Archive for the ‘Benghazi attack’ Category

Early Headline: “Trump/Pence Win!”

November 6, 2016

As some of my early blogs on this election would testify, I was not enthusiastic about Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee. However, about two months ago I realized that this election is far more about the future of the nation; the administrative cabinets, department and agency heads, the Departments of Justice, Defense and Homeland Security in particular, that matter more than the presidential candidate.

That being said, while Trump has his baggage (as virtually all candidates do), one thing he has demonstrated far more than Clinton and that is his extreme patriotism and desire to right the wrongs in America.

So, here’s my prediction, and I will go way out on a limb. Trump will win.  Not only win, but win by a wide margin, perhaps 10 percent or more.  Here’s why:

  • A large number of moderate democrats who are sick of the Hillary (and Bill) scandals, habitual lying and self-enrichment, will either stay home or vote for Trump/Pence.
  • A growing number of Black and Hispanic voters are finally seeing the light and realizing that Hillary represents more of the same lies and disaster for minority populations.
  • Trump support is on a strong upswing right before the election, while Clinton’s is on the downswing.
  • While Trump has been focusing mostly on policy of late, the best Clinton can do is keep bringing up the old dead issue of Trump’s immoral pronouncements about women twenty years ago.
  • The FBI announcement about re-opening their Clinton investigation has shattered any support Clinton might have garnered from the undecideds. The majority will vote for Trump.
  • Trump supporters are not fair-weather supporters. They will vote no matter what the weather or obstacles.
  • More and more Americans are waking up to the depth of Clinton’s corruption.
  • The majority of Americans are sick of all the ineffectiveness and corruption in Washington.
  • Hillary Clinton represents more of the same Washington corruption; Trump represents a fresh face with new hope.
  • Patriotic Americans will vote against anyone who does not uphold the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.  Clinton is clearly against that provision of the Constitution.
  • The majority of Christian voters understand that Clinton is anti-Christian and anti-Israel.
  • People are realizing the real danger of the Clinton immigration and open borders policy.
  • American patriots have not forgotten about Benghazi and Clinton’s “what difference does it make” statement.
  • More Americans understand the disastrous foreign policies of Obama/Clinton that has resulted in the explosion of Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, Europe and the U.S.
  • The Obamacare debacle will hurt Clinton who is in favor of socialized medical care.
  • Traditionally democratic states are trending in favor of Trump or are “toss-ups” right before the election.
  • For the past few weeks Trump has been acting more presidential, while Clinton has been acting more unhinged.

So, here’s my bold prediction (not seen anywhere else): Trump/Pence will command 55% or more of the popular vote and at least 300 electoral votes (270 needed to win).

Now, that will prevent Hillary from pardoning herself. If we can be patient and wait until Trump takes office and select a new attorney general, then Obama will not be able to pardon her either should she be indicted.  That would be ideal.


Unlawful Concealment

October 20, 2015
     For those of you who still think Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal is no big deal and just a Republican witch hunt, let me acquaint you with the following federal criminal code on “Crimes and Criminal Procedure.”
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 101, Section 2071, paragraphs a & b, states:


Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
[Bold, my emphasis.]
     Of course Hillary Clinton is not the only one guilty of transgressing this code of conduct.  Think, for instance the Obama administration refusing to disclose information and documents about the “Fast & Furious” gun running scandal with Mexican cartels.  Or Obama and Nancy Pelosi refusing to allow the Affordable Care Act to be read before taking a vote in which all Democrats voted for but not one Republican voted for it.  Or the refusal of the Obama administration to disclose the truth behind the Benghazi massacre or the infamous Iran nuclear deal.  Over the last seven years, such a list has become almost endless with new abuses being discovered every day.
     Be sure to watch this short video for fuller explanation of Hillary Clinton’s abuses of this code:
Be sure to pass this on.  America’s future is at stake.

The New Year: Wake Me When It’s Over

January 13, 2015

Get your favorite non-alcoholic drink and relax in your comfy chair.  This is a long one (six years in the making).

(Disclaimer:  I don’t blog that often because, quite frankly, I’m tired of all the bad news and I hate to be the bearer of even more.  But sometimes I just can’t stand it anymore, watching my beloved country being flushed down the toilet and not enough Americans seem to care to do anything about it.  Especially our elected officials who seem to march lock-step blindly on; seeing nothing wrong and hoping that time will heal all wounds.  But I am a “watchman” and I am called to keep the warning before the people as long as there are still people who care to be warned and heed those warnings.)

I’m tired.  I’m tired of all the meaningless rhetoric from politicians (especially Republicans—I expect it from the liberal, leftist Democrats), the liberal “yellow” journalism press and the heretical clergy.  The Republican establishment yammer on-and-on about how bad President Obama is and how scandalous he and his administration are; how corrupt; how inept; how this, how that, but then do absolutely, absolutely nothing to combat it or come against it.  Not even to have the courage to stand up against Obama and his ilk, but to actively participate and support his Marxist agenda.

Let’s review the Obama accomplishments so far.  God help us for what the next two years will bring.

The Economy.  If you think the economy is really good, then you have been brainwashed by the liberal media and Obama’s lying government.  With all the lies and deception that Obama, his staff and agencies have been caught with, do you really think the economy is as good as they are trying to make you believe?  I know, the stock market is rising to record highs; unemployment has supposedly sunk to 5.6 percent and so on.  But have you stopped to consider that the vast majority of jobs that have been “created” are either part-time or lower paying service sector jobs?  There are really very few high paying jobs in manufacturing, trades or the professional ranks.  Real household income is at the lowest it’s been in decades.  The workforce participation rate (62.8%) is the lowest since 1978 and has steadily dropped since the year 2000.  That means a lot of people have just given up on looking for meaningful work.

And unemployment?  Well, according to highly respected economist Walter “John” Williams of the popular ShadowStats web site, if you factor in all those who have given up looking and all those who want full time work but can only find part-time at McDonalds or Wal Mart, the “real” unemployment/under-employment rate jumped from around 12.5% before Obama took office to over 20% after he took office and has held steady at around 22-23% range for the past six years.  As far as Obama being the “savior” of the black community, unemployment among his “brethren” remains stubbornly double that of whites.  Among black teens, 16-19 years old, it has been near or above 30% and still is above 28%.

If the economy is doing so well then how is it that major retailers like Sears, Kmart, Macy’s, Radio Shack and many others are planning on closing thousands of stores (Radio Shack, 1,100 alone) and laying off tens of thousands of employees in 2015?  If the economy is so good, why are there still over 46 million Americans receiving food stamps?  About 20 million more than when Obama first took office.

To understand Obama’s view of what makes the economy work, one should listen to or read his speech at Osawatomie High School (Kansas) on December 6, 2011.  In his attempt to explain “trickle down” economics that is promoted by capitalists, he stated: “If only we cut more regulations and cut more taxes—especially for the wealthy—our economy will grow stronger. . . . if the winners do really well, jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everyone else.

“. . . Here’s the problem:” he asserted, “It doesn’t work.  It’s never worked.”  Obama’s way to economic prosperity for all is to tax more and regulate more.  Just during his first term, the Obama administration issued new regulations that will cost the American taxpayer $70 billion.  The number of regulations during Obama’s first term were almost triple those of his predecessor, President Bush, during his first term.  Just in his fourth year of office alone, federal regulators issued 2605 new rules.  In his first five years in office Obama has added 17,522 pages to the Code of Federal Regulations.  The CFR had 175,496 pages at the end of 2013.  In 2014, Obama added an estimated 75,000 pages of new regulations or an estimated $181 billion in new financial burdens upon Americans.

And there you have Obama’s simple Marxist view of America and capitalism.  “It doesn’t work.  It’s never worked.”  Despite 300-plus years of American ingenuity, industrialization and “trickle down” prosperity that (up until now) has built the greatest country and economy the world has ever known.  But, according the great “seer”, it just doesn’t work.

America’s Financial Condition.  When President Obama took office on January 20, 2009, America’s National debt was $10.626 trillion and the debt held by the public was $6.307 trillion.  America had endured 8 years of George Bush’s presidency in which he added $4.9 trillion to the National Debt.  Presidential candidate Obama called Bush’s penchant for such debt accumulation “unpatriotic”.  Now enter Obama’s world.  The National Debt after 6 years of Barack Obama now stands at $18.08 trillion and will likely exceed $20 trillion before Obama’s last year in office ends.  Public debt under Obama has risen to $12.995 trillion as of December 31, 2014 or over 100%.  That means that under Obama more public debt has been accumulated than under the administrations of all 43 presidents that preceded him, as will the National Debt before his second term is over.  What is even worse is that Congress appears to be unwilling or uninterested in stemming the tide of red ink and the weight of the economic burden it is placing upon the shoulders of every American, present and future.  It is unconscionable, but then, no one ever accused a politician of having a conscience.  Oh, and the interest on this debt?  Only a mere $522 billion per year and rising.  Gee, what could the American economy look like with an extra half trillion circulating each year?

To put this in a worldwide perspective, it is estimated that the global indebtedness of all nations at the end of 2014 was $60.906 trillion.  Of this debt, the people of the United States held 29.6% of it, but only represent 4.4% of the world population.  With the Obama administration’s bent on uncontrolled immigration, America’s financial condition will worsen as unskilled, uneducated, lower wage earners flood the country and governmental system, creating greater indebtedness for hardworking Americans while contributing little to the country’s tax base.  Hardworking U.S. citizens will see their tax burdens rise and real incomes continue to shrink.

Inflation.  The “official” government position is, and has been for some time, that inflation or the CPI (Consumer Price Index) is somewhere between 0 and 2% or lastly (November) at 1.3%.  Do you believe that?  If you do, you are not paying attention to what you are buying or have a short memory of the recent past.  When we departed the U.S. of A. in August of 2011, I remember that in the Midwest we could buy top sirloin steak for $3.98-4.98/lb.  Milk was about $3.50/gallon; eggs about $1.20/doz.; bread about $2; sliced roast beef was around $5.99/lb.; sliced Virginia ham about $4.99.  Upon our visit to the U.S. in June this past year we found that top sirloin had risen to $9.98; milk was about $5.00/gallon; eggs $2.50; bread $3.50-4.00; sliced roast beef and Virginia ham was $8.99 and $6.99 respectively.  This food inflation was far higher than the 0-2% the government data presents.

What has masked true inflation is the plummeting energy sector—no thanks to Obama.  Oil prices are declining due to world economies being in the tank and the surge of oil production on private U.S. land, something Obama has no control over but is trying to clamp down on through more and more environmental regulations.

Education & Knowledge.  Not long ago I watched a couple of informal history surveys on two different university campuses.  The two different interviewers asked simple, basic questions that any 5th grader should be able to answer.  Such questions as: “Who won the Civil War?”  “From whom did America win its independence?”  “Who is America’s Vice President?”  In each case, an overwhelming number of students did not have a clue as to the right answer.  This is just one indication of the radical left’s success in “dumbing down” of America’s youth.   Enter Common Core, another peg in the dumbing down strategy that even teachers across the country are rebelling against and some states are passing legislation to outlaw it.

Not content with trying to control the educational input of our children, the Obamas, via Michelle, decided they knew best what kids in school should eat.  As a result, thousands of uneaten lunches across America are thrown out each day by kids who refuse to eat the garbage called “food”.   Real history that teaches students true, politically incorrect history has been banned from schools at all levels, as has true science and math.

Teenagers cannot even make simple mathematical decisions without a calculator, cash register or computer.  I once asked a teenager at a convenience store for five singles in exchange for a five dollar bill.  She looked at me like I was speaking a foreign tongue.  I finally said, “May I have five one dollar bills, please?” In part, because of this dumbing down, that is why I decided to write two volumes of early American history and recently revised and expanded the second volume, We the People, Birth of a Nation which presents American history from the mouths of the Founders, complete with the full historical documents that they labored over.

Now, educational boards across the U.S. are condoning proselytizing on behalf of Islam using history texts written and edited by Muslims in order to portray Islam in a favorable light.  In many schools, children of unsuspecting parents are being groomed in the five pillars of Islam, must dress in Muslim attire so they can become more culturally sensitive and be forced to visit mosques, all in the name of cultural diversity.

Foreign Relations.  America’s image abroad is probably at the lowest level since the country’s founding.  Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster and his Secretaries of State (Clinton & Kerry) were and are inept and pathetic.  Obama’s apologetic and appeasement tours and position are an embarrassment and a kick in the face to the Founding Fathers and all those patriots who valiantly fought and died for the freedom, strength and leadership that America has provided to the world.  It’s no secret that Obama despises American “Exceptionalism” and has done everything within his power to diminish America’s once powerful image around the world.

At the same time Obama is destroying American exceptionalism he works hard at legitimizing the tyrants of Cuba, Iran and other tyrant-led countries.  While he is busy patronizing the tyrants of the world he has virtually ignored the relationships and alliances with countries in the Western hemisphere.

According to the 2015 Open Doors report on world terrorism, 2014 was the worst year for persecution of Christians.  However, the “leader of the free world”, Mr. Obama, has said virtually nothing and done virtually nothing to confront it or the Islamic terrorists that are behind the overwhelming majority of it.

High Level Corruption.  Just about every presidential administration has a scandal or two during their presidency, but usually such lapses in judgment do not affect American lives and freedom.  Enter, once again, President Obama.  Scandals and corruption associated with him and his Whitehouse team are non-ending and just about everyone of them have severely impacted the lives and freedoms of the majority of Americans.

  • Fast & Furious gun-running which put American lives at risk, especially along the Mexican border states by putting high-powered weapons into the hands of known drug lords and, at least in two known instances, resulted in the murder of U.S. border patrol agents.
  • The Benghazi assault on our unprotected outpost that allowed Ambassador Stevens and three others to be murdered because Obama & Hillary Clinton just did not see the need for adequate protection. Then when it is attacked and overwhelmed by obvious (to everyone else) Islamic jihadists, tried to blame the attack on an obscure internet video that practically no one ever saw or heard of; then lied repeatedly to Americans and the world about their despicable behavior and disregard for the safety of Americans serving abroad. See my post on “Was Ambassador Stevens Assassinated?”
  • The IRS targeting scandal where Obama and his hirelings authorized the use of the IRS to target conservative groups and prevent them from raising monies for the 2012 presidential campaign. Shameful; despicable; scandalous; criminal. But no one’s in jail. Not even one indictment.
  • The NSA spying outrage where millions of private conversations and data bases were violated for nefarious purposes, all in the name of “national security” but really to keep tabs on Obama’s opponents.
  • The Veteran’s Administration debacle of disgusting and inhuman treatment of thousands of U.S. veterans. Admittedly, not all on Obama’s watch, but seemed to intensify under his administration.
  • Voter Fraud. How else would you explain 110% of voters in some precincts voting for Obama or 100% of all precincts in Philadelphia voting for Obama, or electronic voting machines around the country “mysteriously” switching Republican votes to Democratic ones?

Well, you get the picture.  There are more Obama scandals then I care to take time to write about—particularly those that involve violations of the U.S. Constitution.  That alone would take a book of several hundred pages.  The list of Obama’s abuses of his office and public trust seems to be just about endless.  The sad thing is that most Americans are clueless and they will not understand the impact of this president on American freedoms, prosperity and national security until many years later.

National Security.  Under Obama’s “leadership” America’s military has become smaller than before World War II and considerably weaker.  According to U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Ray Odierno, the U.S. Army only has two brigades (6,000-10,000 troops) that are combat ready.  Under Obama as Commander-in-Chief, military morale has plummeted, while military deaths due to suicide has steadily increased since he took office to the point where, starting in 2012, military deaths from suicide exceeded those from combat.  In 2012 alone 524 U.S. servicemen and women committed suicide, and at a rate far more than those among the much larger civilian population.  In addition, Obama has purged the military of over 200 top leaders and given “pink slips” to over 500 career military leaders.  Of the $1 trillion in sequester cuts at the end of 2013 by Obama and Congress, over half was absorbed by the military at a time when America needs military strength at its peak.  Medal of Honor decorated, Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, stated, “There is no doubt he [Obama] is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” (see Revelation 18 and the fate of America, page 288).

Although Obama trumpets that America has never been safer, the truth is, America has never been more vulnerable.  His catastrophic decision to prematurely pull out of Iraq against all military advice has created the meteoric rise of the Islamic terrorist group, ISIS—a group that Obama cannot seem to bring himself to effectively encounter and annihilate despite their horrific acts of butchery in the name of their god.

On January 22, 2009, two days after being sworn in to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, President Obama issued an executive order to close the Gitmo terrorist detention camp in Cuba within a year.  Although he did not succeed, he has released almost 100 Islamic terrorists so they can pursue their terrorist efforts against the United States. Many of those released are now leading or fighting with terrorist groups in the Middle East and elsewhere.  In 2014 alone, Obama released 28 suspected Islamic terrorists.  Follow-up on GITMO detainees released shows that at least 30% re-enter the battlefield to carry out more terror attacks.

President Barack Obama having not succeeded in keeping his promise to close Gitmo within a year of becoming president is now resorting to a different tactic. He is releasing Gitmo inmates, and not just any Gitmo terrorist, but top Taliban intelligence official who kept Stinger missiles and uranium at his farm. But it even gets worse than this. The Afghans gave “security guarantees” that there is no requirement this uranium terrorist and 3 others to be held in prison and they are said to be likely sent home to their families.

The uranium terrorist is Mohammed Zahir, who was also to top it all off, a leading Taliban weapons supplier, according to his official Guantanamo file, leaked three years ago to The Telegraph by the Wikileaks hacker group (Source: Shoebat Foundation, December 20, 2014).

On September 23, 2014, speaking before the United Nations, President Obama (with a straight face) announced that the world was a lot safer now since he took office.  “As a result of this [international security] work and cooperation with allies and partners, the world is more stable than it was five years ago.”  Really?  Does this man live on this planet?  Threats from terrorists—principally Islamic terrorists—has NEVER been greater.  Just ask any one of the hundreds of millions of Jews and Christians around the world who are in daily fear of persecution, torture and murder.  Just ask the thousands of U.S. military parents, spouses and relatives of the thousands of men and women who have died under the Obama administration trying to fight a restricted and unwinnable (because Obama doesn’t want to win the) war against Muslim terrorists or the survivors of those thousands of brave military personnel who could not take it any longer under this “Commander-in-Chief” and committed suicide from Post Traumatic Stress or lack of committed leadership to a winning strategy.

Since September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists have committed 24,826 non-military deadly attacks around the world (Source:  In 2011 alone, Muslim terrorists killed an estimated 12,533 people (Source: National Counterterrorism Center).  Since Obama took office in 2009 there have been at least 20 deadly Muslim terrorist attacks in America.  However, President Obama insists that such daily terror is just the “senseless violence of a few.”  Just in the last three months of 2014, Islamic terrorists carried out almost 900 attacks, killing almost 8,000 people and wounding thousands more.  But the world is safer now that Obama is at the helm.

On January 12, 2015, the U.S. military’s Central Command Twitter account was hacked by either ISIS members or sympathizers who sent terror messages to the U.S. military.  But we’re secure.  No threat here.

President Obama and members of his administration have repeatedly disclosed national secrets of the U.S. and its allies.   Perhaps the most infamous was the disclosure of members of Seal Team 6 who were responsible for annihilating Osama Bin Laden on May 1, 2011.  The very next day, Vice President Joe Biden, in an act of treason, “outed” the Team to the world.  Three months late, on August 6, 30 members of Seal Team 6, on another mission in Afghanistan, had their helicopter shot down.  All were killed, as were eight Afghanis on board.

The Obama administration seems to spend more time and effort placating and empowering the tyrannical terrorists of the world like Iran, Russia, China, Cuba and Islamic terrorists worldwide than they do confronting them and minimizing their threat to America and the world.

While Obama touts his delusional safe world he decimates America’s borders and our border patrol, making them ineffective.  Not long ago an American trucker driving a truck across the border from Mexico to America videoed his border crossing experience.  As he pulled up to the American border guard, the guard asked the driver if he was the only one on board.  The trucker said, “Why, does it matter?”  The border guard said, “Not anymore” and waved the driver through without any further questions and no inspection.  In many places along the southern U.S. border, border agents have been disarmed or made to pull back to 70 miles from the border.  When they were able to provide some semblance of border security, for the first time (in 2014) they apprehended more non-Mexicans than Mexicans.  And, it has been well documented by border agents and county sheriffs along the border that Muslims are crossing the border without much impediment.

Update, January 24, 2015.  As Obama “fiddles” the Mideast burns.  Today, Libya is in turmoil; Egypt still unstable; Yemen has fallen into chaos; Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are being overtaken by Al Qaeda & ISIS; Iran has been emboldened in its nuclear program; America’s support of Israel has been weakened while Hamas has been strengthened by Obama and America’s ally, the King of Saudi Arabia has died leaving an uncertain future in U.S.-Saudi relations.  Under Obama the Middle East has declined into chaos and Islamic terrorism.  But, the deceiver-in chief of America says the world has never been safer, so it must be true.

The Enemy Within.  As if this brazen weakening of American security were not enough, Obama has stacked his administration with known members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, including serving in the Department of Homeland Security. In the past year it has been widely reported (by responsible media) that there are simulated cell phone “towers” popping up all over America.  These cell phone data interceptors are collecting the cell phone calls and data of millions of Americans.  Who is doing it?  The FBI, CIA, Pentagon?  No, none of the reasonably suspected culprits.  It’s the Obama “Justice” Department.  Why?  Supposedly to catch that one in a billion call by a terrorist using certain catch words or phrases.  In the meantime the collective freedom of speech of millions of law-abiding U.S. citizens is being severely compromised. Under Obama the Feds have become the enemy of the people.

Race Relations.  President Obama said race relations since he took office in 2009 have gotten better.  In a Fox News poll of December 7-9, 62% said it has gotten worse under Obama, only 19% said it has become better.  Obama’s alliances and support of black agitators like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson heighten the black-white divide.  The man in the Whitehouse has clearly shown his prejudicial side, as has his Justice Department cohort, Eric Holder.  While they both are ready to jump into a suspected white-on-black assault, they are no-shows on any one of the thousands of documented black-on-white assaults and murders, particularly committed by black thugs “playing” the “knock-out” game of punching out the lights of unsuspecting men, women, the disabled and elderly.  The Obama DOJ believes and practices selective prosecution. When members of the Black Panthers intimated white voters in Philadelphia during the 2008 election, Holder refused to investigate or bring charges.  When thousands of blacks rioted and torched Ferguson, Missouri after a grand jury decided that Michael Brown was killed in self-defense by a white police officer, rather than support that decision, Holder implied that justice was denied and is now threatening a Civil Rights suit against the officer and gave credence and justification for the rioting.  When the New Black Panthers recently threatened to target police officers for assassination, not a peep was heard from Holder or Obama.

Poverty.  The poverty rate in the U.S. is 15.7%, two percentage points higher than when Obama took office.  Some parts of the country, like Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina and Tennessee have once thriving cities with poverty rates between 27-35%.  This is certainly not the sign of a full economic recovery that Obama boasts about.  The truth is that 45 million Americans still live in poverty and the percentage of Americans in that situation is three percentage points higher than before Obama took office.

Health Care.  If you do not know by now that the (Un)Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is a disaster and will destroy American health care, then, once again, you have not been paying attention.  The law that Nancy Pelosi said they just had to pass to find out what was in it, is neither affordable (except for the poor) nor very caring.  People are losing their doctors, their health care providers, their affordable premiums (as AFC premiums skyrocket), and one poll disclosed that 70% of doctors plan to leave their profession in the next few years.  Add to this mess the millions of illegal immigrants that will be added to the health care system who will get free health care, thanks to the U.S. taxpayer, and you can imagine what health care in the U.S. will be like in a short couple of years.

Religious Freedom.  Although Obama and team sees no need to temper the hateful rhetoric coming out of America’s mosques, they seem to seize every opportunity or support local and regional court assaults on the freedoms of Christians and Jews to freely practice their religions or operate godly businesses.  You can read more about this assault on Christianity in Revelation 18 and the fate of America.

Adherence to the Law.  Obama and his team have violated the U.S. Constitution so frequently that it is like we do not have a constitution anymore.  There is no longer the separation of powers so wisely established by the Founding Fathers.  Obama is Tyrant and King:  he makes the laws; decides which laws should be enforced and which he can ignore; he can wave his magic pen and decree whatever he wants to be so, no matter how many lawmakers or members of the public object.  Of course, he is not entirely to blame.  Members of Congress have sat on the collective bums through it all, saying and doing nothing for fear that they might face some kind of recrimination for coming against or even impeaching the “first” pseudo-black president.

Final Word (Sort of).  Now, after all that has been said you might think I am prejudice or anti-somebody, but I’m not.  I just believe in calling a spade a spade (no pun or racial slur intended).  Even Jesus called out the Pharisees when he saw how they treated the people and misled them.  I said in 2008 that America would regret the day that they elected Barack Hussein Obama.  Unfortunately, to date, I do not think I have been proven wrong.

Wake Me When It’s Over.  So, where is the public and Congressional outrage?  Where are the religious leaders falling to their knees and begging God for mercy and leading their congregations in repentance and turning to God in true worship and righteousness?  If we think some courageous person or persons are going to step forward with a magic solution that will rectify this mess, we are deceiving ourselves.  America is far beyond effective human intervention.  Only God Almighty is up to the job, but He will not intervene unless His people repent and fully return to Him; turn from their wicked ways and stand upon His righteousness.  So, wake me when the church decides it has had enough and is willing to take a stand and stops laying down to be trampled upon by anyone who chooses to do so.

Well, I could write a book.  Oh, wait I did,  Revelation 18 and the fate of America

NOTE:  I have purposely not included a host of references here because they are in my book, Revelation 18 and the fate of America.  Also, I would encourage you to take the time to do your own research.


America’s Disaster Called Obama

October 10, 2014

Now Obamanites will be horrified and outraged at the above title and my sympathies and condolences go out to you for your unmitigated blindness and desire to continue to live in your own la-la land of unreality and political correctness.  Those who voted for Obama the first time might be excused for their ignorance and passion to see the first person of color or “black” man elected to the highest office in the country, but to vote for him a second time after his first four years was an unmitigated disaster is inexcusable.

It is a shame that America’s first “experiment” with electing a “minority” has proven time and again to be seriously detrimental to the survival of the U.S.—NOT because Obama is of the minority class, but because he is just horrific as a qualified leader.  While some think Mr. Obama is inept as a leader, he is, in reality, quite adept at accomplishing his catastrophic agenda and that of the Democratic Party.

Everywhere a discerning person looks—and I mean discerning and not a blind, dyed in the wool follower—everything that has Obama’s mark on it has been destructive to America’s and American’s well-being.  I know most of the talking heads on television and the columns and editorials in newspapers and online that tries to pass and impress as honest journalism still oozes with Obama superlatives and “successes”.  And, NO, I am not a Fox News junky, although they seem to be one of the few left that believes the American people are owed the truth no matter how painful it might be.  [By-the-way, for you Fox News haters, Fox pulverizes every other news network in every time slot by more than 4 to 1 in viewership.] Unlike most, I spend hours researching original sources from all over the world, not just the evening news or conservative sources.

It is hard to know where to start with reviewing Obama’s record.  From my view (as an American historian) there has never been a more corrupt, deceitful and shameless administration in America’s Whitehouse than the current one.  A president and an administration that so blatantly abuses and overrides the United States of America’s Constitution and breaks the law of the land at the highest levels.  While Obama proclaims to the public that it is the Republicans that are preventing him from getting anything through Congress, the truth is that he not only refuses to work with the opposite party, but that there are so many scandals, abuses of power and perjuries before investigative committees, that Congress has no time to contract the people’s business.

Right from the start, President Obama and his Democratic cohorts, such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, with straight faces, lied to the American people about the disastrous health care program that would destroy America’s top flight health care system and turn it into a third world program.  Today, even as I write, it has been announced that another 13 states (CT, DE, MD, MA, MN, MS, NY, RI, NV, NM, VA, VT & WA) and the District of Columbia will be terminating several hundred thousand health policies by month end because they cannot meet the ridiculous requirements of Obamacare.  Obama himself has violated his own health care law over 30 times since its passage, changing, delaying the law or exempting favored groups or political supporters.  It is a reckless and impeachable violation of the law.

As a minority president that many had hoped would heal any remaining racial divides in the country, instead of healing he has been the most racist president in our history, using the power of his office and his justice department to bring about increased tensions and silent permission for uncontrolled racial violence against non-blacks.  Obama readily interjects himself into any perceived injustice against blacks but turns a deaf ear and blind eye against black violence against other blacks or non-blacks.

When he was running for his first term of office on the national scene Obama boldly proclaimed that his administration would be the most “transparent” in the country’s history.  Instead it has become the most closed, secretive, deceptive and deliberately obfuscating administration in the history of the country.  It is so bad that people are beginning to realize—not only in the U.S., but around the world—that there is nothing that Obama or his administration says that can be trusted or relied on as the truth.  ALL of Obama’s decisions and calculations are measured in political gain and his vision of “transforming” America, not in what is best for Americans.

By now, even among his ardent supporters, it should be crystal clear that Obama has no interest in doing what is best for America or in truly protecting Americans at home or abroad.  I know that is a harsh assessment, but the evidence is overwhelming.  How else can a rational person explain his ignoring and even abetting a wide open border on the southern line with Mexico at a time when illegals, criminals, gang members, drug traffickers, Islamic terrorists and diseases are flooding across the border and he does nothing—NOTHING!!!!  He sees no need to provide our embassies with adequate protection in hostile environments, and in the case of the terrorist attack on a deliberately unprotected Benghazi, has the audacity to lie to the American people repeatedly about the cause of the attack.

Since he was elected to office, Obama has shown a clear and strong propensity and aversion to confronting or doing battle with America’s enemies.  He is more interested in aiding and abetting the enemy than conquering them.  How else does one explain his obsession with closing the Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) prison camp for Islamic terrorists, letting most of them go free, including the ISIS (Iraq, Syria Islamic State) leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the author of thousands of Islamic atrocities in the Middle East and other places known and unknown.

How else does one explain why Obama was so eager to release five notorious Islamic terrorists from GITMO in exchange for a known U.S. military deserter in Afghanistan and yet refuses to lift his adept hand and call the president of Mexico and demand the release of an American Marine hero who has been illegally held in a Mexican prison since April.

How else can you explain his willingness to vacate Iraq against ALL advice from his military leaders, thus exposing Iraq and remaining American civilians and military to the onslaught of ISIS and other Islamic terrorists?  It has now been revealed by his own military advisors that Obama was told about the growing threat of ISIS over two years ago and that he needed to take action, but he refused.  Now that ISIS has taken control of eastern Syria and northern Iraq and has grown from a rag-tag group of several hundred to well over 30,000, now Obama orders a few pin-pricks in the way of a few meaningless air strikes each day as ISIS continues its unimpeded march toward Baghdad.  As far as I am concerned the responsibility for the ISIS atrocities and every beheading needs to be laid at the feet of Obama.

In his newly released memoir, Worthy Fights, former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta wrote: “But the President’s team at the White House pushed back [against military advice], and the differences occasionally became heated. . . .  and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests.”

It has become increasingly clear to most observers that Obama is much more interested in the perks of his office than its responsibilities.  He would much rather be taking multi-million dollar vacations at taxpayers’ expense, golfing, shooting hoops in the “hood”or off  self-aggrandizing campaigning across the country touting his fictitious  political accomplishments.  How else can you explain his totally insensitive and callous handling of the news of an American being beheaded by ISIS?  He apparently was reluctantly dragged off the golf course to make a few second statement and then hurriedly returned to his real passion and focus of the day, his golf game.

I wrote in a blog the week before the 2012 presidential election, that if Obama was re-elected, Islamic terrorism would skyrocket.  Sadly, that has become true, because Obama has no interest in stopping it and seems to even sympathize with it and its perpetrators.

Toward the beginning of this blog I said it is hard to know where to begin with Obama’s disastrous exploits, but it is equally difficult to know where to end.  There have been a multitude of books written on this very subject from an equal multitude of vantage points.

There is, of course, his destruction of the U.S. military to the point that it is no longer combat ready according to military leaders.  There is his firing of over 200 military leaders and giving “pink slips” to over 500 more because he does not like them.  Then there is the economy which he says has never been better.  But the latest statistics (despite the government’s fabricated jobs report and unemployment knock down, is that 24% of those in their prime working years of 25-54 are not working.  The “labor participation” rate continues its metric slide from 66% when Obama took office to 62.7% last month, the lowest rate in 36 years.  In a recent October poll, 43% of Americans think the economy is getting worse and only 24% say they are better off since Obama took office.  Of course, the burdensome National Debt that keeps skyrocketing will have a yet to be measured negative impact of the nation’s economy.  When Barack Hussein Obama took office in early 2009, the National Debt was about $10.7 trillion.  As I write, the debt is nearing $18 trillion and will likely exceed that level by year-end.  Before Obama leaves office, he and his Democratic supporters will have increased the National Debt more than all his presidential predecessors combined back to 1940.  Now, granted, the Debt is not all his fault but that of many previous Congresses that put in place major spending bills with little or no financial resources to back them.  But Obama has willfully accelerated the wanton spending that is so typical of careless politicians.

But let us not ignore Obama’s attack on religious freedom and the foundational biblical moral code for families and human life in general.  Obama’s unwavering support of gay rights, abortion rights and all other types of perverse “rights” that undermine the very moral fabric of America is well documented.  His support of moral Christian values (he does still profess to be a Christian) and the American family is suspect, if not non-existent.

Now, there are those who say that it is not Christian or biblical to criticize the nation’s top leader.  But that is not true or biblically supported.  The Old Testament is full of God’s prophets and watchmen who were called of God to point out false leaders or those who were leading Israel astray or down an evil path.  Not all of the world’s leaders, including America’s, are ordained by God.  Some are clearly evil and that God allows because that is what the people want.  Israel clamored for a king, so God gave them a succession of kings, the vast majority of whom were evil tyrants and not interested in following God.

In the New Testament, even Jesus called out the evil political and religious leaders of his day.  He minced no words but spoke to the heart of the matter and the evil perpetrators.

For those of you who are still ensnared by Obamamania, my sincere condolences.  I pray you wake up from your malaise and ignorance of the facts before it is too late.


October 11.  It is now being reported that the U.S., Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia are in a secret deal to not aid the Kurds in the Kurdish city of Kobani that is under siege from ISIS and about to fall.  Read more here.  If this is true, Obama needs to be immediately brought up on charges of treason for aiding and abetting America’s enemies.

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READ: Revelation 18 and the fate of America for as little as $4.95 on your Kindle or PC.

Presidential Impeachment

November 21, 2012

Has the time come?  Is it now time for the statesmen and stateswomen of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to call for the impeachment of President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and others who have not only proved over and over again their incompetence, but their betrayal of the safety and security of America and its citizens?  It is now time, before more Americans are needlessly killed or our national security is irreparably compromised or destroyed.

The Constitution, Article II, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

In the impeachment proceedings of former President William Clinton, much of the focus was on what constituted “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  Unlike what one might be led to believe, when the Framers of the U.S. Constitution decided upon the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” they were not referring to crimes of a severe or “high” nature; that is crimes that were extraordinarily damaging to the country or society.  For this phrase they were drawing upon established British law of the time in which “high crimes” meant  crimes that were committed by people in high authority over others; typically elected officials and magistrates.  The phrase, “high crimes and misdemeanors”, was meant to be a catch-all phrase applicable to those who abused their power of office and was interpreted as for whatever reason whatsoever.  It was meant to include any offense, even if not a criminal offense for the ordinary person or in a civil or criminal court.  In other words, the Framers wanted public officials, those in charge of the public trust, to be held to a much higher standard of conduct than the common person.

Cotesworth Pinckney, who represented South Carolina at the constitutional convention of 1787, referred to “high crimes and misdemeanors” as a betrayal of the public trust.

Alexander Hamilton, a Founding Father, referred to “high crimes and misdemeanors” as . . .those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.  They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. 

The Constitution, Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.  When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation.  When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside:  And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachments shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States, but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment, and Punishment, according to Law.

Jon Roland, of the Constitution Society, in writing about the impeachment of President Clinton, wrote:  An executive official is ultimately responsible for any failures of his subordinates and for their violations of the oath he and they took, which means violations of the Constitution and the rights of persons. It is not necessary to be able to prove that such failures or violations occurred at his instigation or with his knowledge, to be able, in [Independent Counsel Kenneth] Starr’s words, to “lay them at the feet” of the president [Clinton]. It is sufficient to show, on the preponderance of evidence, that the president was aware of misconduct on the part of his subordinates, or should have been, and failed to do all he could to remedy the misconduct, including termination and prosecution of the subordinates and compensation for the victims or their heirs. The president’s subordinates include everyone in the executive branch, and their agents and contractors. It is not limited to those over whom he has direct supervision. He is not protected by “plausible deniability”. He is legally responsible for everything that everyone in the executive branch is doing[From: Meaning of “High Crimes and Misdemeanorsby Jon Roland, Constitution Society].

Although President Obama has committed numerous impeachable and treasonous offenses (see Why Obama is dangerous), the Benghazi embassy attack and murders should be the absolute last straw.  It is now abundantly clear that the attack was pre-planned and carried out by a group of Islamic terrorists and the CIA staff on the ground in Benghazi knew it and communicated so to the Secretary of State.  The Defense Department and the Whitehouse (aka the President) knew almost immediately that it was a terrorist attack but denied the embassy any form of assistance.  They then, in despicable political coordination lied to the American people for (it now appears) the sole political purpose of preserving Obama’s re-election.  Four Americans savagely murdered; still no one brought to justice or even an adequate investigation; no explanation or truth-telling to the American people over two months after the attack.  This is not only an impeachable offense of the highest order, but it is treasonous and those responsible should be tried in a criminal court as well.

It is about time that our elected officials in the House and Senate disregard their party affiliations and allegiances and get some patriotic backbone and do what is right for the country and its citizens before it is too late.

The Real Question

November 17, 2012

The real question is not, “Did President Obama, Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta and Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, lie about the Benghazi Islamic terrorist attack?”  By now, unless you have been living in a cave in outer Mongolia or are a blind, rabid Obama supporter who would not know the truth if it bit you in the behind (several times), the answer has to be an unequivacable and resounding, YES!

The real question is not, “Is President Obama the most corrupt, deceitful and dangerous president in modern times?”  The evidence has been mounting for the past four years and has been hidden from the American people by the mainstream media about his radical, anti-American past and present.

The real question is not, “Is Obama one of the most inept leaders on the planet and one of the most inept in American history?”  His clueless policies; inability to form or pass a budget in the four years he has been in office; his dangerous foreign policies that have put Americans at higher risk at home and abroad; his total lack of understanding of business and economics that are destroying jobs and the American workforce; his reckless and wanton spending beyond the county’s means and ability to avoid insolvency.

The REAL QUESTION IS: Will the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate have the unmitigated gall; the courage; the commitment to the American people; the undeniable patriotism and welfare of the country and its future in mind and bring Obama and his cohorts to justice through impeachment; criminal charges and treason?


Was Ambassador Stevens Assassinated?

October 31, 2012

[Disclaimer:  I have no proof for my hypothesis, just a supposition and suspicion.  However, see the CBS video link at the end of this post.]

Now this thought, “Was Ambassador Stevens Assassinated?”, will be too horrible for most law-abiding Americans to contemplate.  But in light of the timeline of events for the attack on our embassy in Benghazi; the lack of response from our government and the clear cover-up of the facts, the question begs to be asked by someone.  It is clear that the mainstream media has failed miserably to the point of abject treason in the prevention of reporting of the truth to the American people and the repeated refusal by President Obama and his staff and cabinet to come clean with the truth, all for the sake of political survival.

It goes beyond curiosity to wonder why, about a month before the attack, was the 16-man Site Security Team led by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, withdrawn from protecting the embassy in Benghazi?  This was done despite warnings to the Whitehouse from those on the ground in Benghazi, that such a move would leave the embassy and its staff completely vulnerable to attack.  This removal of security was ordered by the State Department despite the fact that there were 200 security incidents in Libya (48 in Benghazi) that had been reported to the Obama administration by Eric Nordstrom, former head of security for the U.S. mission in Libya.  Nordstrom’s analysis and report of the threatening situation in Benghazi were repeatedly ignored by the Whitehouse, the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and the Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton.  This is shameful and inexcusable.

In June of this year the British pulled their ambassador and staff and closed their embassy in Benghazi because of an attack on the ambassador’s convoy on June 11.  The International Red Cross also closed its mission in Benghazi because of repeated threats to their staff.

“We were the last flag flying [in Benghazi],” Lt. Col. Wood testified before a Congressional hearing.  “It was a matter of time” [before we were attacked].

Despite the obvious increasing threat to our embassy and staff and despite repeated requests from the ambassador and embassy staff for increased security in the weeks prior to the attack, all requests were denied by the State Department.  If nothing else, this type of dereliction of duty by the State Department (or anyone else involved) was nothing short of criminal.

September 11, 2012

First, common sense would dictate that in one of the most hostile embassy outposts in the world where September 11, 2001 still resonates revenge with Muslim terrorists, a beefed up security would be foremost on the minds of the President, Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

At 3:40 PM Washington, DC time the attack on the embassy in Benghazi commenced.   At least one drone overhead provided the Whitehouse, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense “realtime” video of what was happening.  At 4:05 PM DC time the State Department sent an e-mail to the Whitehouse and Pentagon confirming the embassy was under attack.

At 5:00 PM DC time President Obama, V.P. Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta met.  However, among other information, the subject of their meeting has not been revealed.

During the attack, staff at the besieged embassy requested aid three times and each time the State Department denied such assistance.  This, despite the fact that military aid was nearby and air support was only two hours away.  Not only was aid denied but military and security personnel near enough to help were told to “stand down”, that is, do not get involved.  Panetta’s excuse some six weeks later was that he did not want to send troops into “harms way” without knowing the situation.  Uh, Mr. Secretary of Defense, that’s what the military are there for, to intervene in harm’s way to save the lives of others.

Let’s review:

Why?  Why would our government withdraw ALL security forces from the embassy in Benghazi when it was abundantly clear to all who served there that it was becoming increasingly hostile and life-threatening?

Why?  Why were repeated requests by embassy staff, including the ambassador, for security and military assistance before and during the attack not only ignored but denied?

Why?  Why was the embassy left completely unprotected when there had been 200 incidents of terrorism in Libya in the last year?

Why?  Why has there been a complete cover-up and denial, as well as outright lying to the American people by everyone connected to the Whitehouse and the departments of State and Defense?

There are only three plausible answers:

1.  Gross incompetence which should lead to impeachment and criminal charges.

2. An Obama adminstration so desperate to demonstrate a successful Mideast policy and “normalcy” of relations among Mideast Muslims that it was willing to risk the lives of Americans serving in Libya.  This too should warrant impeachment and a criminal investigation.

3. Or, an Obama re-election that was threatened by what Ambassador Stevens knew and/or was about to reveal.  If so, this would be one of the most horrendous crimes ever committed by a Whitehouse administration.

UPDATE: October 27, 2013, CBS Sixty Minutes Benghazi investigation.  A video that should outrage every American and require the removal of President Obama and his entire administration and arrest Obama of charges of treason and dereliction of duty.