Posts Tagged ‘China & Taiwan’

Biden’s Creation of a Very Dangerous World

April 13, 2023

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

April 11, 2023

No. 270

He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but a false witness, deceit.

Proverbs 12:17

Truth is often painful and unsettling.  I wish that I could write about the niceties and cuddly things of life, but that is not my calling.  Proverbs 3:27 states emphatically, Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.

Therefore, what I know to be true, I must reveal.  You can do with it what you desire.  Ignore it!  Share it!  Rebut it!

Quite frankly, the Church in America needs to get out of its “hallelujah” bubble and “we’ll be raptured before World chaos” mindset and warn the world of coming devastation if God does not intervene, and that Jesus is the only way to salvation and escape.

President Biden has created the most dangerous world the planet has ever known.  Not only has he strengthened and emboldened the tyrants and despots of the globe, but he has alienated America’s allies and pushed them toward those same tyrants and despots.

However, the biggest threat to the Free World and the American form of Republican Democracy is not any of these rogue actors, but it resides in America’s own White House.  Now I do not believe for a nano second that Biden is behind what is taking place.  He is neither that smart nor cognitive.  The seeds of this rebellion against humanity were planted long ago.  We are just seeing the “fruits” of their labor in rapid succession.

Just about everyone in the world, but especially the enemies of the United States, are laughing uncontrollably at the ineptness and weakness of American leadership.  Foreign newscasts and media mock Biden and his continuous gaffs and acts of feebleness, while the U.S. media, in lock step, make unending excuses for his dereliction of duty as the head of state.  Clearly, the once great United States of America is no longer the leader (not even close) of the Free World, or any world.  In one swift ill-advised (and maybe stolen) election, America has been kicked to the side of the road of history.

“The American wagon is rapidly heading for a place nobody is sure they know. And that makes Joe Biden arguably the worst American President ever,” wrote Indian columnist, Abhijit Majumder.  However, he is just one of many around the world with disparaging and unflattering thoughts of Biden and America.

So, with America’s allies fleeing from her, the world on fire with the potential of World War III on the horizon, the destruction of America’s energy independence, a woefully unprepared military, violence everywhere across the nation, rampant drug addiction and death, racial tensions, sexual perversion of our youth—and the list goes on—where is America’s president?  Why he was in Ireland this week tracing his Irish roots.  No joke, folks.  Our president was in Ireland to commemorate the 25th year of the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace between Ireland’s warring factions and to find out what branch his heritage doth sprung.  All at taxpayer expense, of course.

The path of Biden’s destructive leadership, or the lack thereof, is way too wide and long, and would take a thick book to “commemorate.”  So, I will have to be brief, very brief, and you will have to do your own research.  For the most part I will just have to give you some highlights and links for now until I have more time for more complete posts on various issues of concern.

Creating the Foundation for WWIII.  As Majumder points out, under no other U.S. president has China felt so empowered and embolden as to threaten an imminent attack on Taiwan.  Nor, might I add, Russia’s bold invasion of Ukraine, North Korea’s pushing forward plans to overtake South Korea, Iran near nuclear bomb capability and the threat to annihilate Israel, and even Venezuela saber rattling against the U.S.  Peace in our time?  Not even close under Biden.

As China boldly sent an estimate 71 fighter jets, 9 destroyers and an aircraft carrier into Taiwanese waters, the President was in La-La Land far away from the “war room” or any other strategic planning center.

As the President of France, Emmanuel Marcon, was grasping the hand of China, Xi Jinping, and urging America’s European allies to disassociate themselves from the United States, America’s intrepid leader was likely glad-handing an Irish ice cream.

 In the meantime, back in real time, after three days of military drills around the island nation of Taiwan, China’s military boldly announced it is “ready to fight.”  They are not talking about the latest miliary bravado video game.  They are talking about the full-scale invasion of Taiwan, a duly recognized sovereign nation.  If they do, what will be America’s response and that of the Free World?  Apparently no one knows for sure and Taiwanese leaders are growing less confident that the United States has its back.

“The theater’s troops are ready to fight at all times and can fight at any time to resolutely smash any form of ‘Taiwan independence’ and foreign interference attempts,” a spokesperson for the Chinese military force know as Joint Sword.

On April 10, Fox News reported that Taiwanese officials are greatly concerned that a China misstep could easily result in an “uncontrollable world war.”

Last August, in simulated war games, the U.S. military determined that it could lose up to 900 Navy and Air Force fighter jets in the first four weeks of a battle with China.  This would be equivalent to about one half of the U.S. fighter jets.

Aside from a possible war with China, we have the hermit kingdom of North Korea once again rattling on with their threats of attack on South Korea (and possibly Japan).  With President Trump out of the picture, North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un, appears to be fearless as he ramps up testing of his ICBMs and nuclear arsenal.

Then there is Iran and the Ayatollahs.  With no hindrance from the Biden administration and tacit support of their nuclear program, many Iran watchers, including Israel, feel that Iran is only weeks, maybe even days, away from enough nuclear material for a bomb, which they plan to use on Israel.

If these major threats to world war are not enough to unnerve the American psyche, in our own backyard we have the despotic nation of Venezuela that is threatening the American homeland with aggressive rhetoric, if not outright threats of hostility.  The United States of America was once the “go-to” nation for much of Latin America.  Today, much of the land to our south is looking to China, Iran and other despotic nations for their sustenance and security.

Worldwide, all of this malfeasance of American leadership has led to another very unsettling development.

BRICS and the Death of the U.S. Dollar.  Recently the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have agreed to ditch the U.S. dollar as the preferred currency of trade.  Other key nations are expected to follow.  This potentially will have a devastating impact on the U.S. currency and result in its value plummeting.

While the BRICS nations had been planning this move for some time, with the weak leadership in D.C. they realized their time had come sooner than expected.  Members of BRICS see this as an attempt to reshape the “world order” and decouple world trade away from the U.S. dollar and euro.  If successful this will be a monumental financial coup d’état for the anti-United States contingent.

Benzinga reported, “The new currency’s introduction will inevitably impact world financial markets, potentially causing a redistribution of global currency reserves and affecting the demand for other major currencies like the U.S. dollar, euro and yen.”

Along with this nagging prospect, CNN reported that a hidden banking crisis could be on the horizon.  It seems that non-bank financial institutions (pension funds, insurers and the like) are sitting on $239 trillion of global assets (or just under half of the total).  These assets are coming under increasing financial risks as interest rates rise and credit losses rise.

As Indian columnist Majumder wrote, “India has long told the US that it is neither going to give up its decades of friendship with Russia, nor stop buying Russian arms and oil. . . .

“Saudi Arabia is willing to deal in currencies other than the dollar for the first time. Chinese and French energy companies completed the first-ever deal on liquefied natural gas using the renminbi yuan currency. . . .

“The Reserve Bank of India recently allowed central banks from 18 countries to open special Vostro Rupee Accounts to settle payments in Indian rupees.”

Depleting America’s Oil.  In his first two years in office, President Biden has not only tried to destroy America’s energy independence but he has drained the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve by 42 percent, from 638 million barrels (mb) to 371mb, the lowest level of reserves since November 1983.  However, in 1983, the SPR stocks were rising, not falling.  The considered full capacity of the SPR is 714mb, although SPR reached 726.53mb in June 2011, the highest on record.

Since the Obama years, China has been one of the favorite destinations of American produced oil.  So much so, that in January 2012, Unipec, a subsidiary of Sinopec, China’s huge energy conglomerate, established its American office in Houston, TX.

During the eight years George W. Bush’s presidency, China was the recipient of 39.4mb of American oil.  Under the two terms of President Barrack Obama the U.S. oil sales to China mushroomed 8 times to 315mb.  Under President Trump’s four-year term they doubled from the  Obama years to 632.94mb.  In Biden’s first two years in office, oil exports to China, including  sales from the SPR, were 461.54mb.  Prior to President Clinton granting China a Most Favored Nation trading partner, China received no U.S. oil.  See the charts below.



With the war in Ukraine dragging on and the potential for mega wars between China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Iran (and its proxies) and Israel, that would most likely involve the United States, America can ill-afford draining its SPR and selling its oil to its number one enemy.

To further exasperate the issue, OPEC nations recently decided to cut their oil production by 1.66mb per day.  The effect has been a rise in oil prices above $80/barrel and analysts foreseeing $100/barrel in the near future.  If Biden is sincere in wanting to refill the SPR it will come at a much higher price to the U.S. taxpayer.

However, this is not the biggest hole in America’s frontline security.  Guess who has been linked to Unipec/Sinopec?  The Biden cabal via good ole Hunter Biden and his “investment” company.  In July 2022, “Republicans on the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Wednesday demanding to know why the Biden administration sold oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese company linked to Hunter Biden’s investment firm.”

The Committee members, of course, were more than just curious as to why Unipec received billions of dollars from a Hunter-connected investment firm and the subsequent exportation of oil from the SPR via Unipec to China.  A hefty deal that was likely to enrich the pockets of Hunter Biden.

“This transaction is even more troubling given that evidence continues to mount showing the Biden family peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves,” added Rep. James Comer (R-KY). 

The big question:  With a potential war looming with China via its assault on Taiwan, is Biden’s oil exports to China, especially if they are to enrich his son (and maybe his own pocket), tantamount to “aiding and abetting” the enemy of the United States?

Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” 

for we are members of one another.

Ephesians 4:25


Grease My Hand, I’ll Grease Yours

China: America’s Frankenstein

Wars and Rumors of Wars, Part 2

Wars and Rumors of Wars, Part 1

Shop on Amazon. Only $16.95; 476pp, fully indexed.

Also visit or the author’s complete book listing on Amazon.

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China: America’s Frankenstein

April 1, 2023

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

April 1, 2023

You have created a monster, and it will destroy you!

Dr. Waldman

Heinrich Frankenstein’s medical professor

WARNING!  This is not an April Fool joke.

The following is excerpted from Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition), pp 109-110:

The eagerness of U.S. politicians and business people to reap the financial rewards of a burgeoning Chinese market led to extremely poor judgments (intentional or unintentional) that greatly compounded America’s financial condition and will plague Americans for decades to come. China can single- handedly credit its rapid rise to economic and world power to the ill- advised decisions of America’s power-brokers and left-leaning political socialists.

It All Started Here. While on the campaign trail on March 9, 1992, Democratic presidential candidate, William Clinton, professed that he was adamantly against granting China Most Favored Nation (MFN) status. However, only seven months after Clinton won the presidential election with only 43 percent of the vote in a three-way contest, he rapidly reversed his campaign position, granting China MFN status with his Executive Order 12850 on May 28, 1993.

In promoting his decision before the American people, Clinton stated, “Yesterday the American people won a tremendous victory as a majority of the House of Representatives [of which 59 percent were Democrats] joined me in adopting our plan to revitalize America’s economic future.” But, did the American people win?

He went on to proclaim that, “The core of this policy will be a resolute insistence upon significant progress on human rights in China. To implement this policy,” Clinton continued, “I am signing today an Executive order that will have the effect of extending most- favored-nation status for China for 12 months. Whether I extend MFN next year, however, will depend upon whether China makes significant progress in improving its human rights record.”

Despite his bold and stern proclamation, China made no progress with its human rights record over the next year and Clinton had no intention of denying the renewal of China’s MFN status. One year later, without much fanfare, he quietly renewed the status on May 27, 1994, claiming that, “This decision offers us the best opportunity to lay the basis for long-term sustainable progress on human rights and advancement of our other interests with China.”

Senate Majority Leader, George Mitchell (D-Maine), disagreed with Clinton’s decision. “This decision,” he stated, “will confirm for the regime the success of its policy of repression on human rights and manipulation of trade.” Indeed it did. To date, 26 years later, China has made no significant progress on human rights abuses and flagrantly manipulates trade in its favor—basically thumbing its nose at Washington.

In fact, the United States, during Clinton’s final year in office, on September 12, 2000, and with an 83-15 Senate vote, decisively approved Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status for China.

How it Worked Out for America and Americans. To further justify his position, President Clinton offered this dangling carrot: “China will open its markets to American products from wheat to cars to consulting services, and our companies will be far more able to sell goods without moving factories or investments there.” With that enticement, American businesses, from family-run farms to mega corporations, had visions of unrestrained wealth rolling in from the land of over one billion “consumers.”

Representative Bill Archer (R-TX), the lead sponsor of the bill, commented, “The American people support this agreement because they know it’s good for jobs in America and good for human rights and the development of democracy in China.”

However, it was never good for the American people, even though they readily feasted on an ever expanding supply of cheap products that were once made in America. It  was  never  good  for American jobs. Many were “shipped” overseas to China as thousands of businesses re-located their manufacturing to China and wages of the American worker stagnated or decreased in real dollars. Also, it has never been good for human rights in China or the development of democratic ideals.  [Excerpted from Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition), pp 109-110.]

China’s Miraculous Growth Thanks to America.  In 1993, the year President Clinton granted China and its communist leaders the exalted title of “Most Favored Nation,” it was also the last year that the United States would have an economic trade advantage over China of a miniscule $8.47 billion.  From 1994 through FY2022, the United States has had an accumulated China trade deficit approaching $5 trillion ($4.892 T).  That is Americans (by buying Chinese) have funded the growth of the Chinese Communist Party empire and drive for world domination.

In 1993, China’s GDP growth was a miniscule $444.73 billion, or $377/person.  The Chinese GDP was only 0.065 percent of the U.S. GDP of $6,858.56 billion (or $6.858 trillion) and a whopping $26,387/capita.  By 2000, however, just seven years after the Clinton economic gift, China’s GDP grew 2.72 times to $1.211 trillion ($959/capita) while the U.S. GDP only grew 1.49 times to $10.251 trillion ($36,330/capita).  Twenty-one years later, China’s GDP has mushroomed 14.6 times to $17.734 trillion ($12,556/capita) while the U.S. GDP has sputtered forward at only 2.27 times rate since 2000.  At a time when the per capita Chinese growth rose 13.1 times, Americans saw less than a two-time increase to $70,249/capita.

Since achieving the coveted MFN status under President Clinton, the Chinese (Communist Party) has watched their economy grow and incredible 40 times over the 1993 level.  The United States during the same period only saw 3.4 times increase.

While China’s citizens have become richer (by their standards), Americans have become much poorer.  At the same time, China has repeatedly and very effectively stolen U.S. business and military technology, often with the assistance of American politicians in and out of office.  Millions of American business owners and stockholders have become wealthy by outsourcing their production to China in exchange for cheap labor and shoddy products, while at the same time giving the American consumer the corporate middle finger of contempt.

Coincidently, while shipping U.S. production and jobs to China, politicians and business leaders willingly sold the Chinese just about anything they wanted on the U.S. homeland.  This included U.S. energy resources, prime real estate and farmland and some of America’s leading food production companies (think Smithfield and its affiliates). 

For our incessant generosity in building up China to be a superpower, the U.S. is about to get the proverbial stab in the back of gratitude.

Total Purchases from China (1994-2022).  However, we as the American consumer cannot lay the blame totally at the feet of our leaders. We, in our penchant for ever cheaper goods, have almost single-handedly created the Chinese monster, now we must live with the results or devise a counter-offensive to survive.

From 1994 through last year, America has purchased over $8.5 trillion in Chinese made goods and services ($8.075 trillion in this century) and over $536 billion in 2022.

Principally, due to American generosity of purchasing Chinese products, China has been able to amass the largest foreign currency reserves in the world of $3.577 trillion, or 14.3 times that of the United States.  In addition, China has the second largest Sovereign Wealth Funds of $1.744 trillion.  Singapore has the largest at $1.95 trillion.  The lowly U.S., while ranked #12 at $240 billion, technically has no such funds, but several states do, thus giving the nation its current ranking.

Military Might Multiplied.  Largely through the incessant and manic purchase of Chinese goods and services over the past nearly three decades by Americans and the Western world, China’s military might and technology has exploded to world class strength and dominance.  The Chinese Communists no longer fear the United States or the West and have thoroughly infiltrated those societies and have established a military presence in the Western hemisphere.

In the Preface to the Heritage Foundation’s 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, HF’s President, Kevin Roberts, wrote:  China has invested in an arsenal of missiles designed to target U.S. warships, has upgraded its fleet of fighter jets, and is fielding advanced equipment that is rivaling the U.S. military in quality.

U.S. intelligence experts gauge that China has surpassed the U.S. in hypersonic missiles, space systems, and naval shipbuilding. It has initiated a massive increase in its nuclear capabilities.

With its ever-increasing military might and bravado of its communist president Xi Jinping, China has been emboldened to challenge America and the West for territorial rights—not only in the South China Sea, but worldwide.  This aggression has particularly escalated under the current perceived weakness of America’s woke and environmentally sensitive political and military leadership.

As America frets over a green energy military and sexual freedom, China continues to build its military might and influence around the globe and draw former U.S. allies into its web of obligation.

Way too Little, Way too Late.  Way back in 2002 I wrote a three part unpublished article on the threat of China, Red Star Rising, but is Anyone Watching? In the first part, Aiding and Abetting the Enemy, I warned about the risk of shipping our manufacturing and jobs to China and the complicity of the American people in purchasing Chinese made products.

When we shop do we care where things are made, whether they are made by Chinese peasants in sweat shops making 50-cents an hour or by Christians in forced labor camps?  Do we care where our spent dollar is going and what it is supporting?

Today, as it was in 2002, it is difficult to find a reasonably priced necessity (shoes, electronics, auto parts, etc) that are not China made.  For decades, most Americans have been driven by financial bargains, not by social conscience.  Will we now reap the whirlwind for our complacency, ignorance and foolishness?

In a recent poll (March 20-22), The Trafalgar Group reported that 78.7% of Americans would be willing to stop purchasing Chinese products as a means to help counter the aggressive actions of the Chinese Communist Party, and lessen America’s dependence on Chinese manufacturing.

Have Americans finally awaken to the Chinese threat and their complicity in it?  Will it really matter now that the die has been cast?

President John F. Kennedy famously challenged the American populace many decades ago with, And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

Unfortunately, Americans forgot that maxim many years ago.


Wars and Rumors of Wars: Is America Prepared for War, Part 2

Wars and Rumors of Wars: Is America Prepared for War, Part 1

I Wonder . . .

Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

Available on Amazon.

Also visit or the author’s complete book listing on Amazon.

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Books by Gauss

The European Theatre Revisited

February 26, 2022

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

February 26, 2022

No, I am not talking about another Shakespearean play, but the World War II theatre of war in Europe.  Is the U.S. and the civilized world repeating the same mistakes it did in 1939?

The rise of the demonic leader, Adolph Hitler, in Germany was no great secret.  Hitler made his maniacal intentions very clear to Europe and the world.  However, on September 1, 1939, with his bloody invasion of Poland, the U.S. and the world largely remained unmoved and silent.  Just like Vladimir Putin of Russia, Hitler claimed the move into Poland was a defensive military move to prevent Poland’s mistreatment of Germans and to defend the Mother Land. 

Hitler was also taking advantage of the emotional sting of Germany’s World War I defeat where many Germans resented losing a portion of their country—the provinces of West Prussia, Poznan and Upper Silesia—to Poland under the Treaty of Versailles of May 7, 1919.  Under the treaty, Germany lost 13 percent of its territory and 10 percent of its population.

The similarity of circumstances of Poland vs. Ukraine and the mindset of Hitler vs. Putin are striking and should be sobering for the West. Will we repeat the same mistakes again and sow the seeds of another world war?

The initial response of Britain and France was a policy of appeasement with Hitler, even after he seized the country of Czechoslovakia six months earlier in March, 1939.  Instead of the European community confronting the aggressive warlike rhetoric of Hitler, Briton and France acquiesced to Hitler’s desire to absorb the German speaking western region of Czechoslovakia under the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938.

Six months later, not satisfied with a portion of the Czech country, Hitler took over the entire country, violating the Munich Agreement.

Again, the similarities between the beginning of World War II and the current war in the Ukraine initiated by the Hitler wannabe, Putin, should be a giant red flag for Europe and the West.  Putin has not been satisfied with his conquest of the Crimea.  He wants all of the Ukraine and he does not care what havoc he causes or how many innocent people are slaughtered.  If successful—and he can not be allowed to succeed—he will not stop with the Ukraine.  Just like Hitler, he has his eyes on Finland and Sweden, which he has already warned against them pursuing membership in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), joining 30 other European countries for a common defense.

It is not like the European countries and the United States have not had enough warning about the Soviet dictator’s obsessions and intentions.  It has been eight years since Putin and his thuggish military took over the Crimea region of the Ukraine on March 18, 2014.  Yet, the world dithered and did nothing.

This too brings back a painful reality.  Pre-World War II, the United States and much of Europe, twiddled their thumbs as Hitler boldly proclaimed German superiority and territorial rights.  The U.S. only declared war on Germany after Hitler and Germany foolishly declared war on the U.S. earlier on the day of December 11, 1941.  It is possible, because America had already declared war on Japan because of their attack on Pearl Harbor four days earlier, the U.S. just might have let Hitler’s aggression continue in Europe unabated.  Instead, the U.S. Congress voted unanimously (88-0 in the Senate; 393-0 in the House) to go to war against Germany as well.  Could such a unanimous vote be achieved today against a warring enemy?

With the election of an unproven and unknown non-politician of Donald Trump as the leader of the free world, Putin and other tyrants were forced to allay their ambitions due to the unpredictability of a Trump presidency.  However, now that the world’s tyrants and despots see that America is led by a weak, bumbling, senile septuagenarian, they have become emboldened and salivating at their new and potentially unabated opportunities for territorial conquest.

Sanctions-Smanctions. Putin could care less about sanctions.  Tyrants do not care about the pain they inflict on others, even their own countrymen.  China has his back, as Russia will have China’s back if they decide to invade Taiwan.  They know that the U.S. military under Biden is weak, demoralized, ill equipped and spread far too thin around the world to be an effective deterrent or co-defender of Taiwan.  In addition, the “woke” American military leaders are more concerned about mandatory vaccination, transgender equity and environmentally green war machines than they are about military preparedness.

Sanctions, no matter how stiff, take weeks or months to make an impact.  Tyrants do not respond to sanctions, they respond to military might and defeat.  That is the sad reality.

Instead of sanctions that could take days, weeks or months and be of little effect, why not seize Russian financial assets immediately and appropriate them to support the Ukrainian people and their defense?  Seize every Russian oil tanker leaving a Russian port and re-allocate the oil or its proceeds to replace the Ukrainian oil and infrastructure destroyed by Russia’s invading forces.  Nothing would send a stronger and sweeter message to Putin than using Russian assets to fight against him and destroy his economic base.

The weakened and stretched thin U.S. military that was decimated under President Obama, strengthened under Trump and then destroyed again under Biden would not likely be up to a multi-front worldwide war or a joint military assault by Russia and China in Europe, Southeast Asia or the Middle East in a linked effort with Iran and Syria against Israel.  Think Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38.

Putin knows that the U.S. is weak and led by a mentally compromised, do-nothing president that is backed by communists and communist sympathizers.  Other tyrants wait in line.  If Putin succeeds in taking over Ukraine, will China invade Taiwan; will North Korea attempt to strike South Korea and will Iran and its proxies go against Israel?  Much is at stake.  Ukraine cannot be defeated.  If Europe and the U.S. do not help to stop Putin, the world could erupt into an End Times scenario rapidly.

READ: Revelation 18 and the Fate of America, 2021 Edition.  Available on Amazon or at a discount on the author’s website here.