The 2016 Presidential Election

A Christian’s Perspective

As Christians and Americans we have a challenging decision to make this election. Never in the history of our country have we had two least desirable candidates for the highest office in the land and perhaps the most powerful leadership position in the world.  For most, the decision boils down to Clinton or Trump, or “none of the above.”  It has been a presidential campaign marked by continuous accusations, threats, intimidations and lapses in moral character—all of which should be reprehensible for the Christian believer.

The truth is, America has never had a righteous, sinless person run or get elected to public office.  Not even George Washington, who was unquestionably the best and most humble person to hold the office of president of the United States.

However, I have come to realize, that despite the undesirable nature of each major candidate, for the Christian or patriotic American, this election is not about, “do I vote for Clinton or Trump?”, but what kind of presidential administration, judicial system, military, law, immigration policy, respect of life, civil rights, respect of the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution, etc. do I want and expect from the nation’s leadership?  Which candidate is most likely to surround himself or herself with law abiding cabinet members that will implement the will of the people?  Which one will seek to establish a judicial system that not only follows the Constitution, but interprets the law and does not make new law without the consent of the people or Congress?  Which one will rebuild the U.S. military that has been decimated over the last 8 years to levels not seen since WWII?  Which one will seek to re-establish racial harmony and oneness instead fomenting divisiveness?  Which one has pledged to respect the lives of the unborn?  Which one will uphold justice for all?  Which one has pledged to follow the Bill of Rights which guarantees the freedom of speech, religion, the press, right to peacefully assemble and bear arms?  Which one has agreed to protect our country’s borders and implement a sane immigration policy? Which one is likely to follow the law when signing into law congressional laws or mandates?

The presidency is much more than just the presidential candidate, it is the course of America and what we desire our country to look like.  Now, let me make myself clear: As a Christian, I am a Christ follower first, then an American in terms of birth and placement.  I have said for years that America has slid past the point where human intervention will save her.  Only God can and will redeem her, but only if the Church and its people repent for allowing things to get this bad through ignoring sin and refusing to stand up for righteousness.

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