Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’

China IS NOT Our Friend

March 27, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

March 27, 2024

Many years ago, during the Bill Clinton presidency, my wife stopped at a local convenience store. Behind the counter was a high school student. As the student waited on my wife, somehow the casual conversation turned to China and all the Chinese products that were showing up in local stores. The student gleefully declared that her teacher told his class the China was America’s friend and could be counted on and would be good for America and its citizens.

Below is an excerpt from Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) that describes the post-Clinton era reality of China.

The eagerness of U.S. politicians and businesspeople to reap the financial rewards of a burgeoning Chinese market led to extremely poor judgments (intentional or unintentional) that greatly compounded America’s financial condition and will plague Americans for decades to come. China can single- handedly credit its rapid rise to economic and world power to the ill- advised decisions of America’s powerbrokers and left-leaning political socialists.

It All Started Here. While on the campaign trail on March 9, 1992, Democratic presidential candidate, William Clinton, professed that he was adamantly against granting China Most Favored Nation (MFN) status. However, only seven months after Clinton won the presidential election with only 43 percent of the vote in a three-way contest, he rapidly reversed his campaign position, granting China MFN status with his Executive Order 12850 on May 28, 1993.

In promoting his decision before the American people, Clinton stated, “Yesterday the American people won a tremendous victory as a majority of the House of Representatives [of which 59 percent were Democrats] joined me in adopting our plan to revitalize America’s economic future.” But, did the American people win?

He went on to proclaim that, “The core of this policy will be a resolute insistence upon significant progress on human rights in China. To implement this policy,” Clinton continued, “I am signing today an Executive order that will have the effect of extending most- favored-nation status for China for 12 months. Whether I extend MFN next year, however, will depend upon whether China makes significant progress in improving its human rights record.”

Despite his bold and stern proclamation, China made no progress with its human rights record over the next year and Clinton had no intention of denying the renewal of China’s MFN status. One year later, without much fanfare, he quietly renewed the status on May 27, 1994, claiming that, “This decision offers us the best opportunity to lay the basis for long-term sustainable progress on human rights and advancement of our other interests with China.”

Senate Majority Leader, George Mitchell (D-Maine), disagreed with Clinton’s decision. “This decision,” he stated, “will confirm for the regime the success of its policy of repression on human rights and manipulation of trade.” Indeed it did. To date, 26 years later, China has made no significant progress on human rights abuses and flagrantly manipulates trade in its favor—basically thumbing its nose at Washington.

In fact, the United States, during Clinton’s final year in office, on September 12, 2000, and with an 83-15 Senate vote, overwhelmingly approved Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status for China.

How it Worked Out for America and Americans. To further justify his position, President Clinton offered this dangling carrot: “China will open its markets to American products from wheat to cars to consulting services, and our companies will be far more able to sell goods without moving factories or investments there.” With that enticement, American businesses, from family-run farms to mega corporations, had visions of unrestrained wealth rolling in from the land of over one billion “consumers.”

Representative Bill Archer (R-TX), the lead sponsor of the bill, commented, “The American people support this agreement because they know it’s good for jobs in America and good for human rights and the development of democracy in China.”

However, it was never good for the American people, even though they readily feasted on an ever-expanding supply of cheap products that were once made in America. It was never good for American jobs. Many were “shipped” overseas to China as thousands of businesses re-located their manufacturing to China and wages of the American worker stagnated or decreased in real dollars. Also, it has never been good for human rights in China or the development of democratic ideals.

In an article in the Washington Times on September 11, 2020, the day before the 20th anniversary of the granting of PNTR status to the communist country, the writer, Michael McKenna, referred to the Clinton PNTR agreement as a colossal mistake. In his short piece, McKenna commented, “catastrophic miscalculations of Chinese intent by Congress played a significant role in shattering the postwar foreign policy consensus . . .”

During his 2016 presidential run, Donald Trump offered his assessment of the PNTR deal. “China’s entrance into the WTO has enabled the greatest job theft in the history of our country.” He was right on target. According to McKenna, since 2000, an estimated five million U.S. manufacturing jobs have been lost as American companies fled to China for cheap labor and production costs. It was, indeed, a gross miscalculation and sellout of the American people by their political leaders, from which America will never recover. It “was uniform sentiment among the political class,” McKenna wrote, “that inviting China into the community of nations would eventually produce changes inside of China, undermine the power of the Chinese Communist Party, and reduce its indifference toward killing its own citizens.” America’s leaders could not have been more mistaken.

As an example of the imbalanced trade impact, McKenna cited Youngstown, Ohio. This once prosperous manufacturing city in eastern Ohio, had a growing population that peaked in 1930 at 170,002. By 1990, three years before Clinton’s MFN declaration for China, Youngstown had contracted to 95,695. By 2000, the year Clinton conferred PNTR status for China, the city had further declined to 81,720. Youngstown residents, like those of thousands of cities across America, were hoping for a revitalization of their community with new Chinese markets and new jobs to bolster its flagging economy. It never happened! In fact, Youngstown’s 2019 census indicated the city’s population had dropped another 20 percent to 65,469 or 61.5% less than the peak of 1930. While indicative of communities across the nation, Youngstown was just the tip of the destructive iceberg known as China. As McKenna noted, when manufacturing or other major businesses in a city are forced to fold, soon to follow are hundreds of small business employers (restaurants, salons, retail shops, malls, etc.), and the tax base declines, affecting schools and essential city services.

To be continued . . . .

Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) is also available as an eBook on Barnes & Noble and Kobo.

Visit the author’s website for more book options.

Reason #2 to NEVER Vote for a Democrat: Lying

July 16, 2020

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Mark Twain and others have been credited with saying, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Democrats in the U.S. Congress (add your usual suspects) are as irritating as a thousand ticks under one’s skin with repeated violations of all three types of lies.

When you were a child and you thought a playmate was not telling the truth, you would likely exclaim, “Liar, liar, pants of fire.” Now, with Democrats, it is, “Liar, liar, our country is on fire.” Today, politicians, in general, have a less favorable image of honesty than a used car salesman (no offense intended to these hard working people).

As soon as Donald J. Trump was elected, but not in office, Democrats hatched the first of their nefarious and bogus claim of “Russian Collusion,” which dragged the country through their muck and slime. It turns out, that it was their own that colluded and schemed with the Russians all along. But they knew that. They just wanted the public to believe otherwise. The list of Democrat attacks on trump, his family, his administration (and I’m sure, his dog, if he had one), is endless. As soon as one fails, they throw-up another one. Right after the mid-term elections in November, 2018, the Democrats, frustrated that they could not pin any of their lies on President Trump, came out with a list of 85 Trump or Trump associate scandals that they were certain would derail the Trump presidency (1). However, all their attacks, fabrications and lies have failed. Even their “impeachment” of the President was a sham, self-inflicted disgrace and pox on their house.

In a behind the doors interview in February, 2018, former President Obama had the audacity (not of hope) to spittoon for leftist press, “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us” (2). Perhaps the reason the President was never embarrassed was because the media and justice system were in bed with him and his administration and always looked the other way or were complicit in his many misdeeds (but that’s another long story).

The examples of Democratic malfeasance, criminal schemes and deceiving of the public with “lies, damned lies and statistics,” are endless, but I will just use the latest Democratic feigned outrage over President Trump commuting Roger Stone’s prison sentence. One can argue all day over his guilt or not, but that is not the issue here.

First, the Democrats’ response.

“Anyone who cares about the rule of law in this country is nauseated by the fact that the president has commuted the sentence of someone who willfully lied to Congress, covered up for the president, intimidated witnesses, obstructed the investigation. . . . It shouldn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, this should be offensive to you if you care about the rule of law and you care about justice.”—Adam Schiff

“It’s staggering corruption . . . . People should know this isn’t just about lying to Congress, that means lying to the American people, and witness tampering and the rest. . . . It’s about our national security.”—Nancy Pelosi

“We shouldn’t be surprised that he thinks he is above the law. We deserve better as a country,”—Joe Biden

“By refusing to hold President Trump accountable, the Republican Party bears responsibility for his lawlessness,”—Chuck Schumer

Oh, what a wicked web we weave, when we practice to deceive. Remember Biden’s infamous quote about Democrats? “We choose truth over facts.”

Yes, “facts,” they can be pesky little buggers. They tend to prove what is true. Truth = “that which is true in accordance with fact or reality.” Or, “a fact or belief that is accepted as true.” Dang! Well, we already know that Biden and the Democrats tend not to deal in the realm of reality—only theirs, not the common folk.

So, how about a quick summary of what these “leading” Democrats believe:

Pelosi believes “lying to Congress” and the “America people” is just criminal and about “national security.”

Biden believes that President Trump thinks he “is above the law.”

Schumer says that the “Republican Party bears responsibility for [Trump’s] lawlessness.”

Ah, and Schiff says, “It shouldn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, this should be offensive to you if you care about the rule of law and you care about justice.”

Classic Democrat duplicity and double-speak. If it is about Republicans, it’s always criminal, outrageous, lying and a threat to National Security.

Now, for some inconvenient truths about presidential pardons and commutations (3).

Pew on Pardons

The Roger Stone commutation (NOT pardon), was only President Trump’s eleventh (No. 11) in almost four years of his presidency. According to various sites, the number of Trump’s pardons are reported to be between 15 and 24, so far. President Obama, on the other hand, granted 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations of sentence (the most in presidential history) and the most clemencies since President Harry Truman. The vast majority of Obama’s pardons were for drug dealers or other illegal drug offenses (4). But, then there was Obama’s infamous commutation of the 35-year sentence of trans-sexual Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, convicted of stealing thousands of pages of classified military documents (5). However, let us not forget that Obama also released 182 GITMO detainees suspected of Islamic terrorism, of which an estimated 121 have already returned to the Islamic battlefield of holy terror (6).

Obama's clemencies

Where were the Democratic cries of lying, deception, lawlessness and threats to national security during the Obama years? Not a peep. Shameful, disgusting, unforgiveable.

And, yes, it seems that most politicians lie or “shade the truth” when it suits their agenda.



Reason #1: Abortion

Next. Reason #3: Racism

Has America’s Coffin Been Nailed Shut?

May 7, 2016

Our civil rulers will remember, that as piety and virtue support the honour and happiness of every community, they are peculiarly requisite in a free government.  Virtue is the spirit of a republic; for where all power is derived from the people, all depends on their good disposition.  If they are impious, factious and selfish; if they are abandoned to idleness, dissipation, luxury, and extravagance; if they are lost to the fear of God, and the love of their country, all is lost.

Rev. Samuel Cooper Sermon, October 25, 1780

The preceding excerpt is from Rev. Cooper’s sermon on the day that the U.S. Constitution was officially executed.  Has America now reached the point of Rev. Cooper’s grave concern?  Have we become a nation of factions; a me-first society; devoid  of true virtue, piety and a God-fearing morality?  Are we now content to be serfs of politicians that dole out the goodies to meet our needs as only they see fit, rather than serving those who elected them?

America has clearly lost its moral and political compass.  Of the 17 candidates to enter the Republican presidential race, only one was clearly a non-Republican; only one was clearly a non-God fearing person; only one was clearly not a fiscal or political conservative; only one clearly showed signs of being morally bankrupt; only one clearly stood with Planned Parenthood and its murderous and barbaric practices; only one showed no constraints when it came to belittling, defaming or using derogatory language to put down another; only one who demonstrated the traits of a tyrant; only one had no clear plan to deal with any of America’s issues; only one demonstrated narcissistic tendencies and complete lack of humility; only one admitted to not needing to ask for forgiveness or repent for anything; only one has a complete lack of biblical knowledge and understanding;  only one has a history of corrupt business dealings; only one is being investigated for criminal activity; only one who demonstrated racist tendencies; only one who exploits women for financial gain; and the list could go on.

So, who do “wise” Americans elect to be their standard bearer before the world?  The “only one” who fits the preceding categories and who is the least qualified; least moral; least knowledgeable in political and foreign affairs; “The Donald”, Mr. Trump.  Just like in 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, Americans have once again been mesmerized and bamboozled by a political charlatan; a fraud; a deceiver and consummate liar.  There are clearly no real choices in this upcoming election.  Both leading candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties are despicable people of little or no moral character who are under criminal investigation.  Both are bombastic blowhards who will say and do anything to get a vote.  And they are presidential material?  Has America and its electoral base sunk this low?  Apparently so.

Apparently, the overwhelming majority of Americans (when you consider both Democratic and Republican electorates) have decided that being a God-fearing, moral person is no longer a criteria for the most powerful leadership position in the world.  What is so disheartening is that millions of so-called “evangelical” Christians have fallen lock-step like lemmings behind such candidates.  When such Christian leaders as Jerry Falwell, Jr., Pat Robertson, Dr. Ben Carson and a host of others fall all over themselves to endorse Trump, one has to wonder who they are looking to for America’s salvation.  As I have said many times, America’s downward spiral will continue unabated if the Church and America do not repent and return to Almighty God.  Absent a revelation miracle, it looks like most Americans are content in remaining on that slippery slope of debauchery.  With the casket nailed shut, will the funeral be far behind?




Obama “White”

December 17, 2015

I just don’t get it.  What is all the brouhaha over Donald Trump? So he says some things that are politically incorrect and plays to the fears and worries of certain Americans.  If one takes a brief moment to look beneath his Big Braggadocios Bombastic Blowhard Buffoonish statements you will quickly discover that he is nothing more than the “white” version of the current president.  Have we not learned anything from the two-time election of America’s worst president?  Do we not already have too much adverse experience with a character of this type in the Whitehouse?

Trump is narcissistic, exaggerates his own accomplishments, oversells his ability; makes outlandish promises; demeans everyone (and I mean everyone); proposes ridiculous solutions that cannot be backed up with real facts and real solutions; believes he is above the law; has no qualms about declaring bankruptcy 4 times and sticking his creditors (i.e. the American taxpayer) and investors with the bill and losses; a big spender who thinks money can solve everything; claims to be a Christian but can’t quote one scripture or talk about his salvation in Christ.  So, what’s the difference between him and Obama?

God cannot and will not use an arrogant and prideful man.

Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Can you imagine Trump being a unifier when his life’s philosophy has always been: “like it or lump it”; “my way or the highway.”  Can you image him having a cabinet of advisors when the first one to disagree with him, his immediate response would be, “you’re fired” or “shut up stupid.”  How can a man who is so outrageously offensive and smug be seriously considered for the highest office in the land?  As America’s leader he would be a loose and dangerous cannon on foreign affairs and as commander-in-chief.  We have already seen what an egotistical loose cannon in the Whitehouse can do to America’s foreign policy and national security.  God forbid that America should loose another such self-aggrandizing individual upon the world.

All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves (Proverbs 94:4b).

No, sorry, Trump is not the answer to America’s predicament.  He will not provide real solutions; but only compound current problems and challenges and mushroom the national debt with his free-wheeling style of throwing money at everything.  He will not reduce the size of America’s behemoth government or really make America one jot or tittle safer . . . or greater.

And just like Obama, what do we really know about Trump?  It wasn’t long ago that he was a staunch Democrat and fawned over the Clintons.  It wasn’t long ago that he was pro choice, but now proclaims to be pro life (with conditions).  He knows literally nothing about foreign policy or foreign affairs, other than regurgitating news headlines.  He every Republican debate he has provided no substantive answers to America’s pressing problems; making only grandiose statements of absurdity.

May the Lord cut off all flattering lips; and the tongue that speaks proud things.  Who have said, “With our tongue we will prevail; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?”  (Psalm 12:3-4)

No, Trump is far from the one.  In fact, as I have said before, America is so far down the slippery slope, that no man or woman will save her.  Only the miraculous intervention of God Himself.  And He will not intervene unless the Church in America fully repents and returns to Him.
