Has America’s Coffin Been Nailed Shut?

Our civil rulers will remember, that as piety and virtue support the honour and happiness of every community, they are peculiarly requisite in a free government.  Virtue is the spirit of a republic; for where all power is derived from the people, all depends on their good disposition.  If they are impious, factious and selfish; if they are abandoned to idleness, dissipation, luxury, and extravagance; if they are lost to the fear of God, and the love of their country, all is lost.

Rev. Samuel Cooper Sermon, October 25, 1780

The preceding excerpt is from Rev. Cooper’s sermon on the day that the U.S. Constitution was officially executed.  Has America now reached the point of Rev. Cooper’s grave concern?  Have we become a nation of factions; a me-first society; devoid  of true virtue, piety and a God-fearing morality?  Are we now content to be serfs of politicians that dole out the goodies to meet our needs as only they see fit, rather than serving those who elected them?

America has clearly lost its moral and political compass.  Of the 17 candidates to enter the Republican presidential race, only one was clearly a non-Republican; only one was clearly a non-God fearing person; only one was clearly not a fiscal or political conservative; only one clearly showed signs of being morally bankrupt; only one clearly stood with Planned Parenthood and its murderous and barbaric practices; only one showed no constraints when it came to belittling, defaming or using derogatory language to put down another; only one who demonstrated the traits of a tyrant; only one had no clear plan to deal with any of America’s issues; only one demonstrated narcissistic tendencies and complete lack of humility; only one admitted to not needing to ask for forgiveness or repent for anything; only one has a complete lack of biblical knowledge and understanding;  only one has a history of corrupt business dealings; only one is being investigated for criminal activity; only one who demonstrated racist tendencies; only one who exploits women for financial gain; and the list could go on.

So, who do “wise” Americans elect to be their standard bearer before the world?  The “only one” who fits the preceding categories and who is the least qualified; least moral; least knowledgeable in political and foreign affairs; “The Donald”, Mr. Trump.  Just like in 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, Americans have once again been mesmerized and bamboozled by a political charlatan; a fraud; a deceiver and consummate liar.  There are clearly no real choices in this upcoming election.  Both leading candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties are despicable people of little or no moral character who are under criminal investigation.  Both are bombastic blowhards who will say and do anything to get a vote.  And they are presidential material?  Has America and its electoral base sunk this low?  Apparently so.

Apparently, the overwhelming majority of Americans (when you consider both Democratic and Republican electorates) have decided that being a God-fearing, moral person is no longer a criteria for the most powerful leadership position in the world.  What is so disheartening is that millions of so-called “evangelical” Christians have fallen lock-step like lemmings behind such candidates.  When such Christian leaders as Jerry Falwell, Jr., Pat Robertson, Dr. Ben Carson and a host of others fall all over themselves to endorse Trump, one has to wonder who they are looking to for America’s salvation.  As I have said many times, America’s downward spiral will continue unabated if the Church and America do not repent and return to Almighty God.  Absent a revelation miracle, it looks like most Americans are content in remaining on that slippery slope of debauchery.  With the casket nailed shut, will the funeral be far behind?




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One Response to “Has America’s Coffin Been Nailed Shut?”

  1. Carlos Molina Says:

    Jim you have a clear visión of what is going on in your once great country. Sadly many others are in the same road.

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