Archive for May, 2024

How to Stockpile Antibiotics Without a Prescription

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

In 2019 the U.S. Department of Commerce stated that an estimated 97% of all antibiotics used in the U.S. were made in China.  While some have disputed that high figure, it still remains that China, the U.S. avowed enemy, makes and supplies most of our antibiotics.


Antibiotics can save your life but they are notoriously hard to stockpile if you don’t know about this ingenious method:

How to Stockpile Antibiotics Without a Prescription

It is completely legal and perfectly safe.

The best part is you can also use it for other medicines that require a prescription like insulin or Humira for example.

This is just one of the many ingenious tidbits of medical knowledge you’ll discover inside The Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household

This unique book was written by doctors to help people take care of their health ailments at home when the medical system cannot be depended on anymore.

It will prove vital in the next crisis, and you should check it out while it’s still available.

For more information or purchase, click here.

For additional valuable resources, visit this link.

America’s Looming Financial Collapse

May 23, 2024

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.
May 23, 2024

To whom can I speak and give warning?
Who will listen to me?
Their ears are closed
so they cannot hear.
The word of the Lord is offensive to them;
they find no pleasure in it.

Jeremiah 6:10

Although these prophetic words were spoken by the Jewish prophet Jeremiah over 2600 years ago, before the Jews of the Kingdom of Judah were taken into Babylonian captivity, the warning holds true for America today.

Our nation is facing many potential calamities this year, but we will focus only on the pending financial one for this posting. Most Americans are aware that the nation’s National Debt is rapidly approaching an incredible $35 trillion (about $110,000 per person in the US). That is the primary financial debt bomb reported by the government and national media. However, that is only the tip of a huge financial catastrophe awaiting Americans in the extremely near future.

In my second post of this new year, Will America Survive 2024?, I stated that 2024 could be the most dangerous year in American history and sighted the main reasons. Unfortunately, that assessment is becoming truer every day.

The National Debt, while alarming, is a microcosm of a much larger view. Make no mistake, the current administration in Washington, D.C. and our Congress have no will or determination to rein in the nation’s out-of-control spending or debt debacle. Despite America drowning in debt, the Biden administration is proposing a FY2025 budget of $7.3 trillion (about $22,000 per person in the US and 4.7% greater than FY2024). This despite the reality that the FY2024 budget has resulted in almost $2 trillion in spending beyond federal revenue. Every U.S. president (except President Clinton who achieved a one-percent decrease) back to Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) added substantially to the nation’s indebtedness. Coolidge, the last Republican president to do so, added a surplus to the U.S. coffers and reduced deficit spending by 26 percent.

Fast forward and today presidents and politicians cannot save a penny, much less billions or trillions of taxpayer monies. They only look to spend increasingly to appease their constituents or advance their own wealth.

“From the least to the greatest,
all are greedy for gain;
prophets and priests alike,
all practice deceit.
They dress the wound of my people
as though it were not serious.
‘Peace, peace,’ they say,
when there is no peace.
Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct?
No, they have no shame at all;
they do not even know how to blush.
So they will fall among the fallen;
they will be brought down when I punish them,”
says the Lord.
This is what the Lord says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

Jeremiah 6:13-16

So, what has the nation’s and the politician’s greed brought to our doorstep? Along the way political corruption has run deep and wide. Statesman who put the nation and its people ahead of their own desires and needs are rare, if not extinct.

Now for the rest of the financial picture. The annual interest to be paid on the National Debt is quickly reaching $1 trillion and now exceeds what is spent on the nation’s National Defense. Not a healthy or reassuring reality. Imagine what our economy would be like if we did not have to waste that money on debt service? America’s Total Debt (Household, Business, State and Local Governments, Financial Institutions and Federal Government) now exceeds $100 trillion, up $3 trillion since January. The Federal government’s Unfunded Liabilities (the Fed’s non-payable promissory note to hardworking U.S. taxpayers) is near $216 trillion, $57 trillion more than when Biden took office a little over three years ago.

Add to these harbingers of disaster, the nation’s growing energy crisis (we are importing more and more oil every month); a trade deficit that exceeds $1 trillion/year; over $8 trillion of our debt owned by foreigners (but China is selling off U.S. debt at a record pace); the de-dollarization of the world economy (a signal of the U.S. dollar’s anticipated collapse); personal debt skyrocketing; cost of living increasing; homelessness and those living in poverty increasing; U.S. food shortages likely; unemployment rising; increasing societal instability and a host of other negative financial realities does not bode well for a nation and its citizens who are facing the real possibility of a world war, terrorist threats and the invasion of millions of unvetted illegal immigrants who do not have American’s best interests at the heart of their agenda.

I appointed watchmen over you and said,
‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’
But you said, ‘We will not listen.’
Therefore hear, you nations;
you who are witnesses,
observe what will happen to them.
Hear, you earth:
I am bringing disaster on this people,
the fruit of their schemes,
because they have not listened to my words
and have rejected my law.

Jeremiah 6:17-19

If you believe God is going to bail us out of this mess, or as a Christian you will be “raptured” before it all comes collapsing down, you may be in for a rude awakening.

Pray for America! Pray for Israel! Most of all, pray for the sleeping church in America!

READ Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition) where all this was presented in 2013 and in 2021.

Available on Amazon in paperback and hard cover and on Barnes & Noble as an eBook.

Be sure to visit the author’s website for more offerings.

Also visit this developing link on survival resources.