A Store That is One of Kind

Screaming for Ice Cream!

In the late 1960s our family of (then) six had the pleasure and excitement of living in the heart of Ohio’s Amish and Mennonite populations. We delighted in taking family drives through the rolling hills of Amish farmland in Holmes County and our children were thrilled with all the horse-drawn buggies. My wife and I became enamored by the simple life that the Amish exemplified. 

In 1968 my parents bought a small 37-acre campground with a ten-acre lake just outside of Millersburg in Holmes County and named it Tranquil Valley Lake. The Amish loved to go fishing there and we got to know quite a few of them, especially those that lived and farmed next to the campground.  We have many fond memories of our brief life there and have visited the area several times since.  

The area has many attractions, both natural and cultural.  One place we loved to visit was Lehman’s, a family-owned hardware and mercantile store established in 1955 that has catered to the needs of the Amish community around it in Kidron, Ohio.  For “Englishers” (non-Amish) it holds an undisputed nostalgia of days gone by. When our family was young, we bought a large wooden bucket, hand cranking, 4-quart ice cream maker.

For details on Lehman’s ice cream freezers and accessories, click on this “Kitchen & Food link, then “Specialty Equipment” > “Making Ice Cream”.

Our kids loved to make ice cream with everyone wanting to take a turn in creating their favorite dessert. It became a family ritual and created happy memories. 

Not surprisingly, Lehman’s still exists and is thriving today. The store no longer just meets the needs of the Amish, but through internet marketing reaches out to the wider world of those seeking to live that simpler life or go in full survivalist mode.  Whether you are looking for lanterns for that stormy night when the power goes out, a cast iron woodburning stove to keep you toasty warm as the winter winds blow, or food preparation and storage, Lehman’s has it all.

While visitors to the store could easily spend hours looking through all the unique and valuable resources Lehman’s offers, now just few clicks on the computer brings you right into the store and all it has to offer.  Look, you will be fascinated.  Guaranteed!

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