Amazing! The Whitehouse is Free to Distort Truth

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

June 27, 2024

Perhaps George Orwell was 40 years premature with his “Big Brother” novel, 1984, first published in June 1949.  He depicted a totalitarian government that controlled every aspect of the lives of its citizens.

Enter 2024 and the tyrannical Biden Administration. Yes, we’ve been heading this way for some time and there have been many contributors, including the uninformed or complicit populace.

It has long been suspected, if not definitely proven, that major Democrat players & supporters of Joe Biden and the woke agenda, were able to consistently influence and control their anti-conservative, anti-Trump narrative by demanding that social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and others block and/or delete posts tat countered their fake news or political agenda.

Yesterday, in a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled against a lawsuit brought against the Biden Administration by the state’s attorney generals of Louisiana and Missouri. The state AGs claimed that “high-ranking government officials” worked with social media platforms to suppress posts that they deemed “misinformation” or misleading. In many cases this prevented the truth from being given to the public.  A clear example is the government’s manipulation of the truth about COVID and COVID vaccines.  True medical and scientific research and many in the medical community were silenced because the proof they represented disproved the government’s false news and proclamations.

Of course, the members of the Biden White House were thrilled with the court’s decision. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated the ruling would allow the Whitehouse to “continue our important work with technology companies to protect the safety and security of the American people, after years of extreme and unfounded Republican attacks on public officials who engaged in critical work to keep Americans safe.” If you believe that, then you have not been paying attention.  The whole goal of interacting with social media companies is to control the thoughts of the populace in favor of the ruling party, aka, the Democrats.  

Now, I am not a “big player” in social media posts, nor a political threat, but I too have experienced social media censorship over the years.  Not just being banded on Facebook.

Early in 2013 I published the first edition of Revelation 18 and the fate of America. Three years ago, I published an updated version, Revelation 18 and the fate of America (2021 Edition).

Both Amazon and Facebook have repeated denied me the opportunity to promote either book no matter when I choose to submit the promotional piece.

Your ad was rejected because it doesn’t comply with our Ads About Social Issues, Elections or Politics and Ads About Social Issues, Elections or Politics policies. This means that your ad isn’t running and will not be delivered to your audience. Meta aka Facebook

This is the ad Meta rejected.

Are we getting closer to World War III? Russia is emboldened to send its war ships within 90 miles of the U.S. shore. Russia threatening war with NATO nations and the U.S. China taking aggressive military actions in the South China Sea against Taiwan and the Philippines. North Korea’s despots threatening South Korea, Japan and the U.S. Over 50,000 known Chinese illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S, southern border. Iran perhaps within weeks of having a nuclear bomb capability and Israel being attacked by powerful Islamic terrorists from within and outside its borders. Where is this all going to end?

Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition). Available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (eBook only).

Get it on Amazon (paperback & hardcover) or Barnes & Noble (eBook).

Maybe they did not like the use of Bible scriptures throughout.  Or the exposure of political corruptness, perversion and criminality.  Maybe exposure to the truth about COVID. Maybe they do not want to accept that they are complicit with America’s moral decline. Perhaps the thought of the end of their world is at hand and it is God who is control of truth, not them.  You decide!  

Shop now and get the book Amazon and Facebook have deemed too “political” to advertise.  Get it now in paperback, hard cover or eBook


Amazon 5-star.  Follows scripture exactly, a very good read.  No opinions just facts and a lot of them!  Dennis E. Paul


Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH!

As an evangelist, I am most pleased that Dr. Gauss continually encourages the laity to go out daily verbally witnessing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (We have forgotten why we are here-to win the lost)! There is hope for America-and His Name is Jesus! David L. Cobb, Evangelist, Southern Baptist Conference


Revelation 18 draws a parallel between the fall of ancient Babylon described in the chapter cited and the current fall of the United States of America.

I read this book reluctantly because I have never really been able to understand the book of Revelation in either the King James Version or any of the newer ones. It has always seemed to me to have been written in an ancient code legible only to ancient peoples who lived around the time it was written.

Dr. James F. Gauss has taken this one chapter of Revelation and made it clear by contrasting its content with what has been and is going on in the USA today.

“As America’s wealth and power grew, so did its worldwide influence. However, what it gained in influence it relinquished to pride, moral collapse and perversion. The once great nation that was founded on Christ-centered ideals and life style slipped ever so slowly at first…then swiftly into hedonism and godlessness.”

The similarities pointed out verse-by-verse between the fall of Babylon and the ongoing moral collapses of the USA are indeed startling and tragic. . . .

Dr. Gauss has shown how this chapter describes, not only the fall of Babylon, but also the fall of any country that loses its moral compass. This has been true of many countries over the centuries and is most clearly true today as regards the United States of America.

The 2021 edition contains all mentioned above and much, much more. It has been updated with much news and official reports, analysis and references pertinent to and consistent with, the original edition.

In addition to the news events pertinent to the themes of the 2014 edition, Dr. Gauss has researched in great depth almost every possible topic and action that bear influence upon the theme of the book and especially reinforce the comparison between Revelation 18 and current affairs affecting the USA since the first edition was published. The result is a truly massive quantity of data and information that make the new edition much more pertinent as a written photograph of the rapidly increasing advance of the very despicable public and private affairs that are bringing the USA to its end today.

Jim Wesberry, Jr., CPA; Former Georgia State Senator; Consultant at Pursuit of Accountability by Fighting Corruption


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