether you call them open borders or not — they are affecting people coming here, and the cartels are taking advantage and marketing to people in other countries to come,” he added.

It is not just the southern border that is being assaulted by illegals.  Between October and January, 2023, the Vermont/Canada border saw an historic 846 percent increase in illegal crossings according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.

A Nation Without Borders.  A nation without borders is no longer a nation.  A Nation without laws, a national culture and integrity is no nation at all.  It is indistinguishable from the heathen and barbarian in its midst.

It was God’s idea, not man’s, to establish borders for people of different origins, purposes and mindsets.  The author of Psalm 74 acknowledges, “You [God] have set all the borders of the earth; You have made summer and winter.” (vs. 17).

Even within a nation, God established borders, as He did with Israel.  “Thus says the Lord God: ‘These are the borders by which you shall divide the land as an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have two portions’” (Ezekiel 47:13). 

Throughout the Old Testament, once Israel’s borders were defined, God called Israel to protect and defend their borders.  The stranger or foreigner was welcome, but invasions were to be repelled.  Their foreign gods and cultures were not welcomed.  The integrity of the nation was paramount.  When Israel failed to protect its borders, it was invaded and the nation collapsed.  When it sinned against God, rebelled against Him and worshipped foreign gods, God allowed it to be taken over and be no more.

What has been the response of President Biden and his Department of Homeland Security to this national crisis?  To deny it exists and to defund the Border Patrol.  From 2009 through 2020, the Border Patrol received between $16.83 billion (2014) to $25.27 billion (2020) in support of its operations.  Since Biden took office that support has plummeted to $16.289 billion in FY2022 and $15.3 billion for FY2023, the lowest level since 2008. When the total expenditures of federal, state and local governments is combined, the amount spent on border security is less than one-quarter of one-percent.

In 1970, the foreign born population in the United States was 4.7 percent of the total population.  In 2021, it represented 13.6 percent or three times the 1970 population.  According to Forbes, in 2022 the proportion of “legal” foreign born residents in the United States had reached nearly 15 percent.

The Bottom Line.  The cost of illegal immigration goes far beyond the monetary burden.  The true cost and current and future burden is likely incalculable and irreversible.  The United States will never be the same.  As Caucasian America and American citizens as a whole depopulate themselves with low birth rates, abortions and perverted sex practices, high birth rate foreigners are invading the land.

While some within the Church in America see this invasion as a great evangelistic opportunity, the reality of the past paints a much different picture.

READ Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

Visit Books by Gauss and Self-Publishing Services

Author-Endorsed Student Edition

August 20, 2020

Author-Endorsed Student Edition (Limited Copies)


Author-Endorsed Copy

Prepare your high school student (and you as a parent) for the world ahead and help your child to be prepared to not only defend their Christian beliefs, but witness to Muslims with the Gospel of Christ.

This is an excellent addition for your home library and Biblical resources.  Ideal for juniors and seniors and essential for any student going off to college or university (even Christian schools).

In 2018, Pew Research released a poll in which it was disclosed that of Americans converting to Islam a whopping 77% were raised in Christian homes. We cannot let America’s children fall prey to Islamic proselytizing on college campuses or elsewhere.

Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity is a direct and thorough comparison of the Messenger, Message and Mission of the Qur’an and the Bible.  Over 550 pages of essential information for every college prep and college student.

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The only true and honest textbook on Islam available today that is essential for every student heading to college or in college.  You are not likely to find this frank discussion of Islam on college or university campuses.

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Your book [Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity] is the finest and most thorough analysis I have ever seen of the teachings of the Quran in comparison to the Bible. It is a treasure trove of biblical truth, theological insight, and practical application.
My granddaughter is using it in her Global Studies class on Islam this very semester. I think a college-level text book version would be very helpful.
Dr. Ed Hindson
Founding Dean | Distinguished Professor of Religion
John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA

Dr. Gauss has been writing for publication since 1962 and has authored twenty books on a variety of Christian topics, including early American history, and since 2009, a variety of books on Islam in comparison to Christianity. His research is thorough and scholarly, yet easy to read and comprehend. In Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity, Dr. Gauss provides theological insights and discernment not found elsewhere.

Order your Author-Endorsed copy of this unique Student Edition by September 15 and we will pay the shipping & handling costs. 

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Biden or Trump?

July 28, 2020

James F. Gauss

July 28, 2020

A reader (I’ll call him, “George”) responded to my blog post on Reason #3 to NEVER Vote for a Democrat: Racism, and wrote: I’ve never voted for a party platform, preferring to vote for the person, their views, their character, their moral backbone, their examples of being truthful over political correctness. He went on to state that the choice between Clinton and Trump in 2016 was a difficult one because neither candidate met his character criteria. In the end, he voted for trump because of his stance (platform) “on Israel, abortion and nominating conservative judges to the courts.” Despite President Trump’s fulfillment of this reader’s hopes and much more, he now says he cannot and will not vote for Trump because of his “narcissism, self-absorption, moral deficiency, lying, Tweet fest name calling, and mental ineptitude. . . . His handling of this current pandemic is abhorrent, let alone the racial injustices and demonstrations.”

So, what is George’s choice in the upcoming election? He acknowledges that Joe Biden “is too old and I don’t like many of the things he supports. Yet, Biden is definitely better than Trump’s . . . .” So, with George’s perception of Trump’s character flaws, he would rather vote for Biden’s platform that he does not like. Strange thinking, but unfortunately, not unlike so many voters who cannot get beyond judging Trump solely on his character.

I intended to respond with a clarifying comment of my own, but realized that my response would be too long and better expressed more completely in another blog for a wider audience.

Character vs. Platform. I can certainly understand George’s concerns about President Trump’s character flaws. I had similar reservations right up until two weeks before the 2016 presidential election. I still believe, that in a personal context, President Trump may not be the type of person that would be on my BFF list (few people are—I’m very picky). But, then I reflect on the people of the Bible that God chose to be leaders for His cause, and, other than Jesus, they all had character flaws—some extremely severe, but God used them anyway. Does Donald J. Trump have character flaws and a bag of sins? Absolutely! But don’t we all, unless we confess our sins to God, repent and seek His forgiveness. However, being human, there is not one of us that is truly sin-free. We must constantly keep coming before the Lord in confession that leads unto repentance and forgiveness.

In American history, there are a scant few people who exhibited both godly character and true leadership. At the presidential level, the last person that I voted for that had a reasonable semblance of both, was Ronald Reagan. So, although this blog commentator judges Trump on the content of his character, but not Biden (even though he does not agree with Biden’s political agenda and principles), he chooses to reject Trump. In an imperfect world, I decided, when it comes to politics, I must choose platform over character. For me, although I have not voted Democrat for almost 40 years, the Democratic Party abandoned godly principles a long time ago. Even the Democratic faithful are waking up to that reality and the discerning among them understand that the Democratic Party and its leaders are delusional and morally bankrupt. On May 26, 2018, for instance, Brandon Straka, a Democratic voter became incensed with the Democrats deplorable platform and founded the WalkAway Campaign, which encourages the disillusioned Democratic voter to “walk away” from the Party and join the Republican effort. To date, over 338,000 former Democratic voters have done just that. In the last full week of July, 2020, Straka reported on Fox News that over 86,000 joined the campaign.

However, while George focuses on character to make his political decision, he is errant on a number of Trump’s principal goals that mimics the liberal media’s obsession with destroying Trump’s accomplishments and agenda since he announced his presidential run. (As an aside, the fact that the media is so obsessed with destroying Trump and refuses to give him any credit for anything, should be a signal to any rational person, that it is not Trump’s character that the political left and the Democrats are concerned about, but it is his Democratic-dismantling of their wayward and anti-American platform of Marxist-socialism). With daily 24/7 attacks from every conceivable source—hundreds a day—how would you respond? Especially if they were attacking your family and friends and endangering their lives with false and salacious accusations. But, he should stay off Twitter, you say. When absolutely every media outlet—newspaper, radio, TV, Internet (Facebook, Google, et al), except a handful of conservative ones, attack him every minute of every day, what outlet of defense does Trump have to defend himself? What would you do? Remain silent and passive?

Here’s the deal on Trump’s character from my perspective and experience. He’s a fighter; a politically incorrect brawler. He’s not a namby-pamby politician. Unlike most Democrats in Congress, he’s a patriot and loves America. He’ll do anything to defend it and the American people. I grew up in New Jersey and as a teenager and young adult I ventured into New York City many times, mostly to the ballparks (NYC was still home to the Dodgers, Giants and Yankees). Even back in the 1950s and 1960s, New Yorkers had the reputation of being tactless, blunt, in-your-face, crude and always telling you exactly what they thought about anything, including you. Trump is, of course, a New Yorker. I am not saying that excuses his perceived character flaws, it just might explain them. Years ago, we moved to what we thought was the peaceful, conservative Midwest state of Minnesota. Minnesotans pride themselves on “Minnesota Nice.” It drives Easterners crazy. It seems one never knows exactly what a born and raised Minnesotan really thinks or means. In retrospect, I will take the bluntness and straight-talking truth of a New Yorker over the less than genuine “Minnesota Nice” persona that is far too often fake.

So, what about character vs. platform? Is it Trump or is it Biden? I’m going to go right to the heart of one of the issues that apparently sticks in the craw of George and other anti-Trumpers: the accusation that Trump is a racist or is responsible for “racial injustices.” Perhaps, too much liberal news, or failure to do diligent research? Either way, I already thoroughly dealt with the racist history of the Democratic Party and its leaders in Reason #3, and its continuance today. But let me address the accusation of Trump’s “racism.”

Is Trump a Racist? In a retort to a Black radio talk show host, Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Now, that IS racist! The truth about Biden? He bends a knee to the violent, Marxist Black Lives Matter organization that is bent on destroying America, but ignores the millions of Black babies aborted; the Black slums that Democratic mayors run into the ground; the need for school choice vouchers for Black students so they can get out of the hellhole inner city schools that Democrats are destroying, etc. Biden and Obama had eight years to improve the lot of Blacks in America and did nothing but dole out goody bags. Now, that IS racist!

In his first year as President, Trump created the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, headed up by Executive Director Scott Turner (I hate saying this, but it’s necessary for all things racist in a Democrat’s mind, but Scott is Black, Negro, African-American. Otherwise, to normal Americans, he is  just one qualified guy who knows what he is doing and cares about those in economic stress). Under Turner’s direction, the WHORC has established 8,764 “opportunity zones” nominated by governors of all 50 states. Now that’s NOT racist!

These “zones” represent the lives of 35 million Americans (mostly minorities of color) living in poverty, low income and subjected to higher crime. Turner stated that the Council was charged with answering the question: “What can be done to lift up our most vulnerable and stressed communities . . . to create new jobs, new businesses, better housing, retail . . .” Now that’s NOT racist!

If you have not heard about this unique Trump initiative, it would be no surprise. Don’t expect the Trump-hating media to tell you about it, or any of the other outstanding Trump accomplishments. However, the infamous Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, have heard about it. They want to defund it. Now, that IS racist!

In less than three years, President Trump has, through economic reforms, greatly improved the living conditions and opportunities for Blacks and Hispanics, resulting in the lowest unemployment rate for both demographics since employment statistics have been kept. Now that’s NOT racist!

In December, 2019, Trump promoted and signed a Historic Black College & University bill providing $250 million per year in support of those institutions. Now, that’s NOT racism! Under the leadership of President Trump and the Direction of Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD, the Trump administration dealt with and resolved a back log of over 22 thousand fair housing complaints left unaddressed by the Obama administration. Now, that’s NOT racism!

The cries and accusations of racism against President Trump by the Democrats, liberal media and their ilk are proven false, but few anti-Trumpers will take the time and energy to research the facts. It’s easier just to proclaim “racist” from one’s armchair or be brain-numbed by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or another snooze outlet masquerading as a news network.

However, Black and Hispanic America are waking up and catching on to the fallacious plots of the leftists. When Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in a landslide (51-41%) in 1980, he did so with only 10% of the Black vote, while Carter garnered 86%. Recently, the liberal, lying Washington Post proclaimed that 92% of Blacks favor Biden for President. That is a strong contradiction to multiple other sources that have reported that Trump’s Black support has skyrocketed from 8% on Election Day in 2016, to over 40% today. Trump’s Hispanic support continues to grow and was last reported at 34%.

Now you know why the Democrats and their media shills are pulling out all the stops to destroy Trump before the election. Democrats are terrified about the election. They know they do not have a ghost of a chance in the November election with that kind of minority support for Trump. That support will continue to grow into Election Day as Democrats continue to prove to the minority communities that they do not care about law and order, Black lives or the survival of minority communities throughout the United States. On top of that, they have a candidate that often does not know what state or city he’s in, what day it is or what office he is running for in 2020.

Trump Accomplishments. George, you drone on about your perceived image of Trump and his “narcissism, self-absorption, moral deficiency, lying, Tweet fest name calling, and mental ineptitude. . . .” like some drunken sailor after watching CNN’s nightly Trump bashing. This character-deficient man, as you describe him, accomplished more positive things for the American people in his first 20 months (289, to be exact), then Obama did in eight years, or the Democrats have accomplished in several decades. Take some time and visit the list here: .

The Democratic Platform (in brief). No, I’m not going to waste my time to provide resources on most of this, that will come later. Most Trump supporters know this; non-Trumpers, do your own research. The Democrats’ platform in substance (they have no character):

  • An anti-God, anti-Christian agenda.
  • Anti-Bill of Rights; anti-American. Destroy the Second Amendment.
  • Anti-law enforcement and community protection; defund & disband the police.
  • Pro-Marxist, supporting BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam and Muslim Brotherhood and funded by the same.
  • Pro-Abortion, killing of babies, including babies of color they claim to care about.
  • Anti-military, but pro-Russia, pro-China, pro-Iran.
  • Anti-capitalism. Pro-high taxes. Pro-Socialism. Destroy America’s energy sector.
  • Anti-Business, especially small businesses.
  • Support anti-American conglomerates like Google, Face Book, et al to control and restrict free speech that do not support the Democratic socialist narrative and agenda.
  • 200 years of racist policies and destruction of the Black community and families.
  • Anti-freedom of expression at any level.
  • Anti-family; anti-Marriage.
  • Pro-Perversion education of America’s youth.
  • Pro-Islam in America’s schools.
  • Anti-Jew; anti-Israel.
  • Pro-Open Borders & illegal immigration. Abolish I.C.E., i.e. illegal immigration law enforcement.
  • Pro-Voter fraud and elimination of citizen-only voting and elimination of the Electoral College and voter I.D.
  • Pro-Lying, deceit and fraud in trying to destroy a duly elected U.S. President.
  • Pro-Treason and insurrection.

But, go ahead, don’t vote for Trump, George, just because he does not fit your character mold. Would Abraham, David, Apostle Peter or Apostle Paul have met your standards? Probably not! After all, they were liars, deceivers, fornicators, murderers and denied Christ.

I will make it abundantly clear for George and other anti-Trumpers. President Trump is not a perfect man. But America is at war for its very survival. Voting for a Democrat at any level is voting for America’s destruction (go ahead, laugh) and the freedom you enjoy. You will be destroying America for your children and grandchildren—if America lasts that long.

Take the time to read the Black Lives Matter “Manifesto” which can be viewed here: Among other fascist realities, they want THE ABOLITION OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL BRANCHES OF THE US GOVERNMENT. Another words, they want a fascist dictator. The Democrats will only be too happy to oblige.

Go to the BLM website at: and click on the “Donate” tab in the upper right corner. When the donation page opens, note that all donations go to “ActBlue.” What is ActBlue? ActBlue is a nonprofit technology organization established in June 2004 that enables left-leaning nonprofits, Democrats, and progressive groups to raise money on the Internet by providing them with online fundraising software. Its stated mission is to “empower small-dollar donors.” Interesting! The rioting, Marxist, terror group, Black Lives Matter, has actually been raising hundreds of millions for the Democratic machine and its candidates. These are the types of people the Democratic Party sleeps with on a daily basis—those who want to tear down America and destroy it forever. No wonder Democrats take foreign monies from Russia, China, Iran and anyone else who wants America DEAD.

George, what are you and your comrades thinking?

Embracing the Anti-Christ: The Heresy of Interfaith Dialogue

July 1, 2020

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An Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood

March 27, 2020

FBI stamp

Bate #ISE-SW/ 1B10/0000413 

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Thanks be to God, Lord of the Two Worlds,

Prayers and peace be upon the master of the Messengers


An Explanatory Memorandum

On the General Strategic Goal for the Group

In North America



Bate #ISE-SW/ 1B10/0000414

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Thanks be to God, Lord of the Two Worlds

And Blessed are the Pious



The beloved brother/The General Masul, may God keep him

The beloved brother/secretary of the Shura Council, may God keep him

The beloved brothers/Members of the Shura Council, may God keep them

God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. .. . To proceed,

I ask Almighty God that you, your families and those whom you love around you are in the best of conditions, pleasing to God, glorified His name be.

I send this letter of mine to you hoping that it would seize your attention and receive your good care as you are the people of responsibility and those to whom trust is given. Between your hands is an “Explanatory Memorandum” which I put effort in writing down so that it is not locked in the chest and the mind, and so that I can share with you a portion of the responsibility in leading the Group in this country.

What might have encouraged me to submit the memorandum in this time in particular is my feeling of a “glimpse of hope” and the beginning of good tidings which bring the good news that we have embarked on a new stage of Islamic activism stages in this continent.

The papers which are between your hands are not abundant extravagance, imaginations or hallucinations which passed in the mind of one of your brothers, but they are rather hopes, ambitions and challenges that I hope that you share some or most of which with me. I do not claim their infallibility or absolute correctness, but they are an attempt which requires study, outlook, detailing and rooting from you.

My request to my brothers is to read the memorandum and to write what they wanted of comments and corrections, keeping in mind that what is between your hands is not strange or a new submission without a root, but rather an attempt to interpret and explain some of what came in the long-term plan which we approved and adopted in our council and our conference in the year (1987).

So, my honorable brother, do not rush to throw these papers away due to your many occupations and worries, All what I’m asking of you is to read them and to comment on them hoping that we might continue together the project of our plan and our Islamic work in this part of the world.

Should you do that, I would be thankful and grateful to you.

I also ask my honorable brother, the Secretary of the Council, to add the subject of the memorandum on the Council agenda in its coming meeting.

May God reward you good and keep you for His Daw’a

Your brother/Moharned Akram


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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Thanks be to God, Lord of the Two Worlds

And Blessed are the Pious

Subject: A project for an explanatory memorandum for the General Strategic goal

for the Group in North America mentioned in the long-term plan

One: The Memorandum is derived from:

1 – The general strategic goal of the Group in America which was approved by the Shura Council and the Organizational Conference for the year [I987] is “Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is”.

2- The priority that is approved by the Shura Council for the work of the Group in its current and former session which is “Settlement”.

3- The positive development with the brothers in the Islamic Circle in an attempt to reach a unity of merger.

4- The constant need for thinking and future planning, an attempt to read it and working to “shape” the present to comply and suit the needs and challenges of the future.

5The paper of his eminence, the General Masul, may God keep him, which he recently sent to the members of the Council.

Two: An Introduction to the Explanatory Memorandum:

– In order to begin with the explanation, we must “summon” the following question and place it in front of our eyes as its relationship is important and necessary with the strategic goal and the explanation project we are embarking on. The question we are facing is: “How do you like to see the Islam Movement in North America in ten years?”, or “taking along” the following sentence when planning and working, “Islamic Work in North America in the year (2000): A Strategic Vision”.

Also, we must summon and take along “elements” of the general strategic goal of the Group in North America and I will intentionally repeat them in numbers. They are:

[l- Establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

2- Adopting Muslims’ causes domestically and globally.

3Expanding the observant Muslim base.

4- Unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts.

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5- Presenting Islam as a civilization alternative

6Supporting the establishment of the global Islamic State wherever it is].

– It must be stressed that it has become clear and emphatically known that all is in agreement that we must “settle” or “enable” Islam and its Movement in this part of the world.

– Therefore, a joint understanding of the meaning of settlement or enablement must be adopted, through which and on whose basis we explain the general strategic goal with its six elements for the Group in North America.

Three: The Concept of Settlement:

This term was mentioned in the Group’s “dictionary” and documents with various meanings in spite of the fact that everyone meant one thing with it. We believe that the understanding of the essence is the same and we will attempt here to give the word and its “meanings” a practical explanation with a practical Movement tone, and not a philosophical linguistic explanation, while stressing that this explanation of ours is not complete until our explanation of “the process” of settlement itself is understood which is mentioned in the following paragraph. We briefly say the following:

Settlement: “That Islam and its Movement become a part of the homeland it lives in”.

Establishment: “That Islam turns into firmly-rooted organizations on whose bases civilization, structure and testimony are built”.

Stability: “That Islam is stable in the land on which its people move”.

Enablement: “That Islam is enabled within the souls, minds and the lives of the people of the country in which it moves”.

Rooting: “That Islam is resident and not a passing thing, or rooted “entrenched” in the soil of the spot where it moves and not a strange plant to it”.

Four: The Process of Settlement:

– In order for Islam and its Movement to become “a part of the homeland” in which it lives, “stable” in its land, “rooted” in the spirits and minds of its people, “enabled” in the live of its society and has firmly-established “organizations” on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out this grand mission as a “Civilization Jihadist” responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country. Among these keys and tools are the following:

1- Adopting the concept of settlement and understanding its practical meanings:

The Explanatory Memorandum focused on the Movement and the realistic dimension of the process of settlement and its practical meanings without paying attention to the difference in understanding between the resident and the non-resident, or who is the settled and the non-settled

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and we believe that what was mentioned in the long-term plan in that regards suffices.

2- Making a fundamental shift in our thinking and mentality in order to suit the challenges of the settlement mission.

What is meant with the shift – which is a positive expression – is responding to the grand challenges of the settlement issues. We believe that any transforming response begins with the method of thinking and its center, the brain, first. In order to clarify what is meant with the shift as a key to qualify us to enter the field of settlement, we say very briefly that the following must be accomplished:

– A shift from the partial thinking mentality to the comprehensive thinking mentality,

– A shift fiom the “amputated” partial thinking mentality to the “continuous” comprehensive mentality.

– A shift from the mentality of caution and reservation to the mentality of risk and controlled liberation.

– A shift from the mentality of the elite Movement to the mentality of the popular Movement.

– A shift fiom the mentality of preaching and guidance to the mentality of building and testimony

– A shift from the single opinion mentality to the multiple opinion mentality.

– A shift from the collision mentality to the absorption mentality.

– A shift from the individual mentality to the team mentality.

– A shift from the anticipation mentality to the initiative mentality.

– A shift from the hesitation mentality to the decisiveness mentality.

– A shift from the principles mentality to the programs mentality.

– A shift from the abstract ideas mentality the true organizations mentality [This is the core point and the essence of the memoiandum].

3- Understanding the historical stages in which the Islamic Ikhwani [militia of brothers] activism went through in this country:

The writer of the memorandum believes that understanding and comprehending the historical stages of the Islamic activism which was led and being led by the Muslim Brotherhood in this continent is a very important key in working towards settlement, through which the Group observes its march, the direction of its movement and the curves and turns of its road. We will suffice here with mentioning the title for each of these stages [The title expresses the prevalent characteristic of the stage] [Details maybe mentioned in another future study]. Most likely, the stages are:

A- The stage of searching for self and determining the identity.

B- The stage of inner build-up and tightening the organization.

C- The stage of mosques and the Islamic centers.

D- The stage of building the Islamic organizations – the first phase.

E- The stage of building the Islamic schools – the first phase.

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F- The stage of thinking about the overt Islamic Movement – the first phase.

G- The stage of openness to the other Islamic movements and attempting to reach a formula for dealing with them – the first phase.

H- The stage of reviving and establishing the Islamic organizations – the second phase. We believe that the Group is embarking on this stage in its second phase as it has to open the door and enter as it did the first time.

4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:

The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen [Islamic guerilla fighters] be equal.

5- Understanding that we cannot perform the settlement mission by ourselves or away from people:

A mission as significant and as huge as the settlement mission needs magnificent and exhausting efforts. With their capabilities, human, financial and scientific resources, the Ikhwan will not be able to carry out this mission alone or away from people and he who believes that is wrong, and God knows best. As for the role of the Ikhwan, it is the initiative, pioneering, leadership, raising the banner and pushing people in that direction. They are then to work to employ, direct and unify Muslims’ efforts and powers for this process. In order to do that, we must possess a mastery of the art of “coalitions”, the art of “absorption” and the principles of “cooperation”.

6- The necessity of achieving a union and balanced gradual merger between private work and public work:

We believe that what was written about this subject is many and is enough. But, it needs a time and a practical frame so that what is needed is achieved in a gradual and a balanced way that is compatible with the process of settlement.

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7- The conviction that the success of the settlement of Islam and its Movement in this country is a success to the global Islamic Movement and a true support for the sought-after state, God willing:

There is a conviction – with which this memorandum disagrees – that our focus in attempting to settle Islam in this country will lead to negligence in our duty towards the global Islamic Movement in supporting its project to establish the state. We believe that the reply is in two segments: One – The success of the Movement in America in establishing an observant Islamic base with power and effectiveness will be the best support and aid to the global Movement project.

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And the second – is the global Movement has not succeeded yet in “distributing roles” to its branches, stating what is the needed from them as one of the participants or contributors to the project to establish the global Islamic state. The day this happens, the children of the American Ikhwani branch will have far-reaching impact and positions that make the ancestors proud.

8- Absorbing Muslims and winning them with all of their factions and colors in America and Canada for the settlement project, and making it their cause, future and the basis of their Islamic life in this part of the world:

This issues requires from us to learn “the art of dealing with the others”, as people are different and people in many colors. We need to adopt the principle which says, “Take from people … the best they have”, their best specializations, experiences, arts, energies and abilities. By people here we mean those within or without the ranks of individuals and organizations. The policy of “taking” should be with what achieves the strategic goal and the settlement process. But the big challenge in front of us is: how to connect them all in “the orbit” of our plan and “the circle” of our Movement in order to achieve “the core” of our interest. To me, there is no choice for us other than alliance and mutual understanding of those who desire from our religion and those who agree from ow belief in work. And the U.S. Islamic arena is full of those waiting …., the pioneers.

What matters is bringing people to the level of comprehension of the challenge that is facing us as Muslims in this country, conviction of our settlement project, and understanding the benefit of agreement, cooperation and alliance. At that time, if we ask for money, a lot of it would come, and if we ask for men, they would come in lines, What matters is that ow plan is “the criterion and the balance” in our relationship with others.

Here, two points must be noted; the first one: we need to comprehend and understand the balance of the Islamic powers in the U.S. arena [and this might be the subject of a future study]. The second point: what we reached with the brothers in “ICNA” is considered a step in the right direction, the beginning of good and the first drop that requires growing and guidance.

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9- Re-examining our organizational and administrative bodies, the type of leadership and the method of selecting it with what suits the challenges of the settlement mission:

The memorandum will be silent about details regarding this item even though it is logical and there is a lot to be said about it,

10- Growing and developing our resources and capabilities, our financial and human resources with what suits the magnitude of the grand mission:

If we examined the human and the financial resources the Ikhwan alone own in this country, we and others would feel proud and glorious. And if we add to them the resources of our friends and allies, those who circle in our orbit and those waiting on our banner, we would realize that we are able to open the door to settlement and walk through it seeking to make Almighty God’s word the highest.

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11Utilizing the scientific method in planning, thinking and preparation of studies needed for the process of settlement:

Yes, we need this method, and we need many studies which aid in this civilization Jihadist

operation. We will mention some of them briefly:

– The history of the Islamic presence in America.

– The history of the Islamic Ikhwani presence in America.

– Islamic movements, organizations and organizations: analysis and criticism.

– The phenomenon of the Islamic centers and schools: challenges, needs and statistics.

– Islamic minorities.

– Muslim and Arab communities.

– The U.S. society: make-up and politics.

– The U.S. society’s view of Islam and Muslims … And many other studies which we can direct our brothers and allies to prepare, either through their academic studies or through their educational centers or organizational tasking. What is important is that we start.

12- Agreeing on a flexible, balanced and a clear “mechanism” to implement the process of settlement within a specific, gradual and balanced “time frame” that is in-line with the demands and challenges of the process of settlement.

13- Understanding the U.S. society from its different aspects an understanding that “qualifies” us to perform the mission of settling our Dawa’ [to proselytize or preach Islam] in its country “and growing it” on its land.

14- Adopting a written “jurisprudence” that includes legal and movement bases, principles, policies and interpretations which are suitable for the needs and challenges of the process of settlement.

15- Agreeing on “criteria” and balances to be a sort of “antennas” or “the watch tower” in order to make sure that all of our priorities, plans, programs, bodies, leadership, monies and activities march towards the process of the settlement.

16- Adopting a practical, flexible formula through which our central work complements our domestic work.

[Items 12 through 16 will be detailed later].

17- Understanding the role and the nature of work of “The Islamic Center” in every city with what achieves the goal of the process of settlement:

The center we seek is the one which constitutes the “axis” of our Movement, the “perimeter” of the circle of our work, our “balance center”, the “base” for our rise and our “Dar al-Arqam” to educate us, prepare us and supply our battalions in addition to being the “niche” of our prayers.

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This is in order for the Islamic center to turn – in action not in words – into a seed “for a small Islamic society” which is a reflection and a mirror to our central organizations. The center ought to turn into a “beehive” which produces sweet honey. Thus, the Islamic center would turn into a place for study, family, battalion, course, seminar, visit, sport, school, social club, women gathering, kindergarten for male and female youngsters, the office of the domestic political resolution, and the center for distributing our newspapers, magazines, books and our audio and visual tapes.

In brief we say: we would like for the Islamic center to become “The House of Dawa”‘ and “the general center” in deeds first before name. As much as we own and direct these centers at the continent level, we can say we are marching successfully towards the settlement of Dawa’ in this country.

Meaning that the “center’s” role should be the same as the “mosque’s” role during the time of God’s prophet, God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he marched to “settle” the Dawa’ in its first generation in Madina. from the mosque, he drew the Islamic life and provided to the world the most magnificent and fabulous civilization humanity knew.

This mandates that, eventually, the region, the branch and the Usra [Islamic families] turn into “operations rooms” for planning, direction, monitoring and leadership for the Islamic center in order to be a role model to be followed.

18- Adopting a system that is based on “selecting” workers, “role distribution” and “assigning” positions and responsibilities is based on specialization, desire and need with what achieves the process of settlement and contributes to its success.

19- Turning the principle of dedication for the Masuls of main positions within the Group into a rule, a basis and a policy in work. Without it, the process of settlement might be stalled [Talking about this point requires more details and discussion].

20- Understanding the importance of the “Organizational” shift in our Movement work, and doing Jihad in order to achieve it in the real world with what serves the process of settlement and expedites its results, God Almighty’s willing:

The reason this paragraph was delayed is to stress its utmost importance as it constitutes the heart and the core of this memorandum. It also constitutes the practical aspect and the true measure of our success or failure in our march towards settlement. The talk about the organizations and the “organizational” mentality or phenomenon does not require much details. It suffices to say that the first pioneer of this phenomenon was our prophet Mohamed, God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon him, as he placed the foundation for the first civilized organization which is the mosque, which truly became “the comprehensive organization”. And this was done by the pioneer of the contemporary Islamic Dawa’, Imam martyr Hasan al-Banna, may God have mercy on him, when he and his brothers felt the need to “re-establish” Islam and its movement anew, leading him to establish organizations with all their kinds: economic, social, media, scouting,

Bate #ISE-SW 1B10/0000421 (Cont’d)

professional and even the military ones. We must say that we are in a country which understands no language other than the language of the organizations, and one which does not respect or give weight to any group without effective, functional and strong organizations.

Bate #ISE-SW lB10/0000422

It is good fortune that there are brothers among us who have this “trend”, mentality or inclination to build the organizations who have beat us by action and words which leads us to dare say honestly what Sadat in Egypt once said, “We want to build a country of organizations” – a word of right he meant wrong with. I say to my brothers, let us raise the banner of truth to establish right “We want to establish the Group of organizations”, as without it we will not able to put our feet on the true path.

– And in order for the process of settlement to be completed, we must plan and work from now to equip and prepare ourselves, our brothers, our apparatuses, our sections and our committees in order to turn into comprehensive organizations in a gradual and balanced way that is suitable with the need and the reality. What encourages us to do that – in addition to the aforementioned – is that we possess “seeds” for each organization from the organization we call for [See attachment number (I)].

– All we need is to tweak them, coordinate their work, collect their elements and merge their efforts with others and then connect them with the comprehensive plan we seek.

For instance,

We have a seed for a “comprehensive media and art” organization: we own a print + advanced typesetting machine + audio and visual center + art production office + magazines in Arabic and English [The Horizons, The Hope, The Politicians, Ila Falastine, Press Clips, al-Zaytouna, Palestine Monitor, Social Sciences Magazines.,.] + art band + photographers + producers + programs anchors + journalists + in addition to other media and art experiences”.

Another example:

We have a seed for a “comprehensive Dawa’ educational” organization: We have the Daw’a section in ISNA + Dr. Jamal Badawi Foundation + the center run by brother Harned al-Ghazali + the Dawa’ center the Dawa’ Committee and brother Shaker al-Sayyed are seeking to establish now + in addition to other Daw’a efforts here and there…”.

And this applies to all the organizations we call on establishing.

– The big challenge that is ahead of us is how to turn these seeds or “scattered” elements into comprehensive, stable, “settled” organizations that are connected with our Movement and which fly in our orbit and take orders from ow guidance. This does not prevent – but calls for – each central organization to have its local branches but its connection with the Islamic center in the city is a must.

Bate #ISE-SW lB10/0000422 (Cont’d)

– What is needed is to seek to prepare the atmosphere and the means to achieve “the merger” so that the sections, the committees, the regions, the branches and the Usras are eventually the heart and the core of these organizations.

Or, for the shift and the change to occur as follows:

Bate #ISE-SW lB10/0000423

1 – The Movement Department + The Secretariat Department

2Education Department + Dawa’a Com.

3Sisters Department

4- The Financial Department + Investment Committee + The Endowment

5- Youth Department + Youths Organizations Department

6- The Social Committee + Matrimony Committee + Mercy Foundation

7- The Security Committee

8- The Political Depart. + Palestine Com.

9- The Group’s Court + The Legal Com.

10- Domestic Work Department

11 – Our magazines + the print + our art band

12- The Studies Association + The Publication House + Dar al-Kitab

13- Scientific and Medial societies

14- The Organizational Conference

15- The Shura Council + Planning Corn.

16- The Executive Office

17- The General Masul

18- The regions, branches & Usras

The Organizational & Administrative Organization – The General Center

– Dawa’ and Educational Organization

– The Women’s Organization

– The Economic Organization

– Youth Organizations

– The Social Organization

– The Security Organization

– The Political Organization

– The Judicial Organization

– Its work is to be distributed to the rest of the organizations

– The Media and Art Organization

– The Intellectual & Cultural Organization

– Scientific, Educational & Professional Organization

– The Islamic-American Founding Conference

– The Shura Council for the Islamic-American Movement

– The Executive Office of the Islamic-American Movement

– Chairman of the Islamic Movement and its official Spokesman

– Field leaders of organizations & Islamic centers

Five: Comarehensive [sic] Settlement Organization:

– We would then seek and struggle in order to make each one of these above-mentioned organizations a “comprehensive organization” throughout the days and the years, and as long as we are destined to be in this country. What is important is that we put the foundation and we will be followed by peoples and generations that would finish the march and the road but with a clearly-defined guidance.

Bate #ISE-SW lBlO/0000423 (Cont’d)

And, in order for us to clarify what we mean with the comprehensive, specialized organization, we mention here the characteristics and traits of each organization of the “promising” organizations.

1- From the Dawa’ and educational aspect [The Dawa’ and Educational Organization]: to include:

– The Organization to spread the Dawa’ (Central and local branches).

– An institute to graduate Callers and Educators.

– Scholars, Callers, Educators, Preachers and Program Anchors,

– Art and communication technology, Conveyance and Dawa’.

Bate #ISE-SW 1B10/0000424

– A television station.

– A specialized Dawa’ magazine.

– A radio station.

– The Higher Islamic Council for Callers and Educators.

– The Higher Council for Mosques and Islamic Centers.

– Friendship Societies with the other religions … and things like that.

2- Politicallv IThe Political Organization]: to include:

– A central political party.

– Local political offices.

– Political symbols.

– Relationships and alliances.

– The American Organization for Islamic Political Action

– Advanced Information Centers.. . .and things like that.

3- Media [The Media and Art Organization]: to include:

– A daily newspaper.

– Weekly, monthly and seasonal magazines.

– Radio stations.

– Television programs.

– Audio and visual centers.

– A magazine for the Muslim child.

– A magazine for the Muslim woman.

– A print and typesetting machines.

– A production office.

– A photography and recording studio

– Art bands for acting, chanting and theater.

– A marketing and art production office … and things like that,

Bate #ISE-SW 1B10/ 0000425

4- Economicallv [The Economic Organizationl: to include:

– An Islamic Central bank.

– Islamic endowments.

– Investment projects.

– An organization for interest-free loans …. and things like that.

5- Scientifically and Professionallv [The Scientific, Educational and Professional Organization] : to include:

– Scientific research centers.

– Technical organizations and vocational training.

– An Islamic university.

– Islamic schools.

– A council for education and scientific research.

– Centers to train teachers.

– Scientific societies in schools.

– An office for academic guidance.

– A body for authorship and Islamic curricula.. . . and things like that.

6- Culturallv and Intellectuallv [The Cultural and Intellectual Organization]: to include:

– A center for studies and research.

– Cultural and intellectual foundations such as [The Social Scientists Society – Scientists and Engineers Society., . .].

– An organization for Islamic thought and culture.

– A publication, translation and distribution house for Islamic books.

– An office for archiving, history and authentication

– The project to translate the Noble Quran, the Noble Sayings …. and things like that.

7- Sociallv I The Social-Charitable Organization]: to include:

– Social clubs for the youths and the community’s sons and daughters

– Local societies for social welfare and the services are tied to the Islamic centers

– The Islamic Organization to Combat the Social Ills of the U.S. Society

– Islamic houses project

– Matrimony and family cases office …. and things like that.

Bate #ISE-SW lB1010000426

8- Youths [The Youth Organization]: to include:

– Central and local youths foundations.

– Sports teams and clubs

– Scouting teams …. and things like that.

9- Women [The Women Organization]: to include:

– Central and local women societies.

– Organizations of training, vocational and housekeeping.

– An organization to train female preachers.

– Islamic kindergartens … and things like that.

10- Organizationallv and Administratively [The Administrative and Organizational Organization]:to include:

– An institute for training, growth, development and planning

– Prominent experts in this field

– Work systems, bylaws and charters fit for running the most complicated bodies and organizations

– A periodic magazine in Islamic development and administration.

– Owning camps and halls for the various activities.

– A data, polling and census bank.

– An advanced communication network.

– An advanced archive for our heritage and production …. and things like that.

11- Securitv [The Securitv Organization]: to include:

– Clubs for training and learning self-defense techniques.

– A center which is concerned with the security issues [Technical, intellectual, technological and human]. .. .and things like that.

12- Legallv [The Legal Organization]: to include:

– A Central Jurisprudence Council.

– A Central Islamic Court.

– Muslim Attorneys Society.

– The Islamic Foundation for Defense of Muslims’ Rights … and things like that.

And success is by God.

Bate #ISE-SW 16101 0000427

Attachment number (1)

A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends

[Imagine if t they all march according to one plan! ! !]






























Check out Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity here.

March 17 Release! Student Edition

March 17, 2020


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Chief Steward, Restore Minnesota
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Your book is the finest and most thorough analysis I have ever seen of the teachings of the Quran in comparison to the Bible. It is a treasure trove of biblical truth, theological insight, and practical application.
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Dr. Ed Hindson
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With Dr. Hindson’s encouragement, that college-level textbook is now complete.

  •  Almost 350 chapter review questions.
  •  Section review charts and comparisons.
  •  Dozens of  maps, charts and tables of information.
  •  Full color presentation.
  •  “Dig Deeper” challenges for each chapter.
  •  Ten Addendums of additional information.
  •  Hundreds of references and additional resources.


Student Edition Contents

March 17, 2020


Acknowledgements 13
Preface by Pastor Reza Safa. 15
Introduction. 17

1. Understanding the Origin of Islam. 27
The World Islamic Population. 28
Countries with high Muslim Populations. 29
Regional Distribution of Muslims (map). 31
The Islamic Birth Rate. 32
Abortions Further Exasperate the Problem. 33
The Origin of Islam. 34
Muhammad’s First Revelation. 35
Problems with Muhammad’s Revelation. 36
The Source of God’s Word. 37
Satanic Verses—The Islamic Conundrum. 39
Muhammad’s Night Journey to the Seven Heavens. 41
The Hijra or Flight to Medina. 43
Dig Deeper. 44
Chapter Review. 44
References. 45
2. The Bible vs. the Qur’an. 49
Biblical Contrasts and Islamic Abrogation. 50
Abrogation—Strictly an Islamic Concept. 50
Muhammad’s Mecca vs. Medina Revelations. 52
Chronological Order of Surahs (insert). 52
Muhammad Revealed Only the Truth—But Jesus is the Truth. 53
The Qur’an in Light of the Bible. 55
Does an Original Copy of the Qur’an or Bible Exist? 55
Dig Deeper. 57
Muslims are Commanded in the Qur’an to Read the Bible. 57
Allah Revealed the Bible is Corrupt. 62
There is No Common Ground with the Bible and the Qur’an. 64
One God vs. The Triune God. 65
Biblical Testimonies to the Trinity. 66
The Triune God of Christians Explained. 68
Christians are not Polytheists. 69
The Coming of Jesus Christ Foretold. 70
The Death and Crucifixion of Christ. 71
Islam’s Version of Christ’s Crucifixion. 73
Witnesses to Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection. 75
Josephus, the Jewish Historian. 82
Muhammad’s Hatred for the Cross of Christ. 83
Dig Deeper. 85
Chapter Review. 85
References. 86
Addendum: Comparison of the Bible & Qur’an. 87
3. America’s First Introduction to Islam. 91
Map of the Ottoman Empire. 92
Map of the Barbary States. 93
Morocco’s Recognition of the United States. 93
The Real Reason Jefferson Owned a Qur’an. 93
The Islamic scriptural basis for jihad. 96
Jefferson’s Religious Freedom Statute. 96
John Quincy Adams’ Views on Islam. 98
Jefferson’s First War with the Barbary Pirates (1801-1805). 99
The frigate. 101
Article 11 of the 1796 peace treaty of Tripoli. 102
The Second Barbary War (June 17-19, 1815). 105
Dig Deeper. 106
Chapter Review. 106
References. 107
4. Israel and the Middle East. 111
Will There Ever be Peace in the Middle East? 111
Abram (Abraham) Seeks an Heir. 111
The Destiny of Ishmael and His Descendants. 112
God’s Plan and Covenant. 112
The Original Demarcation of the Land of Canaan. 113
Ishmael was not in God’s Plan for His People. 113
Muslims are not Descendants of Abraham. 114
God did not Recognize Ishmael as Abraham’s Son. 115
Allah says that Palestine is for the Jews. 117
Historical and Archeological Evidence that Jerusalem Belongs to the Jews. 119
The Origin of Palestine and the Palestinians. 123
Origins of the Name “Palestine.” 124
The Balfour Declaration of 1917. 125
Balfour Declaration. 126
The Two State Solution. 127
The Oslo Accord. 129
Hamas Covenant to Destroy Israel. 130
The UN Condemns Israel and Exonerates Hamas and Palestinians. 133
Dig Deeper. 135
Chapter Review. 136
References. 137
5. Deceptions of Islamic, Christian & Political Leaders. 141
Deceptions Among America’s Leaders. 141
True Islam. 148
Deception #1: Allah and Jehovah God are One. 149
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association vs. the Roman Catholic View. 150
Muslims Claim Allah is Jehovah God. 152
Did Allah Reveal Himself to Moses? 153
Biblical Reasons Allah is not the God of the Bible. 155
Deception #2: Islam is an Abrahamic Faith as is Judaism and Christianity. 159
Deception #3: Jews, Christians and Muslims Pray to the Same God. 160
The Roman Catholic Position. 161
What Does Jesus Say? 162
The Holy Spirit, Whom Muslims Deny, Directs the Prayers of Christ Followers. 164
Deception #4: Islam is a Religion of Peace. 165
The “Arab Spring” Reverberation. 169
Homegrown Terrorism. 173
Deception #5: Islam is a Religion of Tolerance. 177
“No Compulsion in Religion.” 177
Surrendering to Islam is not an Option. 178
Dig Deeper. 179
Deception #6: Islamic Terrorism & Terrorists Do Not Represent True Islam. 181
An Islamic Apologist. 182
Entrenchment of the Muslim Brotherhood. 183
In Defense of the Muslim Brotherhood. 185
Muslim Brotherhood Motto. 186
Deception #7: True Islam has been Hijacked and can be Reformed. 188
Deception #8: There are Moderate Muslims. 190
The Myth of the “Moderate Muslim.” 190
Questions Abound. 192
Can True Muslims Adapt to the West? 194
The Question Remains. 197
Dig Deeper. 198
Chapter Review. 198
References. 199

6. Muhammad vs. Prophets of the Bible. 207
The Nature of a Prophet. 207
What and Who is a Prophet? 208
True Prophets Know the Voice of God. 210
Moses, an Ordinary Man. 210
Samuel, the Boy. 212
Isaiah, the Messianic Prophet. 212
Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet. 213
Ezekiel, Prophet of the Captivity. 213
John the Baptist. 214
Jesus, the Christ. 214
The Changeable Allah vs. Unchangeable God. 215
The Purpose of Prophecy. 215
The God Who Cannot Lie or Change His Mind. 216
Old Testament Prophesies About Jesus. 218
Seed of David. 218
Son of God. 218
The Mediator Between Man and God. 219
The Anointed One—The Messiah. 219
Born of a Virgin. 220
Born in Bethlehem. 221
A Man without Sin. 221
Betrayed by a Friend. 222
Crucified and Pierced for Our sake. 222
Jesus was Resurrected and Did Not Die. 222
Prophet of Justice and Good News. 223
Lord and Savior. 224
Source of the Holy Spirit. 225
Does the Bible Prophesy about Muhammad’s Coming? 226
Jesus’ Wisdom vs. Muhammad’s. 226
An Examination of Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18. 228
An Examination of John 14:16. 233
A Brief Re-cap of Jesus vs. Muhammad. 234
God’s Unchangeable Word. 235
True Prophets Know Their History. 237
The Qur’an Acknowledges God’s Covenant with the Jews. 238
How the Qur’an Contradicts the Bible. 238
Creation Took 8 Days. 238
One of Noah’s Sons Drowned. 239
Joseph’s Dream Interpretation: The Baker was Crucified. 239
Moses was Adopted by Pharaoh’s Wife. 240
Pharaoh Saved from Drowning by Allah. 240
Gideon’s Army Led by King Saul Against Goliath. 240
The Wolf and the Wisdom of Solomon. 240
Zacharias’s Penalty for Unbelief was Only Three Days. 241
Moses’ Sister Gave Birth to Jesus. 242
Dig Deeper. 243
Was Muhammad the Last Prophet? 243
The 25 Prophets of Islam. 244
Signs of a False Prophet. 244
Is Islam a Complete Fabrication? 251
Dig Deeper. 253
Chapter Review. 253
References. 254
7. Prince of Peace vs. Warrior Prophet. 257
What the Qur’an Says About Peace. 257
How Muhammad and the Qur’an View Peace. 257
God of Peace and the Prince of Peace. 259
The God of Peace. 261
The Sword of Christ. 262
Christ’s Guarantee of Peace. 264
Is Allah a Peacemaker? 265
The Religion of Peace? 266
The Cause of Ahlam Tamimi. 268
Peace—A Gift from God. 270
The Gospel of Peace. 272
False Prophets of Peace. 275
Peace Denied to the Wicked. 276
Parting Words. 277
Dig Deeper. 278
Chapter Review. 279
References. 280
Addendum 1: Islamic Attacks Worldwide Since September 11, 2001. 281
Addendum 2: List of Islamic Attacks on U.S. Embassies. 282
Addendum 3: Names for God in the Bible. 283
Addendum 4: Names for Jesus Christ in the Bible. 284
8. The Duplicity of Faith. 289
The Five Pillars of Islam. 293
A Christian’s Path to Salvation. 296
The Righteous Man. 297
Jesus the Light vs. Muhammad of Darkness. 297
God’s People are Called to Righteousness. 300
Jesus is the Example of Righteousness. 301
But None are Righteous. 304
Righteousness is by Faith. 304
How Evil Works. 306
Tactics/Strategies of the Evil One. 306
The Beatitudes. 309
Islam does not Teach the Ten Commandments. 311
At Enmity with Women. 315
Women as Chattel. 315
Wife Beating & Oppression of Women is Permissible by Allah. 317
Jesus’ and the Christian View of Women. 319
Christian Headship and Servant Leadership. 321
Temporary Marriage for Sexual Gratification. 322
Rape is Permissible in Islam. 322
Juvenile Sex and Sex Trafficking. 325
Women are Deficient and Hellbound. 327
Female Genital Mutilation. 329
U.S. Women and Girls Potentially at Risk for FGM/C 332
Multiple Wives. 333
Muhammad’s Multiple Wives. 335
Divorce. 337
Divorce Rate among Christians. 337
What the Old Testament says About Divorce. 338
What Jesus Taught About Divorce. 338
Divorce among Muslims. 339
Reasons for Muslim Divorce. 340
Honor Killings. 342
Types of Honor Violence. 343
Is Honor Violence a Threat to the West? 344
Adultery (Biblical vs. Qur’anic Mandates). 347
Murder. 350
Fatwa, Islam’s Murder for Hire. 353
Mass Murder by the Numbers. 353
Law of Retaliation (Qisas). 354
Unspeakable Acts. 357
Beheadings. 357
Stonings. 358
Burnings. 358
Taqiyya: Lying & Deceit. 359
Allah is the Best Deceiver. 359
Masters of Deceit and Lying. 362
Dig Deeper. 367
Chapter Review. 367
References. 368
Addendum: The Messenger Comparison (Chapters 6-8). 374

9. God of Love vs. Allah. 381
What Allah Does Not Love. 382
One Lost Sheep. 383
God is Love. 386
God Loves You! 386
King David Knew God’s Love. 388
Muhammad did not know Allah’s Love. 389
God’s Love Covenant. 390
God’s Love is Irreversible. 390
The Sealed Covenant. 392
God’s Revolutionary Love. 395
God’s Love is Everlasting. 398
Those Who Hate Christians and Jews, Hate God. 399
Dig Deeper. 401
Chapter Review. 401
References. 402
10. A Personal vs. an Indifferent God. 405
God said: “This is My Son.” 407
The Challenge for Muslims. 407
A Common Man. 410
What God Said About Jesus. 410
In Jesus’ Own Words. 411
They Called Him Son of God. 415
Paul Preached about Jesus as the Son of God. 417
The Doubters and Scoffers. 419
The Purpose of God Revealing Himself in the Flesh. 420
The Final Summation. 422
Children of the Living God. 423
Allah has no Children. 425
God Created Mankind in His Image. 425
Allah is too High and Mighty to have Children. 427
Sonship Baffled Muhammad. 428
Children are NOT a Blessing to Allah. 431
Allah’s Followers Have No Purpose. 433
The God Who Is There. 434
Allah will not Hear Unless you Speak Arabic. 434
Jesus on Repetitive Prayer. 437
Changing from the Inside Out. 438
God Wants to Know You Personally. 438
Did Christ Abandon His Followers? 442
Dig Deeper. 444
Chapter Review. 444
References. 445
11. Preaching a Different Gospel. 449
The Nature of Sin is Obscured. 451
What the Bible says About Sin. 451
What Islam Teaches. 456
Allah Loves Sin—Not the Sinner. 458
Through Adam, Sin and Death Entered the World. 460
Jesus’ Sin Offering is Null & Void. 461
Christ Followers are Dead to Sin. 461
For the Muslim there is No Sin Offering. 463
There is no Holy Spirit. 465
Role of the Holy Spirit (partial listing). 466
Islam’s View of the Holy Spirit. 468
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit. 469 Light of the Gospel vs. Darkness of the Qur’an. 469 Allah has no Compassion. 472
No Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Islam. 474
Where the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is, there is Freedom from Sin. 475
Sins Cannot be Remitted or Forgiven in Islam. 476
Muslims must Abstain from Sin. 477
Allah is not a Forgiver and a Redeemer of Souls. 478
There is No Peace after Death in Islam. 481
“The Trial of the Grave.” 481
The Rich Man and Lazarus. 482
Allah is a Jew Hater. 483
The Rise of Anti-Semitism. 484
God’s Grace Does Not Exist for the Muslim. 485
Muhammad Reversed of God’s Plan of Salvation. 489 Salvation Comes from Confession of Faith, Not by Works. 489
Oppression Replaces Freedom of Choice in Islam. 493
Heaven is a Perverted Place for Muslims. 495
In Islam, Everyone Goes to Hell First. 495
Houris (Virgins) and Rivers of Wine in Paradise. 495
Heaven for the Jihadist. 496
The Reward of Righteousness. 498
Dig Deeper. 499
Chapter Review. 499
References. 500
Addendum: 70/72 Major Sins of Islam. 502
The Message Comparison (Chapters 9-11). 505

12. A Sacrificial Life vs. Islamic Martyrdom. 511
The Islamic Mindset. 512
The Islamic Republic. 514
A Sacrificial Life. 515
The Sacrificial Life of Jesus. 516
The Only Mediator Between God and Man. 517
Persecution and Martyrdom. 518
The World of the Jihadist. 520
The Two Jihads. 520
164 Jihad Verses in the Qur’an. 520
Military Jihad is what Motivates Muslims. 522
The Alternate Christian Response. 524
First, Love the Brethren. 524
Second, Love the Unbeliever. 525
Third, Love Your Enemy. 527
Prophet of Change. 529
A Call to Charity and Servanthood. 532
Dig Deeper. 534
Chapter Review. 535
References. 535
Addendum: The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses. 537
13. Proselytizing. 541
Proselytize Through Love & Service. 541
No Compulsion in Religion. 541
Who are the Sheep and Goats? 544
The “Great Commission.” 545
Don’t Read that Book. 549
Muhammad’s Method. 550
Dig Deeper. 554
Chapter Review. 554
References. 555
14. Treatment of Non-believers. 557
Christian Persecution. 558
The Hatred of the Jews and Unbelievers. 560
The Rise of 21st Century Anti-Semitism. 563
What the Qur’an and Islamic Law Teach. 564
Slavery (American vs. Islamic History). 565
A Brief History of Slavery in the West and Among Muslims. 565
Muslim Slavery in the 21st Century. 568
Sexual Slavery is Still Permitted in Islam. 570
Praising the Killer of an Infidel. 572
Islamic Rules of Retaliation and Reward. 572
Palestinian Terrorist Rewards. 573
Israel and the United States Take Action. 573
No One Leaves Islam. 574
Apostasy as a Criminal Offense. 575
Does Allah Play a Role in Apostasy? 576
The Good Samaritan. 578
There is Hope. 581
The 10/40 Window. 581
Conversions in Iran. 582
Dig Deeper. 584
Chapter Review. 584
References. 585
The Mission Comparison (Chapters 12-14). 590
Epilogue. 593
Addendum A: Islamic (Arabic) Words & Terms Defined. 594
Addendum B: Resources on Islam. 596
Addendum C: A Sinner’s Path to Salvation. 601
Index. 603
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The Islamic Game Plan

February 1, 2020

James F. Gauss

Every great team and military has a game plan—a strategy for success and victory. In today’s world of jihadists, Islamic leaders have a very definitive game plan. It is a plan that has existed since the inception of Islam as a political ideology over fourteen centuries ago. It is rather simple and direct—world domination at any cost. Unfortunately, the West and America have no game plan of defense or counter attack other than to acquiesce and to facilitate.

Islam will dominate the world
Western civilization is experiencing the greatest unabashed assault against its freedom and way of life that it has ever known. At the same time, it is this love of freedom that is giving the enemies of the West, and particularly of the United States, unlimited opportunities to denigrate the peoples of the West, Christians and Jews in particular, in a politically correct, multi-cultural, cultural diversity mixture of deception. While the European Union countries are floundering under a demographic Muslim assault, Canada and the United States are not far behind.

As Muslim populations grow in the West, the native citizens of Western countries continues to shrink. With the two-edge sword of abortion and low birth rate in the West, Muslims have a decided natural advantage. Despite the incessant cries of “Islamophobia” from Muslims in the West, it is the Muslim community that is often the perpetrators of verbal and physical attacks against non-Muslims.

By driving out the natives of Muslim lands, the Islamic State and other Islamic terrorists have created a migration crisis in Europe that has brought much stress and threat of harm to the residents of the European Union and North America. With this influx of Muslims has come a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism and other challenges throughout much of Europe, Canada and America. Instead of addressing these issues head-on, far too many Western politicians and law enforcement appear to be content with putting their citizens at risk rather than confront the problem.

Muslims mean business—not just “radical” Muslims, but all those who follow the faith of Muhammad. The West, its governing bodies, news media, educational institutions and security forces appear to be oblivious to the threat that is mounting. A threat that will change the way Westerners experience the world and life around them. Time is short and without wisdom and understanding a nation perishes.

Islam is making inroads into the traditionally non-Muslim world, and is beginning to run deep roots and vie with the laws and cultures of its hosts. Muslims are taking advantage of the freedom that democracies offer. This is the key point for abusing the host country. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect and enhance liberty in order to subvert democracy and freedom. Currently, America is faced with a formidable enemy in a Trojan Horse called Islam (Amil Imani, October 3, 2018).

While the West snores away or offers a helping hand of Christian generosity, “The Islamic Game Plan” has become fully entrenched in Europe and North America.

Gain the Upper Hand Through Fertility. As noted at the beginning of this chapter, the birth rate in the majority of Muslim countries and among Muslims in foreign lands exceeds the replacement birth rate of most Western countries. This is not likely to change soon, but the divergence will only get worse according to current trends.

Annihilate Israel. Ever since Israel re-occupied part of its original land in 1948, the Arab Muslims and Muslims worldwide have striven to force Israel out of their homeland. As you discovered in Chapter 3, that push will continue. The majority of Muslims refuse to accept the presence of Israel in the Middle East and particularly in what is referred to as the Holy Land of Canaan.

In addition, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) movement, which was founded in 2007 by Palestinian Omar Barghouti, is gaining momentum among anti-Semites in Europe and North America. The goal is to cripple Israel economically, forcing Jews out of the Middle East.

Dominate Europe. The 2015-2016 “invasion” of Europe by mostly Muslim refugees from war-torn Iraq and Syria, as well as from Islamic northern Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere, while not well orchestrated, was driven by the terror of the Islamic State and other Muslim terrorist groups. Despite its disorganized nature and loss of innocent life on the journey, it served the purpose of the jihadis—to get their fighters into Europe amidst the chaos.

On February 20, 2019, a report was released by the Israeli Directorate of Military Intelligence (abbreviated, Aman, in Hebrew). It estimated, that despite the overwhelming defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, that there were 150,000-200,000 ISIS members deployed worldwide.

Dr. Reuven Erlich, the Head of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Israel was quoted in the release as saying, “ISIS is preparing to deploy in the Euphrates . . . Then, its members will head to Germany, the U.S., France, and other European countries and Caucuses.”

In the same report, it was revealed that a large number of Islamic State fighters had departed Syria for Iraq in the last six months with a booty of $200 million.

On July 30, 2018, the Voice of Europe reported on a MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) translation of a sermon by a Danish imam, Mundhir Abdallah, given in the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Jihad necessitates the Muslim invasion and conquest of Europe,” Abdallah asserted, “the final solution to the problem of the Levant—after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity—will be through the conquest of Europe.”

The Jews “are hastening their own annihilation by their rampaging, their filth, and their vileness, which reflect the immutable nature of the Jews.” The Imam added that he is “not a racist” but that this “has to do with the Jewish character and psyche, with that sick Jewish mentality.”

Invade & Infiltrate America via Civilizational Jihad. Thanks to the complicity and compliance of previous U.S. presidents (and one might go back as far as Carter), key Muslim operatives have successfully infiltrated America’s politics, educational systems, military, law enforcement, legal system and much more. While most Muslims seek to be law abiding citizens, looking to provide for their families, there are nefarious members who are seeking the long term objective of America’s demise and overthrow. In the majority of situations they are being aided, willingly and ignorantly by millions of America’s dhimmi (non-Muslim) citizens. Most effectively by America’s primary and secondary schools, politicians and America’s churches and synagogues.

Suppress Dissent; Declare Opposition as Islamophobic. Not a day goes by where a non-Muslim who voices an opinion about Islam—no matter how factual—is not accused of being a hater, a racist or an Islamophobe (anti-Muslim). It is the newest game plan by the Muslim community and their non-Muslim sympathizers. The attempt is to shut down any criticism or meaningful dialogue about Islam. Islamic leaders throughout the United States have successfully been able to get politicians, law enforcement, educators, policy makers, and many from local communities, and the federal government, to buy into this false narrative hook, line and sinker. In some communities and states, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, has been successful in getting “Islamophobia” criminalized and well on their way to getting some political dhimmis to consider blasphemy laws.

Institute Shari’a. The final step is to ever so slyly, but effectively, get the dhimmis to allow Muslims to have their separate privileges and laws to govern themselves within the larger society, creating a Muslim community that is separate and unanswerable to the larger community of U.S. citizens. While countless Americans declared this will never happen in America, the truth is it is already occurring in various locals.

The Muslim jihadists in America have at least a three-four decade jump on Americans who have “fallen asleep at the switch.” With the rise of socialist dimwits in America due to America’s deplorable, socialistic indoctrination of our youth, it could be too late to turn the tide. The solution is complicated and would require an incredible spiritual awakening in America. The question is: Do Americans want that type of change bad enough to pay the price?

View or order Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity here.