Posts Tagged ‘Syria attack by U.S.’

World-class Leadership Lacking in America

September 4, 2013

It has been several months since I posted on this blog.  Trying not to get distracted by the inept leadership in the Whitehouse and Congress, I have been trying to focus my time and efforts on a new book.  However, even though I know others are far more informed and articulate than myself in addressing various issues of importance, I find myself unable to resist offering some perspective on the Syrian crisis and America’s pending military action.

It is no surprise that, unlike former President George Bush, our current president is unable to muster any international support for his recommended military assault on Syria.  Why would anyone of any degree of sanity trust our president.  He has a strong history of being a habitual liar; a deceiver and one who has no qualms about releasing sensitive security information of our allies and ourselves to the enemy of mankind.  His foreign policy (or lack thereof) in the Middle East and elsewhere has been an unmitigated disaster that has thrown that region of the world into utter chaos and instability.

Not even our trusted allies of the past will support Obama’s planned attack on Syria because they know that he is an undisciplined, feckless, narcissistic leader who cannot be trusted or has the wisdom and understanding to deal with the complex issues facing Israel and Muslim-dominated countries in the Middle East.  Since taking over as Commander-in-Chief of the United States military, Obama has systematically weakened every branch of the military; created chaos and increased bloodshed in Iraq; carried out a disastrous war strategy in Afghanistan; created a destabilized Libya and Egypt and openly supplied factions of the Muslim Brotherhood with arms and millions in cash.  Why would any nation in favor of freedom support such a treasonous leader, even if he is president of the United States?

If America does attack Syria and the U.S. Congress is complicit with its approval, it will be a disaster for America.  While I sympathize with the plight of the Syrian people, the time for military action has long past.  And with Obama openly telling the world before hand what our military strategy will be, it has given Syria’s Assad plenty of time to re-deploy his equipment and forces to civilian areas.  Have the members of Congress learned nothing about Obama’s weak and ineffective Middle East diplomacy?  Why would they expect any different outcome in this case?  The only thing that an attack on Syria will accomplish at this stage would be opening up justification for more terrorist attacks on Americans and American targets worldwide (including in the U.S.); create even greater instability in the Middle East; put Israel at an even greater risk of attack from its Islamic neighbors; embolden Iran to participate in the conflict (and perhaps other Islamic countries) and accelerate their nuclear program; and further exasperate the economies of the world.

A note to Congress:  An unconstitutional president can only be expected to do unconstitutional things.  At a time in history when what American needs most is divine guidance of Almighty God, we have a president who would rather go campaigning, go on vacation, play golf or shoot hoops then to go before God in prayer and supplication.  In fact, we have a president who does not even honor the traditional Day of Prayer every year but makes it a point to honor Ramadan, the fasting holiday of Muslims who have vowed to destroy America.  And, he has filled his cabinet of advisors with Muslims, some of whom are active with the Muslim Brotherhood.

America is in deep trouble on many fronts and instead of having a bold, patriotic leader who seeks God, we have re-elected a person who is either intentionally seeking to destroy America or who is totally incapable or inept at leading the country forward out of its many predicaments.

Update:  September 5.  Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted yesterday 10-7 in favor of a U.S. military strike against Syria.  However, Congressional representatives’ offices are being flooded with calls from their constituents at a rate of 499-1 against such a strike.  Will they listen?  Why would we follow a commander-in-chief into such a dangerous conflict when a host of scandals (Fast & Furious; Benghazi; NSA spying; IRS abuse and a myriad of constitutional abuses) have not been resolved or anyone held accountable?  Are our duly elected representatives that dense, or what?