Are We Getting Closer to World War III?

James F. Gauss, Ph.D.

June 24, 2024

Are we getting closer to World War III? Consider just a few of these current facts.

  • Russia is emboldened to send its war ships within 90 miles of the U.S. shore.
  • Russia threatening war with NATO nations and the U.S.
  • China taking aggressive military actions in the South China Sea against Taiwan and the Philippines.
  • North Korea’s despots threatening South Korea, Japan and the U.S.
  • Over 50,000 known Chinese illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S, southern border.
  • Iran perhaps within weeks of having a nuclear bomb capability.
  • Israel being attacked by powerful Islamic terrorists from within and outside its borders.

Now, consider this: We have incompetent and weak leadership that emboldens our enemies. A military that is grossly unprepared and under-equipped. A national financial disaster getting ready to explode and minimal protection for our electrical grid or cyber-terrorism. Combined with completely open borders and hundreds of thousands of known anti-American malcontents and terrorists having already entered our nation is the recipe for a national security meltdown.

Where is this all going to end?

Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition). Available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (eBook only).

Also visit the author’s website.

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